
On the large halls of a certain mansion, under the light of the sun that enters the transparent windows, two figures could be seen walking. One of the two was definitely a male, with a sword hanging on his waist, he's either a knight or a guard, while the other is a blooming female, with golden locks that reflects the ray of the morning sun from the outside.

In one glance, people would guess that the two of them are a couple; no one would say that it isn't the case. Just with matching their physical appearance, they are already perfect for each other. The intimate relationship that the two of them seem to have also indicates that what you see truly is just the case; the look of security and contentment on their faces is enough to convince anyone - it's like they were the perfect example of how a couple should be.

[ If I will be allowed by my father, then I will definitely come and visit your manor, Walter-san! ] the woman, Sofia Brunhild spoke in her delightful tone devoid of any negative thoughts. The usual smile on her face shines even brighter than the gentle light that reflects on it.

Together with the male, Walter, she continues the short conversation they currently have.

[ My place isn't really that great... ] a bit hesitant, Walter replies.

He still has his typical clothes consisting of a shirt and pants that both allows him to move freely. The difference between the clothes he and his partner is wearing has a huge difference. Nevertheless, his well-proportioned face compensates his style no matter how bad his clothing was, anything would just fit if he was good-looking enough.

[ I don't have anything to show you there yet. ]

As he said, he genuinely thinks that his mansion isn't really interesting. He has a small collection of furniture he was gifted with, but other than those, his mansion really seems to be empty of anything that might interest anyone. As of now, his mansion felt more like an apartment rather than an actual mansion he could boast about with other people.

If the day Sofia ever comes to visit it, he's afraid she might get disappointed, especially of how high her expectations with anything he has.

[ Mmm... But since I can't really go far outside... ] thinking to himself, Walter hears Sofia murmur.

( Ahh, right... I almost forgot about it... )

Because of how lively Sofia always is, the fact that she was mixed-blood almost slips Walter's mind.

Usually, Walter will visit the Brunhild territory to meet up with Arthur, and when he does, he always finds his time to hang out with Sofia. Though the reach of the places she could go to was only inside her family's territory, he always feels that they both enjoy each other's company. He was actually not that much interested in Sofia then, but with the many hours he had spent with her, he has already gone fond of her. It was as if he was hanging out with a kid who always looks up to him.

He actually feels guilty that he is keeping the fact that he already knows about her while she doesn't even have the slightest idea. She always does her best to hide her true self even though she didn't really need to.

Apparently, she doesn't like her true appearance, so Arthur has asked him to try and hide the fact that he already knows about her secret. The chances that she would run away when she finds out about it was high, so he also agreed to it, but seeing how she keeps on desperately trying to still conceal it, he has considered many times to say the truth.

He thought that it would actually be better if he didn't know her secret in the first place, but then again, he wouldn't know why she would act the way she does sometimes.

[ Uhh... I really like to go outside...! ] she mumbles in disappointment - and with her action of pulling down her Beret which already became her habit, she removes her eyes on Walter.

Again, seeing how she acts like this, Walter turns sorry for her.

[ Isn't there any other way you can go outside? ]

[ Uhm...? I don't know... I never tried... ] speaking, her previous bright personality slowly dissipates again.

[ Well, I can always help you go outside if you want to - that is, if we're able to somehow find out a way to take you there. ]

[ Really? If that ever happens, will you take me to the city? ]

[ Of course. ] saying whatever he could say to brighten up her mood again, they continue to walk their path.

[ I knew I could rely on you, Walter-san! ]

[ Well... You can say that if I was finally able to do it. ] just what he intended to do, Sofia brightens up again enough to be able to reply with a smile.

[ Un! ]


After visiting the Brunhild's territory, Walter decided to visit the guild for another time. He doesn't really have anything to do yet, so to past the time, he thought that it would be better to find a quest that might interest him.

If he came in this world as his previous otaku self, then he's sure that going to the guild is the only job he would take. Since he was a kid, he always has yearned for adventure; he still is now, but because of the circumstances, it was hard for him to find the time to do so. But now that he finally has his free time, it would only be natural for him to come to the guild. He has actually completed many tasks from it already, and to him, it was always fun to discover new things from it.

So, together with Ayla, he looks at the task board to look for a quest he can easily complete.

[ What do you think, Ayla? ]

[ U-Umm... ] suddenly being called out, she panics, looking at the tasks posted on the board herself, trying to do her best to read whatever was written in them.

The same as always, Ayla was meek and shy. Though unlike then, she actually responds to Walter and is not anxious around him anymore, the only thing she really lacks right now is the confidence to express herself more.

[ Ho-How about this, master!? ] with her voice raised in panic, she took one and presented it to Walter.

[ Mm... I don't think we can handle Griffins at our level right now... ] Walter mutters so as he reads the task.

"Defeat the two Griffins in the mountains and take their eggs"

It's definitely not something the two of them can handle. Even if he's powerful, he can't handle multiple Griffins alone, even if it's only a single one, it would still be difficult. There must be some reason why the task hasn't been taken out yet and Walter guesses that it's because there's not a party in the guild yet who are confident to handle it.

[ Find something easier. ]

[ E-Eh! I'm sorry, master! ]

[ As I said before, call me by my name when we're here. ]

[ Ri-Right! I'm sorry, Walter...! ] shouting very quietly, trying to conceal her voice, she bows her head and apologizes. Again, Walter is having a hard time with Ayla's attitude when they're at the guild, but he can't really do anything about her since she's his only member in the party he made for himself. What's more, he is also training her fighting ability from the task they are taking, so he always makes her come with him.

With her, the glances that always gather around him increases more. Mainly, her outfit is the usual cost, so to at least lessen her presence, he made her wear normal adventurers clothes. That's right, as of right now, she's wearing something that you wouldn't usually see her wear.

Walter again resumes on looking, and without a minute pasts, he was able to take hold of something that caught his interests.

"Defeat the orc army approaching in the west"

He's surprised to see such a task posted there. Problems like invasion and aggression from different races and monsters are supposed to be handled by the nation's military; and even if the enemy was small in numbers, the city guards or any soldiers available should be dispatch to handle the situation.

What happens if no one accepted the task posted on the board? What will happen to any town or village that would be affected by the attack?

Walter ponders about these thoughts as he continues to read the details of the task. But as he continues, suddenly, a voice came over to his side.

[ Are you going to take that task? ]

There, on his side was a person standing just at the exact height as he is. Wearing a red cape that looked more like a robe and adorning a sticking number of knives on his waist, he's an adventurer he has never seen before.

Walter also examines his face and voice, but he can't really tell if he's a male or a female. His eyelashes are long but his black hair is short like a man's. His face both looked feminine, but there's something about it that makes him look like a male at the same time.

[ I'm sorry to intrude. My name is Quinn, I'm also an adventurer. ] without much changes in his expression, he introduces himself.