Infinite Jade Energy?

'System, I will spend my Divine Jade Energy to upgrade my Divine Jade Space.'

Since he still had more than 11 hours left in the Jade Pool, Ajax decided to upgrade the Jade Space to at least a thousand units. So that, he could easily upgrade his Cultivator's Souls to the Emperor Realm in a single go.

The upgrade mechanism for the Divine Jade Space remains the same as that of the Divine Space.

For every 10 units of Divine Energy he spent on the Divine Jade Space, one unit of capacity will be increased in the Divine Jade Space.


  The host has spent 100 units of Divine Jade Energy on the Divine Jade Space and upgraded its capacity to 110 units.


After upgrading it, Ajax didn't waste any time as he circulated his cultivation technique for a minute to get another 100 units of Divine Jade Space.


  The host absorbed 100 units of Divine Jade Energy by actively circulating the Cultivation Technique.