Celestial Spirit Consciousness

One of the most important resources for increasing the awakening percentage for the Elemental Ascenances of the Elemental Spirits was the Giant Elemental Crystals.

Even though the number of Giant Elemental Crystals required gradually increases with the awakening percentage of the Elemental Ascendance, Ajax had already accumulated lots of Giant Elemental Crystals belonging to different elements.

Also, after leaving the Floating Island, Ajax would be entering the Celestial Dawn Realm belonging to the Celestial Dawn Sect and according to the information he had about that realm, it was filled with lots of Mythical Grade cultivation resources which could not only help the cultivators but also the Elemental Spirits.

Moreover, Ajax was planning to enter the Dark Region of the Universe to explore the secrets hidden over there and he was sure that he would be getting lots of different types of crystals of various grades which he could merge into Giant Crystals.