[VI] Ball

[ Walter-san! ]

Suddenly, as Walter and Arthur continue their talk, sitting on their respective seats, Sofia arrives on the floor they're in and immediately notices Walter and calls for him. Immediately, she came towards them while waving and while still in her frilly dress and beret that covers the top of her head.

As she arrives, she bows to her father, Arthur, and then went back to Walter's attention.

[ It's nice to meet you again, Walter-san. ]

[ Yes, it's nice to see you again, too. ]

[ Hehe... I've seen your fight, Walter-san! You were just as father has always told me! You're so strong! ] with a delighted and excited smile, she compliments him - and he can see that she was genuine.

[ Is that so? Thank you... I don't know what Arthur-san had told you about me, but I hope I pass your expectations. ]

[ Un! ] again, she nodded with a smile, but then after, she suddenly looked curious.

[ Umm... It seems that Walter-san and father are really close, huh? ] noticing the alcohol the two of them were drinking, she can't help but utter.

[ I wonder what you guys were talking about...? ] she asks with a tilted head. One would find it cute and attractive - for Walter that is, but for Arthur, he suddenly starts to panic.

Walter guesses that it might be because he didn't want Sofia to know that her identity is not a secret to him anymore as he already revealed it.

[ I-It's nothing, Sofia. Ahh... the ball is about to start. ] Arthur spoke again and his excuse just proven his guess.

[ That's right, father! That's what I came here for! ] and with an excited and blushing gaze, she again shifted towards Walter.

[ Wa-Walter-san! Please, take care of me! ]

She didn't even ask, she just went straight ahead, which made both Walter and Arthur a bit perplexed and shocked. Men are the ones who are supposed to invite women to accompany them, Walter knows this so he immediately stood up to meet with Sofia's gaze and asks her himself. He will not allow himself to be courted when it is his role.

[ Sofia-san, would you care to take a dance with me. ] though he was not used to it, he did his best to bow his head as he lends one of his hands towards her.

And almost immediately, his hand was received by the cold touch of Sofia, only proving what Arthur had revealed about her. Her hand felt as if it was covered in thick snow, though unlike the coldness of the ice, it ironically felt almost warm, or rather, gentle. Furthermore, her hand was also soft and smooth, which only adds to its attractiveness.

[ I'It's my pleasure! ] she replies as though the scene was scripted, though it is, considering what Walter had said was also the textbook phrase for inviting noblewomen for a dance.

Then, as she accepts, Walter raises his head up and smiles towards her, the usual smile he uses when socializing, though now, it was a bit more genuine.

[ Arthur-san, please leave your daughter to me for the night. ] of course, he can't ignore the father of the woman he's trying to hit on.

[ Just promise you'll take care of her well. ]

[ Of course. ]

Again, like the friend they are, their words have hidden meanings that only the two of them could understand. With Walter asking the permission to make Arthur's daughter his, and with Arthur accepting it. And though as if Sofia notices it, she blushes a bit.

[ Then, should we go now, Sofia-san? ]

[ Un... ]

As the man, it was his obligation to take the lead. But to also respect Sofia, he made sure that they're both walking at the same pace - that was just the kind of gentleman he is. So with their hands intertwined, they went downstairs where the ball is currently being held, and there, they immediately see that almost each noble already have partners of their own, it's as if they waiting for them, the last partners to arrive in the scene.

So, the music plays, and Walter immediately took position for the start of the dance, only then realizing that Sofia has no idea what she was supposed to do, with her clumsy way of receiving his hold on her hand that was raised, together with his hand on one of her open hips.

[ I'm sorry, Walter-san... it's just that, I never really tried to do this before... I never got the chance to learn so... ]

[ Don't worry, I'll take the lead, just make sure to follow through, okay? Trust your body onto me. ]

[ U-Un! ] again, to his rather seductive words, Sofia blushes. And just as what Walter had told her to do, she relaxes her limbs to make sure that they will allow him to guide them on his will.

Then, just when she turns her gaze away in embarrassment, Walter starts to move his feet and arms to match the movements of those around them, circling the floor. Using his own strength, he made sure that Sofia will follow through, pushing her limbs and body gently to match his own movements.

And with the realization that she is already dancing with Walter's gentle help, she immediately turns in delight - showing an excited expression as he watches his own feet travel the floor the same way as Walter's and the others.

[ This is... Walter-san... I'm dancing... ]

[ Un, it feels good, right? ]

[ Yes, it is! This is my first time! ]

[ It's a bit repetitive, so I'm sure you'll be able to learn it immediately; for now, just follow me. ]

[ Un! ]

Dancing to socialize with other nobles - it's one of the things they immediately teach noble children. The same was the case for Walter, though, with him, he's not just able to learn it, he also developed the skills to teach it to others. Even people with no idea how to do it, as Sofia does, he will be able to make them follow with his control.

So, they danced. With the music still continuing, so they are. And with just a few minutes later, the circle of dancing nobles rotates to position them in the middle. And with the lights slightly turned off, dim, the light of the chandelier on top of them somehow acted as if it was a spotlight that shines down on them - making the two of them the focus of the ball.

And somehow, the two of them were lost in each other.

With that kind of spotlight, Sofia's beauty shone even more. Her smile was more sparkling and her eyes were more precious than the chandelier itself. And with the light reflecting on her golden pupils, suddenly - constantly, it changes color to that of a deep blue, which catches Walter off guard in their beauty, it was like the color of the shallow ocean that can only be described as beautiful.

As he gazes at her, Sofia suddenly spoke again, breaking the current silence.

[ I never thought I will have the chance to dance with you like this, Walter-san. ]

Right... Walter thought. Arthur has been telling her stories about him since her childhood. He's her escape in the world that's different from her. Thinking about it, she knows him longer than he knows her, probably, she thinks of him as someone who has been with her all this time. Only then now to meet him personally.

With that thought, he smiles, and to it, Sofia blushes again, only to regain her composure and courage to ask -

[ Father told me that you like cute girls, Walter-san... Am I... ]

But before she could even finish, Walter already has the answer...

[ Yes, you're cute, Sofia-san. No... you're beautiful. ]

[ I-Is that so...? ] again, she turns her gaze away in embarrassment, but then again, she can't lose her self in this situation, so she smiles back again towards Walter.

[ Please, take care of me well, Walter-san. ]