Elemental Spirit:- Slait

"Whooo dhares toh Anter mi hom ", As he was talking to his elemental spirits, a childish voice came from the ground beneath them.

Even before Ajax and his elemental spirits can react, the land beneath them turned soft and started swallowing them.

But Ajax, as an elite spirit soldier and an elite body realm soldier easily managed to come out of the small sand dune carrying the elemental spirits out along with him.

"Master, I think we came across a recently born elemental spirit", Spirus jovially said to Ajax.

"Then is it easy to contract with it?", Ajax asked puzzledly looking at Spirus.

"It is very easy, as long as you trick it, it can easily sign a contract with you?", Volcanis also said happily.

"Let's get the contract done quickly", Ajax was over the moon as he said that.

"Hoow can yoh eshcape pfrom mi cand dune", A small yellow-colored silhouette materialized from the sand dune.