Dark Elemental Spirit :-Cimmeris

"Nothing, but his stored essence of nature in his spirit consciousness will be depleted. But it will take some time before he can have another dream, without elemental spirit there is nothing a summoner can do....",

Elder Boron silently did some signs with his fingers, as he explained Ajax about his question.

Soon a shadow came out of Elder Boron's shadow and stood in front of Ajax.

Ajax was shocked to see the lean and long shadow that was standing in front of him. He also felt an intense pressure suffocating him that made him sweat a lot. He was not even able to move his own body under pressure.

"What is that shadow that is making me feel suffocated and freezing my body just with a look?" Ajax thought he would lose his consciousness if it was continued like this.

"Cimmeris, stop fooling around and retract your 'Bloodlust'. Otherwise, he will pass out under that pressure," Elder Boron ordered the shadow being to retract something called 'Bloodlust.'

"Hehehe...., I was just playing with him", the shadow being that was called Cimmeris retracted his bloodlust.

As soon as the bloodlust was retracted, Ajax fell onto the ground, panting heavily.

"What? Are you just playing with me? It's like you are trying to kill me." Although Ajax wanted to shout at the shadow being, he did not dare to do it.

"Elder, what is that shadow being?"He just turned his head to face Elder Boron and asked.

Although Ajax knew what that was, he wanted to confirm whether he was right or wrong.

"It's my contracted elemental spirit," Elder Boron continued as he said with a proud look in his eyes, "It belongs to the rare dark attribute."

"Now, I will introduce you to my dark elemental spirit. His name is Cimmeris. Although it's very playful, it's still very powerful", Elder Boron introduced Cimmeris to Ajax.

"Hello Elder Cimmeris," Ajax didn't take the previous incident to heart and greeted politely, and then he asked Elder Boron," Elder Boron, will all the elemental spirits have a name?"

"No need to call me Elder, just Cimmeris will do," the shadow being quickly rejected Ajax calling him an Elder.

 "And to answer your question, yes, every elemental spirit has a name," Instead of Elder Boron, his dark elemental spirit Cimmeris who stood in front of Ajax explained, "Not bad, not bad, you withstood my bloodlust for few seconds, it could be considered as an achievement for your age boy. "

"The pressure I felt before, was it because of your bloodlust? Phew... it's terrifying. By the way, what is it?" Ajax asked with a scared look on his face.

"It's one of the skills of Cimmeris," Elder Boron replied calmly.

"Skills? are there many skills for one elemental spirit?" Ajax asked the question as usual.

Seeing Cimmeris about to say something, Elder Boron glared at it and said to Ajax, " You don't need to know about that now. You will know when it is time."

Disappointment flashed in his eyes when Ajax heard that, but soon, he heard Elder Boron say, "don't act like that pitifully in front of me, I brought a small gift for your accomplishments in sensing the elements of nature. Eat it quickly and don't worry about training drills today, I already asked permission for you", as Elder Boron finished speaking he took out a fruit that looked like a peach from a small black wooden box and gave it to Ajax.

As soon as he caught the fruit's scent, he had an urge to eat it, but he suppressed his urge to eat and asked elder Boron, "Elder, what is this fruit? It's urging me to eat this".

"No need to suppress your urge. Eat it quickly, and I will say what fruit it is after you eat", Elder Boron said in a somewhat quick tone.

Sensing the urgency from the tone, Ajax did not ask any more questions and started eating it.

Ajax soon finished eating the fruit and sensed that the energy, which had been previously formed in his body, started moving.