“..Yoonie hyung is back? Right?..”

"Hyung.. uhm.. I want to talk about something.." Jungkook said as soon as he saw Namjoon in the mansion, "You know Yoongi hyung's brother right?"


"Yes. You see.. Taehyung.. he's my boyfriend.."

"I know, nice coincidence" Namjoon giggles. "Yoongi told me the night he caught both of you shirtless laying down on Taehyung's bed." He said walking upstairs, being followed by Jungkook.

"Are you close with Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook asked, "We became pals ever since the day we almost died at that stock house." Jungkook pauses hearing the stock house, he also have a dark past in the place.

The truth is that Namjoon and Jungkook aren't biologically brothers, Jungkook was found by Namjoon near that old place. He helped him and brought him in his mansion, since then he considered Jungkook as his own brother, "Sorry I reminded you about it." said Namjoon.

"Then what about Taehyung? If you're close with Yoongi hyung, you must be close with him too" he asked again, still following Namjoon. "I don't really know Taehyung that much, he doesn't even know me." answered the older, which made Jungkook throw more questions.

"I'm confused, why is Taehyung clueless about his brother being a killer?" Namjoon gave Jungkook a sad stare, "Sometimes we hide some things in order to protect the people who are important to us. Taehyung is the only family that is left to Yoongi, I believe he doesn't want Taehyung to be involved with all of this."

The younger was about to throw another question but his phone suddenly rang, Namjoon continued walking, stretching his arms as he entered the gym in his mansion.


"C-can you find me a place to stay?"

"Something up? Where are you?"

"I.. I ran away from my brother.."

Jungkook checks his wrist watch, its a bit late for them to meet up at a restaurant and some stores are probably closed. And its difficult for him to find an apartment at this point- "I know a place. I'll text you the address." Jungkook ended the call and snapped his finger. "Right, I almost forgot that hyung bought me my own apartment building."

Jungkook went out again and drove to his building, Taehyung's car is already parked at the parking area which Jungkook easily noticed, he parked his car beside his boyfriend's then get off of his car and knock on Taehyung's window.

As soon as Taehyung opened the door he quickly embraced his boyfriend, while the other did the same patting Taehyung's back "I'm so sad and mad and my head is starting to hurt." Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook break the hug then held Taehyung's hand, "We'll talk about this, let's go inside?" He said. Taehyung nodded, he went back to his car to get his baby Yeontan and his things. Then Jungkook grabbed the other bags he saw in the car, it is all messy since Taehyung hurriedly shove and throw everything inside before his hyung could catch him.

Taehyung glances at the 5 story building before going inside, "Babe do you know someone who lives here?" Taehyung asked, "Nah, this building is mine. I sometimes stay here when my brother bring home some girls he met from the club and do the crazy deeds, he doesn't want me to hear or witness those so he bought me this building and told me to stay here whenever he have 'guests'." Jungkook replied, pressing the elevator button.

"It looks more like a hotel than an apartment and its modern too, I like it. so you live here alone?"

"No, actually there are people who lives here, we hired someone who manages everything including the rents." The elevator stops at 5th floor, the younger walks first then Taehyung followed. "This floor have the biggest rooms." Jungkook stopped in front of his door and put his password. Jungkook show him around quickly then both of them sat down on Jungkook's bed.

"You don't look good, what happened? And why did you ran away from Yoongi hyung, he's such a nice hyung not gonna lie."

Taehyung stared at the floor his hands still holding Yeontan. "I found out.." Jungkook gave him a confused look. "I found out that he's a killer..i saw so many files with detailed information of each person, and his collection of guns and knives, a handkerchief with blood stains.." Taehyung felt the tears coming as his vision began to blur, he almost dropped Yeontan but thankfully Jungkook caught the puppy and put it down on the floor.

The other felt bad, he feels like he's one of the reasons why Taehyung found out the secret, he embraced Taehyung tightly, trying to give him comfort. "Everything will be fine with your brother Tae. I promise." Taehyung cried on Jungkook's shoulder, his next words gave Jungkook goosebumps,

"I saw the same in our father's office when I was little."


— 6 days later —


"Hey give me that drawing" the little boy, Yoongi, handed the drawing happily to his father. "Who are these?" The man asked as he sip and blows his cigarette making the boy cough. "The tall one is me, the other one is my new friend, Jimin! and that one is my favorite Kumamon, then that one is Jimin's friend Pengsoo!" Yoongi giggles but soon turn into cries when the old man crumpled the drawing then press the butt of a still-burning cigarette to it. "W-why did you do that dad!" Said Yoongi, "You don't need this shitty paper! Go out use your crying skills to some stranger and beg some money" the boy cried more "B-but Jimin drew that! He gave it to me!"

Yoongi saw his noona. He ran and hides behind her "Oh you're here, give me" the man looks at the young adult. "Yoonie go play with little Taetae" she said showing her smile to her little brother, when Yoongi nodded and left, the girl rolled his eyes "I'm not giving anything to you! It's my own money go find a job and be a useful 'dad' for once" she snapped. Their 'dad' didn't like the attitude so he stood up from the sofa and pulled her raven hair that is similar to Yoongi's and his.

