Celestial Spirit Consciousness (2)

For any summoner, there was a set of problems in forming the contracts with the Elemental Spirits. They are:

1) Finding the Elemental Spirits. It is entirely dependent on the summoner's luck in finding an Elemental Spirit. If the Summoners are very lucky, then, they find the elemental spirits in less than an hour and if not, they might even take more than half of their time in the Elemental Spirit World.

2) Convincing the Elemental Spirits. Just because a summoner found an elemental spirit in the Elemental Spirit World, that doesn't mean, he could bring it back home with him. First, he had to convince it and get an acknowledgement of the elemental spirit that he found.

Even though the Elemental Spirits want to leave the Elemental Spirit World, they just don't want to leave with anyone because, once the contract between a Summoner and the Elemental Spirit is done, the Elemental Spirit's life would be in the Summoner's hands.