[Bonus chapter] Changes in the Jade Space

'This upgraded version of the Jade Pool is excellent.'

Seeing that his Jade Space was filled in just a matter of a few seconds, Ajax could not help but praise the upgraded version of the Jade Pool.

Of course, Ajax also knew that his Main Cultivation Technique, [Dragon-Soraring Nine Heavens] was also playing an important role.

'Since both of my new Culivator's Souls [Umbral Concealment] and [Nightmare Weaving] are at level 1 King  Realm, I need 20000 units of Jade Energy to upgrade them to level 2.'

Ajax stopped walking for a moment and muttered, 'I can pay Jade Energy to upgrade my laws or souls with partial payment. So, I can only spend on the Jade Space itself to expand…wait a second.'

Suddenly Ajax thought of something and muttered, 'Can I transform my Jade Energy to my Divine Spirit Consciousness?'