“..we’re going back to Busan..”

It is a great morning for Jimin, he hummed happily making his own breakfast, pancakes and hot chocolate. He turn on the T.V to hear some news, another murder case happened. "How come those murderers only kill criminals.. hmm aren't they criminals themselves?" He murmured.

He ate silently, thinking about how he will approach Taehyung and ask things about Yoongi, then soon he prepared himself for work after breakfast.

On the other hand, Jimin's best friend who is living next door, was groaning in pain. "Is he even a doctor?! Ouch." His lower body is aching, including his back. Good thing that the man promised Jin to give him a day off just for this day.

He's about to call the younger to inform him he's on a day off but then Jimin- "Jin hyung! hurry up we're gonna be late!" the younger barged into Jin's bedroom making him drop his phone on the floor, he leans forward trying to reach it but he ended up whining about his back. "Jiminie can you pick up my phone." He ordered, while the younger nods and pulled Jin's blankets, "Hyung get up already!"

"I'm on a day off today. And I want to take some rest." Said Jin, pulling the blanket back. "Why? did you get yourself pregnant this time?"

"No! And I'll never fuck that man again."

The younger face-palm jokingly pretending to sound like an angry mother, "I told you to quit fucking with every guy who invites you on a dinner date"

"Am I the one who's younger here? Yes mom, I promise this is the last." Jin smiled, lips turning to a slight frown after. "I'm just trying to move on you know.. from my previous relationship.. ."

"Hyung, for the millionth time. You don't deserve him." Jimin said crossing his arms. Its been almost half a year since Jin broke up with his boyfriend, the guy who had the nerve to cheat and end their relationship for Jin's co-worker since he said Jin is 'not that attractive and pretty' anymore to match his type.

"..still love him though.." He whispered under his breath. He dated the guy for 5 years, he's his first ever boyfriend. Everything was fine, the relationship was healthy but everything turned upside down when his boyfriend met Jin's co-worker when he visited him at hospital.

"I'm going now hyung, take all the rest you need."

The younger walked towards the bedroom door and waves his hand before closing it. While Jin nods then waved back, he sat in his bed waiting for Jimin to completely head out of his apartment. Once he heard the front door beeps he lay his back down with a bit force on the foam then pulled his blanket over his body.

Jin reached his phone, he stared at his home screen for about a minute straight without blinking. He's looking at his and his ex's first selca together as boyfriends. "We're so cute." he forcefully giggles. He stayed like that until his eyes fell into a deep slumber.


It is lunch time, Jimin checked the patients first before heading back to take his 30 minute break. He grabs his lunch that he had prepared for himself. He sat down at the hospital's cafeteria while his other hand holding his phone.

He noticed some messages and missed calls from his parents earlier but chose to ignore them, he sighed thinking that its about the same old argument that he had with them ever since he entered college and decided to be a nurse.

His parents runs a company, it has been doing good over the years but since Jimin's parents are getting old and Jimin is an only child, they want their son to take over the business which Jimin find annoying because they've been convincing him millionth times and Jimin was so tired of dealing with his them plus they won't stop even though he keeps on refusing repeatedly.

He loves his job, he likes to take care of people, he likes to help, and every patients likes him too. He's an actual fairy and no one hates him. He doesn't want to quit his job either, he knows he can manage the business (maybe) but helping and caring for others is also important for him.

Jimin's 30 minute break is almost over. He packed every up and get ready to go to work again.

"Jimin hyung!" the 8 year old girl cheered when she saw the nurse enter her room. Jimin smiled back at her "How's my favorite patient?" He said, checking the time as well as the IV then he scribbled some words in the record sheet that he was holding.

"I feel better more that yesterday. Ca..Can we go outside hyung?"

"We can Rina, but did you take your medicines?" The child nodded hoping that the older would agree to her request, "Okay, wait here" Jimin immediately went out of the room to get a wheelchair which didn't take that long, he helped Rina to sit on the wheelchair, Jimin arranged the IV carefully then he handed Rina a small blanket and a plushie.

The girl smiled as the nurse pushed the wheelchair out of the room "Do you want to visit the garden?" he asked making the girl hum in excitement. She's been staying at the hospital for 3 months because of her heart problem, thankfully her surgery went well and they're just waiting for her to recover all her strength before they discharge her.

Both of them are now at the hospitals garden watching the leaves move along with the slight wind. A bird suddenly landed on Rina's lap "Hyung look!" She pointed at her lap giggling, Jimin stopped pushing the wheelchair then cooed at the sight of Rina. The moment she tried to touch the bird it flew away making the girl pout.

Jimin saw a bench, he placed the wheelchair beside it then sat down. "You seem to like animals." He uttered. "I want to be a nurse for animals when I grow up!"

"Oh you want to be a veterinary nurse"

"Yes hyung because when my puppy was really sick the nurses took good care of him, now he's fine. I miss him so much."

"I'm sure he misses you too. That's why you have to recover quickly so that you can see him soon" Jimin replied.

"How about you hyung?"


"Why did you become a nurse?"

