
*Earlier that day*

"Kookie~" Taehyung waves his hand, seeing his boyfriend's new car in front of their gate. Days after Jungkook's birthday his older brother finally bought him his own a car as requested since the time he started dating Taehyung, he feels bad since they've been using Taehyung's car every time they had a date.

Jungkook glances outside noticing that one of Yoongi's car was not parked at the garage. Taehyung opened the door excitedly sitting at the front seat beside his boyfriend. "Ready for our mini date?" Jungkook asked while the other buckles the seatbelt, "I'm always ready." Taehyung said as he run his fingers on his hair trying to style his bangs.

Jungkook starts to drive, he turn the music on to make the ride more enjoyable. "Tae, is Yoongi hyung working even on Sundays?" Taehyung nods. "He's a busy person."

"Even my hyung went out early today. Remember when I told you I already met your brother before? I think our hyungs are working together."

"I don't even know which company he's working for. But i'm sure it's a big company. He's getting good money in it." Jungkook gulps, realizing what his boyfriend just said, he turn his head and looks at Taehyung eye to eye. "You.. you have no idea that he's a.." Taehyung raised his brow "A what?"

"He's a.. uhm.. your brother is a kil-"

A loud beep cut the younger from talking, the drivers behind them are signaling him to get into the right lane. "Babe focus on the road, stop staring at me." Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook blinked multiple times, "oh.. okay." The younger stayed silent after that. The whole drive went like that with Taehyung trying to sing every song that played on his boyfriend's car.

Jungkook took Taehyung to their favorite restaurant for a lunch date. And as usual the couple gained attention just as  entering the restaurant, waiters are competing with each other on who will take the couple's order, some customers secretly took a stolen photo of them like they're a celebrity.

"Here we go again." Said Jungkook. "On our next date don't dress like a whole snack." Taehyung uttered while flipping the pages of the menu. "Says the one who's looking like a full course meal." The younger replied as he call a waitress to order his lunch.

The couple ate their lunch while talking to whatever topic they come up with ignoring the stares of the people around them. "Kookie. I've been thinking about this for a while now." Taehyung smiles in excitement. "We're going to adopt our first child!" He added.

Jungkook almost choked, thankfully he have something to drink beside him, his favorite banana milk. "Adopt??" The younger responded with a curled eyebrows. "And we're going to do that after we finish our lunch date so hurry up." Taehyung said, his smile still showing.

They finished their lunch soon after, Taehyung hurriedly drag his boyfriend out of the restaurant and waved the waitresses a goodbye for no particular reason, making them blush.

"So where are we going?" said Jungkook, walking as fast as Taehyung. Jungkook ended up following his boyfriend entering to a pet store near the restaurant, "I already chose which one to adopt but I haven't think of some names yet." Taehyung grabbed the younger's hand, pulling him to the dogs corner.

Jungkook sighed a relief after realizing that Taehyung will adopt a pet not a damn child. "That's him. Should I name him Kookie?" Taehyung uttered. "Hey i'm the only Kookie here" the younger jokes with a pout.

"Okay, okay. You're my only Kookie." Taehyung giggles, he leans to pat the little Pomeranian puppy. "Alright then should I name you Yeontan?" the little puppy woofs as if he can understand what Taehyung was saying. "Oh you like it?"

Moments later, the couple continued their date at a park with their new baby, Yeontan.


Jungkook helped his boyfriend arrange a little play corner for Yeontan in Taehyung's room. "Hey Tae, do you really have no idea what your brother's real job is?" Jungkook finally find a chance to open a topic that was bothering him since this morning.

"He keeps on telling me its something about paper works." Taehyung answered, his hand rattling his car keys letting Yeontan play with it.

"What if.. what if he's a killer?"

"Maybe I'll change the way I see him. But he's still my overprotective hyung. Are you asking because you saw him holding a gun last time?"

"That's not the first time I saw him holding a gun though." Jungkook mumbles.

"Hmm? What was that?"

Jungkook's phone suddenly vibrated, he received a call from his hyung. "I said I need to go now my brother is probably at home waiting for me." He gave Taehyung a quick peck on his forehead, "I'll text you later." He went straight to the door, leaving Taehyung and Yeontan playing in the play corner.

