[IV] Old Friends

[ Thank you for accepting my invitation, young man. ]

Arthur Brunhild, the leader of the Brunhild family is now standing in front of Walter and Sofia. Like Walter's father, he's in his middle-age and there can be seen a few wrinkles on his face, indicating that he's already coming of age - though his youth of being a good-looking man still remains obvious. And just like his daughter, his hair is a long lock of gold; shiny, glossy, and polished.

[ Well, it's only normal for newcomer nobles to greet the lord of the city they end up in; that's why I'm here. ] so casually, he replied.

[ I see you still haven't changed... Acting as if you're already a big shot. Well, I know you are... but... kids aren't supposed to act that way. ] he furrowed his brows as he looks down on him.

Arthur is a tall man and his posture stands proud, so people might think he's arrogant - but that's just how he really is. And Walter understands this and he doesn't care.

[ Haah... I'm sorry, but that's what I am. ] again, he brushes him off.

[ Hmm... Sofia... I thought I told you you're forbidden to go to this party? ] and just like that, he shifted his focus on his daughter, and the shift includes his tone that seems to have changed to both annoyed and angered.

[ I... I'm sorry... But, I really wanted to meet Walter-san... ] with her head downcast, she replies. It's as if she's trying to avoid eye contact with her own father.

Walter is a bit baffled by the way they act, but he decided that it's none of his business. But then again, it seemed as if he won't be able to get away from it as he's also involved.

[ Walter, did Sofia tell you you're her fiancee? ]

[ Ah... That's right, she did. I never know anything about it so I'm a bit surprised... Can you tell me what's going on? ]

[ I see... Sofia, go back to your room or attend to your siblings for now. I just have something to discuss with Walter. ]

[ Eh... But this is the only time I get to see Walter-san. ]

[ Don't worry, I promise you: this won't be the last, just follow my instruction. ]

That's a bit of a promise... Walter thought as he looks at the two of them. And as he did, he realizes what kind of relationship the two of them have - they seem to be close, but not quite. Maybe because of Arthur, as any father would do, limits her actions, but he still seems to be hiding something - but Walter can't really process what it is, leaving him with only a lingering emotion that something is indeed going on that he doesn't know about.

[ But... Father... ] with her still complaining, almost with sobering eyes, she tries to convince him - but failed when Arthur spoke again.

[ I'm sorry, Sofia, but Walter and I have something to talk about. ] he repeated what he said earlier, only now, with a heavy tone.

Sofia still seems to be reluctant, but she just can't ignore her father, leaving her with no other choice but to follow.

[ U-Un... Then, I'll see you again, Walter-san. ] she bows to him as she leaves, slowly leaving him and Arthur alone.

And when her figure finally disappeared from the crowd...

[ Then, let's not do our introductions anymore. Walter, it's nice to meet you again. ]

[ It's the same for me, Arthur-san. ]

As if they're friends for a long time, they so casually spoke. As they should as they are pretty close - close enough for the concept of respecting the elder and consideration for the youngsters seemed to have never existed. It's as if they're just ordinary friends with a huge gap between their ages.

[ By the way, is it really fine that you're here with me? I mean... It seems that there are still some people who want to have your attention. ] taking a glimpse at the people of the sidelines, he asked.

Being the leader of the party, Arthur would surely gather the attention of the guesses who wants to socialize, especially those with lower ranks. And since Walter now has all of his focus, he is also now receiving stares of confusion and jealousy, but unconventionally, there are also those who realize who he was with a bit of observation.

[ Don't worry, I've already attended to all of them... And, it's not like this party is for me after all, it's for my sons. ]

[ I remember Sofia telling me about them. ]

[ So you already know, huh? Well, they're gathering quite the attention so it would be obvious. ] he turns his gaze to one of the crowds to see one of his sons chatting and socializing with the guesses, trying to prove his point to Walter.

[ Anyways... Let's not talk about that. Walter, let's go to a private location. ]


Arthur took him to one of the large balconies of the mansion and they continue their conversation under the shades of the sun.

[ Now, I know you're already expecting me to say this, but... Walter, I want you to work for me. ] Arthur turns to Walter as he spoke, expecting that he would reply immediately in confirmation. But instead...

[ You're wrong, I didn't expect that in the least. I only came here because I need to. ]

[ I thought you would be smarter than that... You've always acted smart since you were a kid that I sometimes even mistook you for an adult even then. ]

[ No, it's just that I haven't thought that far ahead yet, my priority, for now, is to live peacefully and create my own harem. ]

[ O-Ohho~? Well... I see you still have that dream... I thought you already forgot about it when you got that cyclops girl. ] reminiscing of the past, Arthur made a small smirk as he receives his reply again from Walter.

[ No, Alice is just the beginning, I'll have it grow more. ]

[ Are you really your father's son? Alfred will never talk like that, you're like the son I never had, you know? ]

[ Huh? We're completely different... I don't go around chasing around women so mindlessly that I will even accept hags, don't compare me to yourself. ] and to his reply, he could only turn silent, shocked.

[ Anyway... Work for you, huh? ] as he whispers, he started to have deep thoughts, repeating his hobby again of caressing his chin.

[ You're the lord of this city, while I'm just an ordinary child of a noble, how can I refuse? ]

[ So you accept? Don't worry, it's not like I'll work you to death like your father; I will just have you take care of a few things for me outside and inside of this city. ]

[ It's fine as long as I receive something back. ]

[ Of course, I'll pay you. And as to give you much favor than the others, I'll even help you create your harem, you know I'm a master at that myself. ]

[ That's a nice offer, Arthur-san. You sure know how to make a deal. ]

[ Of course, and just so you know, I also know of your taste: unique girls of different races; it sure is absurd. ]

[ You just don't get their appeal, old man. ] he replied with annoyance - but as though Arthur was already expecting him to say that, a small sneer appeared on his face. And together with a laugh, he says...

[ Don't worry, when I was a young man like you, I was also an adventurer of love. ] he declares in a tone in which he is proud of. After, he paused for a moment, went quiet, and took a glimpse at Walter.

[ Say... What do you think of my daughter: Sofia? ] he asks, and to it, Walter paused a little before answering.

[ She's fine, I guess... She seems sweet and her body has curves, but... wait... isn't it a bit weird that I'm talking about Sofia like this in front of her father? ]

[ Don't worry, just tell me honestly. By the way, the thing Sofia told you, that you're her fiancee, it's true, I'm planning of making it happen. ]

[ Huh? ]

[ It's fine even if she will only be a columbine, she seems really fond of you. ]

[ Well... isn't that your fault? She told me you're always telling her stories about me. ]

[ Did she really told you that? Well, I only told her about you once but then she became so interested that she asked me for more... I don't know, she just really like anything I talk about when it's about you. ]

[ Really...? That's odd... Is there any particular thing she mentions she likes about me? ] he asked. But that question seems to have surprised Arthur as he wasn't able to say anything; his questions seemed to be unexpected.

[ Haah... Since you're trustworthy enough, I guess it's only fair to tell you... ] and with a sigh, he finally answers.