[VII] First Task

[ I'm sorry I've put you into something like that, Walter... but it's a necessary experience so I was obligated to. ]

[ Don't worry, those kinds of jobs are what I usually like. Unlike what I was expecting, I didn't get overworked at all. ] to what Arthur had apologetically said, Walter replies with a small laugh.

The two of them are now in a very large room. Like the usual sight when Arthur is in the scene, everything looks grandeur and luxurious. From the furniture, the lights, and even the walls itself, everything just looks finer than most of anything he has ever seen.

This is Arthur Brunhild's office - to where he is sitting in his own chair, leaning his elbows into his desk; attending to Walter.

[ It's already been a week since you've arrived in this city, have you finally gotten used to it yet? ]

[ Compared to the capital, this city is much quiet. ]

[ Is that so? Well, the capital definitely has a much higher population than this city... it's ought to be much nicer. ]

[ Of course. ] Walter nodded and asks another question after -

[ By the way... Why did you call me here? ]

It was the question that he had wanted to ask since the minute he has been called into this place.

A few days after the party of Arthur's sons, he was assigned his very first task by Arthur himself - the task to guard the front main gates of the city. It wasn't much but he has already spent a few days as the person who manages anyone who leaves or enters it. He was able to immediately get used to it and it instantly became an easy job for him.

Today, while still on his turn, he was suddenly called by one of Arthur's men, sending him here to this spot where he is now. He's sure that he has some important things to tell him, after all, Arthur is not the kind of man who would waste time for some minor things.

[ You're one of my direct subordinates, and you're also the only one I can ask you to do this for now... Walter, I have a bunch of men waiting outside, I want you to lead them. ] hesitatingly, he spoke, and while at it, he also took out a small piece of paper and put it into his desk, ignoring Walter's reaction to it.

[ Your men? Soldiers? ] the piece of paper caught Walter's attention, but he decided to ignore it as he figures it's not important for now. And he may not look like it, but he always focuses when the topic starts to become serious, and that's what he is expecting Arthur would reveal.

[ Some of them are mercenaries... but they're all loyal to me. ]

[ Soldiers and some mercenaries... It must be an important task, huh? ]

[ You catch up fast... That's right; it is rather an important task. ] as Arthur spoke, his tone suddenly became a bit slower, it's as if he's thinking of something awhile having to figure out what he needs to say.

[ I'm sure you saw them... the slave merchants... ]

Hearing the word, he was immediately able to get Walter's full attention. He's more than curious to hear what he's needing to say.

[ I saw them this morning... They were carrying wagons with slaves... What is it about them? ]

[ Ahh... Right... They have reported that they have been attacked by bandits just when they were about to reach this city... They needed to abandon one of their wagons to get away, so now, they want me to retrieve it for them. ]

[ Huh? Shouldn't they have reported it to us back then? What are they thinking? ]

That was right, if it's true that they have been attacked, then the right move would be to immediately report it to the guards assigned into the gates for them to be able to gather information and form their forces, but he knows that that didn't happen. In fact, the guards that were assigned before them didn't even show any signs that they have received a word from these merchants, they passed the gates without reporting.

Perhaps it was a lie - Walter thought as he waits for Arthur to respond.

[ I know... Those slave merchants were a bunch of idiots... If they reported it fast, I'm sure it will easily be resolved... Haah... anyways... Walter, I need you to carry this task for me. Those merchants, they went straight at me, requesting me for my help... I even hear them talk on my back, blaming me for what had happened... Tsk! ] the displeasure was really showing on his face - if pushed any further, he will definitely go on a rampage, the least would be for him to spit on his treasured, polished floor.

[ They pointed the location, it's at least five hours of horseback... You'll spend a day outside the city, you're fine with that, right? ] he said as he handed Walter the piece of paper he took out, only then for Walter to find out that it was a map. And there - the location has already been marked by Arthur.

[ A piece of cake... But... I'm just a little worried about Alice... Can't you do anything about her while I'm away? ]

He hasn't really added some kind of servant to his mansion yet, not a maid, a butler, neither a guard. So it's important that he needs to apply some kind of protection to it, especially when he's away - and that's what he is asking Arthur.

[ Huh...? ] with a rather perplexed expression, Arthur murmurs - but soon realizes what he meant.

[ Fine... It's just a day but... I'll send some to guard your mansion... ]

[ Thank you... Don't worry, I've been thinking about it, but I decided that I will buy combat slaves to become my guards... I don't really trust men when it comes to my possessions. ]

[ I understand what you mean, just make sure you make it fast... the same for this mission. My men... I already appointed you as their general, they know your face and I'm sure you already know some of them from your current job... Be sure to get along. ]


As soon as Walter leaves the mansion of Brunhild's, he was immediately greeted by at least a dozen soldiers. Like Arthur had said, some of them have the symbol of mercenaries placed somewhere on their arms, indicating that they really are mercenaries that are probably Arthur's usual men, or just hired for this particular task.

These men, he will need to lead them for this mission.

He trusts himself that he can do it on his own, but the enemy(s) was not really described or told by the merchants who were the victims - the only information they gave was that they're most probably bandits, but their strength and number: unknown. That is why he definitely needs to have backups with him.

[ Ainzach-sama! We've been informed by the lord! It's our pleasure to work with you! ] all of them bowed at the same time, synchronized and almost perfectly timed. They must've already planned for this before he arrives.

[ The pleasure's all mine. ] to them, he answers with a nod.

[ Now... Hmm... I've been told by Arthur-san that we will need to do this as fast as possible... The horses? ] skipping introductions, he asked.

[ Yes! We've already had them prepared! Umm... But... Because it was a bit late, we weren't able to gather enough for each one of us to ride with... ]

[ That's fine, the others will share... I also wouldn't mind if I get to ride with someone. ]

To his words, the soldiers were a bit shocked... They weren't expecting that he would be this tolerating towards them, especially when he said he will permit himself to ride with someone on the same ride. It was quite a shock, especially for someone they expected would have a lot of pride in himself.

So they formed baffled expressions as they observe Walter, who is only ignoring them, also observing them and their gears.

[ How many of you know how to use magic? ] suddenly, to the silence, Walter spoke again, only to startle them.

[ U-Umm!! There are two, Ainzach-sama! ] one barely able to answer in time.

[ Those who can use bows? ]

[ E-Eh...? Umm... At least half... ]

[ Un, that's fine enough. Take me to where the horses are. ]