Elemental Spirit:- Limu

"Before that shall we give a small boost to the little Slait in his cultivation", Ajax wanted to level up his chubby elemental spirit first before cultivating

Not understanding the meaning behind his words, the chubby elemental spirit looked at Ajax curiously, wondering what he gonna do.

"System, Spirit Consciousness",


Spirit consciousness:- 323 units/ 3041 units

System note:- 20 units of the essence of nature are added from the inner world and the capacity of the spirit consciousness is increased by 10 with the help of the mysterious spirit cultivation technique.

"Huh?" Ajax was shocked to see his essence of nature. Because, it's been only a little over an hour since he came to this elemental spirit world and he already accumulated 200+ units of the essence of nature, without even using his main cultivation technique.

"System, upgrade little Slait"


Consumed 100 units of the essence of nature