"Hey it hurts!" She screams

"Where are your manners miss"

"You don't deserve my manners old man"

"You live under my roof."

"HAHA! This house is not yours and you know that! You blackmailed that rich old man remember!" The man had enough of it, he took his burning cigarette again pressing it on top of his daughter's arm, his other hand still pulling her hair, by the loud screams her mom rushed out of the kitchen to stop them.

"Mom help!"

The man released his grip from the girl's hair, he went outside after putting his gun to his pocket. While her mom help her up to her room, she get the first aid kid and treats her daughter's arm, "I'm sorry love, I'll talk to that old shit I promise." She nods then glanced at the door, she saw Yoongi standing there.

She showed her sweet smile again then "Yoonie! Come here! Give me a hug!" She said. Their mother pats her son's head and smiled at them before she left the room to go back to the kitchen.

Yoongi gave her sister a hug with a worried eye brows "Are you hurt?" He asked. "No, no, just a scratch okay? You're too young to have that expression." She chuckled, trying to stop her tears from falling. "Noona.." he said, still hugging his sister.

"I don't like him. I don't want to see you cry, I will fight him next time!" His noona inhaled a deep breath as tears fall down. "I'm lucky to have a brother as cute and sweet and lovable as you! Every man like him shouldn't be respected!"


Yoongi woke up crying, every time he wakes up there's always tears in his eyes. He doesn't know what day it is or for how long did he slept, so he got up and checked his phone, he realized that he's been sleeping for 26hrs already, and haven't eat anything since the day Taehyung left.

He's been dreaming about flashback memories from his childhood, and recalling the time when Taehyung snapped at him doubled the pain that he is feeling. He grabs his phone again to check any messages, he saw 381 notifications from his pals, boss, spam messages, but nothing from his brother. He opened Namjoon's first because he got the most of the notification from him,





"I already know what happened."



"About Taehyung, Jungkook told him that we're close and that we work together so i think he's also afraid to talk to me. Just give him more time, he needs it. And let him process everything. Jungkook said he have so many questions, but only you can answer that Yoongi. Don't worry too much, he's living with Jungkook, he's fine I promise."



"Yah Yoongi! you never replied. Answer your phone please."


"It's been almost a week are you still alive?"




He didn't reply a word. But he's a bit relieved that his brother is fine. He took a quick bath, brush his teeth, pick up whatever shirt and shorts he grab from his walk in closet and fix his room. He saw the penguin plushie, he sighed seeing it a bit worn out because of that puppy who's biting it like they're enemies. He picked it up and went downstairs to prepare some meal since he's hella hungry, he took a sip of a whiskey while eating and damn, that's the best meal ever for Yoongi after not eating for almost a week.

When he came back to his room, he put a bottle of whiskey on the nightstand then lay down under the covers, he stared at the plushie thinking about Jimin, at least thinking about Jimin gives him comfort. He stayed like that until he fall asleep for another 26hrs.


*8pm at At Seoul Red Cross Hospital*

"Jin hyung! Are you done with your shift?" said by one of the prettiest nurse in the hospital. "Almost, but after this I have a dinner date~ didn't I tell you?" Jin, also one of the prettiest nurse in the hospital replied with a giggle, while assisting one of his patients. Jimin sighed knowing that he's going to drive back to the apartment alone tonight.

Even though the other has a car, Jimin always offer his best friend a drive back home because they live next doors. And its fun talking to someone while driving "I'm leaving then, don't come back pregnant okay! Use protection hyungie~" Jimin giggles. "Jimin we've been best friends ever since college, and i've been on a hundreds of dinner dates, did I get pregnant?" Jin said.

"No.. but you did waste a lot of pregnancy tests."

"At least they're all negative"

Only few percentage of males can carry a baby and both Jin and Jimin belongs in that percentage. "Okay then, have fun with Dr. Choi!" He sighed and waved his hand, he went to a room to get all his stuffs, and left the hospital after that.

Jimin's POV

I stretched my arms and back, feeling a bit exhausted about the work earlier, I'm walking straight to the building after I parked my car, I noticed a car that's been parked here for a week now, "New neighbor.." I mumbled.

I entered the elevator, I waited til it gets on my floor. "What should I cook for dinner?" I asked myself, the elevator dings and it startled me a little. The moment the door opened I saw a little Pomeranian puppy "Aww~ where's your owner?" I get off of the elevator since i'm in the 5th floor already, I heard someone from the corridor "Yeontan?? Where are you boy?" The dog hurriedly ran back to his owner.

I smiled as I went to my apartment door putting my password, and it beeps. I'm already inside my apartment, but before I close the door, I heard another person shouting "Taehyung! Did you find Yeontan?" I chuckled, what a cute couple I thought. They also have the same name with Yoongi's little bro-

Wait. Hold up- I hurriedly peeped to see his face, and holy crap! omg, that's really Yoongi's brother! I can really tell just by looking at his side profile. I closed my door completely, and covered my face with my hands because I can feel my that i'm blushing.

If Taehyung is back here in Seoul, then.. that means.. Yoonie hyung is back? Right? I suddenly remembered our first and last kiss the day he moved back to Daegu. He said he'll come back, he promised.
