[V] Knight's Request

And just like that, Walter's sword became dust of white, lifeless ashes, blowing into the wind where his next enemy is now standing; his magic was just too much to handle that it breaks off completely. With that, he now doesn't have a weapon to fight with, making the next fight instantly over.

And without him and his enemy even saying a word, the announcer spoke his disqualification.

[ I guess that's it, huh? Too bad, Halbert-san, the battle's already over. ] as if he doesn't care at all, Walter spoke in his usual manner. He didn't want this to happen in the first place, so he really won't lose anything if it really did end with a loss or a disqualification, either way, he will not care. The same was for a few number of audiences that are already satisfied with what they have witnessed.

But Halbert, his next opponent is not in the same pose as any other that is in the stage or in the sidelines. With furrowed brows, he came to Walter and tries to convince him to continue the battle.

[ Can't you reconsider!? Our family still has many weapons you can use! Better ones! ]

[ Rules are rules, Halbert-san. I'm sure the announcer and your father agree. ] Walter replies while looking at the person behind Halbert, his father, Arthur. Since the first battle had started, he was just watching from the sidelines, but now that a surely unfortunate accident occurred, he needed to come up and do something about it himself.

[ Just as what I would expect from you, Walter, you completely destroyed your enemies, my sons... But... In a duel, once a participant loses his weapon, he immediately loses. ] the last phrase was not meant for Walter to hear, but for his son, Halbert - who was the person who had challenged Walter for a duel in the first place, surely, he was eager to test his skills to him and is now disappointed that it will never happen.

[ You need to understand. ] to his word, he did not reply, but he nodded in acknowledgment as he then stares at Walter, still hesitating.

[ You're right... Then, I accept. This is not a fair battle in the first place, I'm sure you're already exhausted and not at your best anymore after those two fights. I wouldn't want to fight an enemy with so much handicap, I guess it would be better this way. ] just as Walter had expected, the sons of Brunhild really are respectable people. There was just not a single bit of malice in him that he was left so surprised.

Walter had already experienced many fights since his childhood, and the thing that he always notices is the attitude his opponents show before and after their fight. And the Brunhild's are the rare few people that he always sees that show respect all the time, even if they won or not.

At duels like this, no matter how strong or weak the opponent is, fighters will usually show arrogance and suffocating pride at the beginning of the battle, then loathing, hatred, and jealousy after they're defeated, and if not, their arrogance and pride will only grow.

That was not the kind of opponents the Brunhild's are. Surely, Walter was already expecting it since they are family with the person who taught him his techniques - the same person who told him that he shouldn't show arrogance in a battle. Truly, like him, they only want to learn from fighting someone stronger than them, and then compare their skills - just as he always does when he fights with someone stronger than him. He just couldn't help but respect them for that.

[ Ainzach-sama, I'm sure that there's no way I could defeat you for now, but then when the chance to fight you again comes, and when I'm already fully working as a knight, I'll be sure that I will at least have the chance. ]

[ Of course, and... If you ever end up being a higher ranking knight than me then, I wouldn't mind working for you. I'm sure by then you will end up just like your father. ]

[ Ainzach-sama... ]

[ Just make sure that you're prepared to work for me too when I turn out to be greater. ]

[ You didn't even need to say that, Ainzach-sama. I surely would be happy to. ] with a bow and a rather big smile on his face, he replies. Walter tries to bow too, but only did a light nod on his head as he is not really used to it.

Then, after that friendly exchange, Arthur suddenly stepped between the two of them for his turn to talk.

[ Then, Walter... the party is just starting, I'm sure that the audience is already satisfied to see something like this. Hmm... Everything turned out fine... Except for Halbert that is... Well, I'm sure the noble ladies will make it up for him. ] as usual, the topic of women came out of Arthur's mouth, which made his son, Halbert, make an awkward smile. But Walter, on the other hand, was surely affected by it.

( Ahh... That's right... just when I decided I will keep it low this time... I'm sure the nobles of this city will talk about me again... especially the ladies... ) and with this realization, he suddenly made a bothered expression, and the two talking with him immediately noticed it.

[ I guess you suddenly came up with something again, Walter? ] Arthur spoke again, but this time, he closes his distance to Walter. And seeing his figure getting closer, Walter made sure to fix his posture.

He's sure the audience doesn't hear them, but if he ever shows disrespect in his actions to Arthur, it will surely destroy not just his own image, but of Arthur as well - and he can't let that happen no matter how much he doesn't care for his own.

[ Walter, I'm sure you know how to recite and do the knight's vow, right? ]

The 'knight's vow' - it surprised Walter when he hears it, as it's something knight's do when they swore alliance and service to people with a higher position than them. That's why he ought to ask in his mind, 'why did Arthur ask him that?'.

[ I'm sure you're surprised, but, I already asked you about this earlier. ]

[ That I should work for you? ]

He clearly remembers it fresh in his mind. But he never really thought that he will need to do a formal action of the 'knight's vow', he was sure that he can always be his unofficial worker.

[ Tsk, fine... It's the first thing they teach you in the knight's academy, so you didn't need to ask if I remember it. But do I really need to do it in front of this crowd? ]

[ What a troublesome child. ] with his usual sneer, he spoke and did not reply again - only waiting for Walter to do his thing. And with a sigh, he did so with much hesitation.

[ With the loyalty and allegiance of the knights, I, Walter Ainzach promises to work myself to my very bone to protect, obey, and serve this city and this noble person. ] with a voice that is loud enough for the audiences to hear, he made his vow as he kneels with one leg laying on the ground.

He's clearly not a knight yet, but his name is already written as one. No one will complain if he does this, in fact, everyone would be jealous that a person like him had sworn loyalty to a certain someone that is not them.

And now, in front of this huge crowd, he made his vow of loyalty to the lord of the city he's now living in, but not as a noble nor a knight, but rather, as a friend and a worker. He doesn't really care much about it, as he really isn't a knight yet, clearly, he's just doing this to show his alliance with the Brunhild's and not as a lifetime of service, and he's sure that Arthur knows that too.

[ Hold your hands up, Walter. ] immediately, he does what he's told with closed eyes - he knows what is coming so he did so without hesitation.

[ I gift you this sword that was passed down for many generations of our family. Walter Ainzach, serve our family and this city well. ]

[ I will. ] as soon as the hilt and blade of the sword reach his waiting hands, he responds.

As he receives the sword, he receives also the support of Arthur's family. And with his vow, he will give his exchange to that by serving them - this is the purpose of this trade, of this vow. Like any ordinary job: one needs to pay their workers for them to do their tasks. And this time, Arthur, the lord of this city is the client while Walter is the employee.

And with that, this short ceremony is now over, which instantly takes their usual attitude back.

[ There would still be two years before you will be allowed to join the ranks of knights, as long as you wouldn't leave this city, you will work for me until then. ]

[ Haah... Just make sure I won't die working for you. ]

[ Can you even? ]