Meridian cleansing fruit

Ajax soon finished eating the fruit.

As soon as the fruit went into his stomach, he sensed that the energy, which had been previously formed in his body, started moving.

Ajax felt that his Spirit consciousness, along with the life elemental essence of nature that was continuously pouring into his spirit consciousness, was increasing slowly.

He felt very energetic and his body was full of vitality. His meridians were becoming broader and sturdier. All the impurities present in his body were being forced out through the pores.

The entire time he was immersed in meditation. He observed his spirit consciousness becoming larger and larger.

After one hour.

"Ackk!!", as soon as he came to his senses, Ajax's nose caught a pungent smell, and with a disgusted face he said, "What is this horrible smell and why is my body covered with this thick black layer."

"Hey brat, Go and bath properly in the spring over there, until then, don't come anywhere near to me," said Elder Boron while pinching his nose with one hand and pointing at the spring with the other hand.

Ajax soon cleaned himself properly, and when he came out of the spring, he saw a new set of clothes placed at the edge of the spring.

He knows that these clothes are from Elder Boron. He quickly got dressed and rushed back to Elder Boron for asking more questions.

"That fruit you ate earlier is called meridian cleansing fruit, and it's a rare natural treasure I found before coming here today. Now with the help of this fruit, your body is free of impurities", before Ajax could ask any questions, Elder Boron started to explain after seeing Ajax running towards him.

"Then that black layer that was formed on my body was from the impurities inside my meridians? Ok, but Elder, my spirit consciousness became somewhat larger, and some life elemental essence of nature got stored in it. Is this also because of that fruit?" Ajax asked another question.

"Your spirit consciousness stored life elemental essence of nature? It's alright", Elder Boron felt happy as he thought, 'Although it's rare to accumulate essence of nature from that meridian cleansing fruit, it's not impossible. I think it's finally time for me to leave this place.'

"Yes, but now it's time to leave. Remember not to tell anything about summoning to anyone. It may cost you your life if it is heard by 'others'", Elder Boron said with a serious look.

"By the way, I have important work to do, so I will not accompany you with your meditation. But I will give you some spirit stones of various elements. Be careful while I am gone, don't let anyone see the spirit stones", the Elder turned around after he finished giving him a small bag.

Spirit Stones were the stones that have a highly concentrated essence of the nature of specific elements and are used for meditation.

Ajax already learned about these spirit stones recently from Elder Boron, so he did not ask any questions.

Ajax did not ask anything about the work also, but he doubted it might take a long time before he could find Elder Boron again.

Without knowing, Ajax's eyes turned red because Elder Boron not only took care of him from the past six years but also trained him.

He is like a family to him.

"Also, you don't need to train your body heavily for the next five years, train normally. Until you become a summoner, you need to only focus on meditation, and try to absorb all the spirit stones, I gave to you earlier", Elder Boron said while they were running towards the open ground.

"Ok Elder, I remembered everything you said. I thank you for taking care of me, but why??", Ajax asked with a crestfallen expression.

"You will know when it's time," Elder Boron replied.