Jungkook called his hyung back as soon as he sat at the drivers seat "Hyung I need to talk to you about something.. I'm on my way home."


"You're still a puppy yet why are you this energetic?" Taehyung complained watching the puppy who is still playing with the car keys. "I want to eat something, come" the puppy surprisingly followed Taehyung's order but the moment he opened the door, Yeontan ran outside the room while biting the keys.

Taehyung tried to chase the puppy however how is he going to find a little puppy in that big ass mansion? Its been 15 minutes already, "I'm going to give you a dog collar and tie you beside my bed when I find you." he's about to give up but then he heard tiny barks echoing near Yoongi's room.

"Oh no." Taehyung hurriedly ran to that direction, he found Yeontan barking in front of Yoongi's room "Bad puppy! Did you slide my car keys inside Yoongi hyung's room?!"

He glanced at the door knob, "Its okay if I enter even just for a minute right?" Taehyung knows how Yoongi restricts him from entering the room. "Whatever, he won't know if I didn't tell him." Taehyung barge in to Yoongi's room not expecting to find out all the secrets his hyung has been hiding for years.

He glances all over the room, most of the objects are color black, cabinet, curtains, and even bed sheets. Taehyung feels like fainting seeing a collection of guns and knives on the white walls of the room, he walks further ignoring Yeontan who's playing with the keys again. "What are these on the floor?" he picked up few pieces of stained handkerchief. He gulps realizing that those stains are dried blood,

"What if.. what if he's a killer?" he suddenly remembered that one conversation he had earlier with his boyfriend.

He walked over the folders and files piled up in his hyung's desk and opened few of them. He saw pictures of different people in each files with their detailed information. And some articles that contains murder cases in Korea.

"This is confusing.." he then put his attention to the laptop beside those files which he soon figured out the password after few tries putting Yoongi's favorite number, "Hah! I feel like a hacker."

Few mail notifications arrived the moment he connected it with the wifi, he clicked one of the messages and read it "7076-2, Geoyeo il-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. Sun-woo Eum, murder him by tomorrow around 7:30pm after a business meeting at..."

"M...murder?" He checked the other messages, everything is similar to each other. There's the word 'murder' in it.

His whole body felt chills, he inhales deeply as he run his fingers through his hair letting his mind process all of these, he leans his hand on top of the desk, accidentally pushing some files along with the penguin plushie which startled Yeontan as the files drop one by one on the floor.

The puppy approaches the penguin plushie and started to play with it. "Yeontan, we're.. leaving." Taehyung said, with a weak voice, almost inaudible that Yeontan can't even hear it. He's about to carry Yeontan but he flinched when he saw his brother already standing by the door.

"Taehyung?" Said Yoongi, Taehyung stayed silent, he didn't know what to do and how to act. His mind is still in shock about finding out all of these. "Taehyung I'll explain. hear me out, yeah? Let's sit down." The older tried to stay calm even if his fingers are already trembling.

Yoongi entered the room, he noticed that the younger is walking backwards trying to distance himself. "I.. I knew it now. Y... You don't have to explain yourself hyung, are you doing this for money? hyung this is wrong!"

"No. No, you can't understand. Please calm down"

"Don't tell me you're behind all of the killings that happened in Seoul" A memory suddenly clicked in Taehyung's mind "Did you... DID YOU ALSO KILL OUR PARENTS? AND NOONA" and that's it tears ran down on Taehyung's cheeks thinking about their death. He carries Yeontan and picks up his car keys quickly, "Taehyung I didn't kill them! where are you going"

"I'm leaving" he said tears still running down, he rushed out of the room, his hyung grabbed his wrist trying to stop Taehyung from what he's planning to do "Don't touch me!" he spat, forcefully pulling his wrist from Yoongi's grip.

"Listen to me.." Taehyung didn't even bother to look at him he went straight to his room and slammed the door, these actions from Taehyung are enough to hurt Yoongi so much, he never fought with his brother like this before. He gave Taehyung all the attention he needed ever since their mother and noona died because of their dad.

Few moments later, Yoongi heard car noises outside the garage, he looked at the window to check. It was Taehyung putting his things inside his own car. Yoongi ran outside to stop his brother from leaving but when Taehyung saw him by the mansion's front door, he quickly starts the engine then drive as fast as he can before Yoongi can reach him.