"Oh.." Jimin relaxed his shoulders, "I want to be a dancer at first" he giggles, "It changed when my best friend got hurt and ended up getting hospitalized"

"Is your best friend sick like me?"

"Nope, its uhmm, let's say that his dad is a bad guy. He got hurt because of him."

Jimin stood up from the bench, stretching his back a bit, "Okay that's enough for today let's go back inside."

Jimin spent the rest of the day at the hospital roaming around door to door to check on patients. He went home around 8pm after his 12 hour shift.

He placed his car keys on top of a small table in his living room with his takeouts since he's tired to cook for himself. After stretching his back he threw himself on the sofa.

"I think i'm having back problems." He yawns as he lean his back. "I hope they'll give me an 8hrs. shift next month." He grabbed his phone from his pocket to read the messages he ignored earlier. He texted Jin first who responded quickly saying he slept for the whole day and that his feeling better.

He stayed in his position in a couple of minutes before heading to his bathroom to take a quick and warm bath and do his night routine.

After going out of the bathroom he saw his takeouts in the living room, he was exhausted that he forgot about his dinner, Jimin sat again on the sofa, grabbed his dinner lazily and placed a pillow behind his back.

He was eating silently, alone in his living room. Staring at his blank television, sudden thoughts came to his mind. Is Yoongi doing good? Why is Taehyung here? How about his noona? Did Yoongi changed? Does he still think about me? .. . Finally i'm going to meet him after all those years..

"Alright, i'll talk to Taehyung soon.." he mumbled before sipping his drink, he gulps for like three times when his phone suddenly rang making him choke "-what a-nice-timing to-call" he said in between his coughs. He took another sip to clear his throat as he answered the call, "Mom?"

"Jimin..about our business-"

"Mom, if its about me quitting my job to continue your business then I'm ending this call."

"It's not about that.. me and your father.. I called to let you know we're going back to Busan. This midnight." Jimin furrowed his brows, "Midnight? Why so sudden?" it took a while for Mrs. Park to respond, she inhaled a deep breath before saying "..Your dad's life is in trouble.. I mean both of our lives.."

"Trouble?" "Why? what happened?"

"Don't come here. Our maids are also packing everything up, they're also leaving. We're selling this house." Mrs. Park ordered, with a rushed tone in her voice probably walking around the house. "Wh- mom what happened?"

"I still have a lot to do. I'll call you again when we arrive in Busan" said Mrs. Park, "No, mom where's dad? I'll go there, right now. Explain everything."

"He's putting our bags in the car. You don't have to come here. We're in a rush"

Jimin continued to talk, he paused when he realized that his mom already ended the call. He quickly change his clothes to a warm knitted sweater and jeans, its cold at night since autumn is coming. He grabs his car keys then drove to his parents house.


Yoongi's POV

This phone keeps on ringing since this morning, i've had enough. I want to throw this thing out of the window because its disturbing me from drinking my whiskey peacefully.

I unlocked my phone only to see all the messages and missed calls from my close friends.


"Yoongi! Answer your phone please."

"It's been almost 3 weeks are you still breathing?"

"Stop sulking"


"We'll handled all the killings while you're gone. But please reply to the squad! Text Mark! or JB! or Jackson!"



"Or we can go clubbing tonight?"


"Yoongi hyung. Taehyung is fine I promise I'll take care of him. He's living with me on my apartment. And I think he forgives you already."

"Everything will be okay~"


"Yah Min SUGA! If you don't reply back I'll bring the squad there and force you out of your bed! You need fresh air ffs"

I'm already replying to each one of them but then Jackson and the others barged into my room like its their own, I'm going to change this mansion's security password for real.

They're all wearing some fancy attires and jewelries, are they partying or something? "God look at these mess" said Jackson, as he fix his sleeves. "Why are you here"

"Have you read my text? I told you I'd bring them here if you didn't reply back."

Hoseok walked into my closet, searching some of my clothes "Yoongi get up we're going somewhere."

"I'm not going anywhere. Get out."

"We're not going step out of this room without you joining us" Namjoon stood behind Jackson, eyeing at my whiskey. "You want some?" I offered. Namjoon shook his head, "No thanks, I'll drink later when we get there."

"C'mon the others are already there" Hoseok threw my clothes directly at my face, "What's that?" he noticed the plushie that was beside me and pick it up. "Yoongi I never thought you'd still have this kind of thing" He teases.

"Shut up. All of you leave." I went to grab the plushie from his hand.

"For real Yoongi, you're being 5 times stubborn than your usual stubborn self. Stop sulking" I can clearly see his worried expression, I sighed, nodding my head "Fine. So where are we going?"

- - -

"Hey Yoongi! You're here!" Mark waves his hand signaling me to have a drink, of course I'd accept even if I've been drinking for the past weeks consistently. It just made me forget every deep thoughts that's been stuck on my mind.

I already expected them to drag me again to a nightclub but this one is a lot more luxurious than the usual. Its dark walls and ceilings, lighten up by tons of neon lights and chandeliers. I heard this is one of the most expensive in Seoul. The two, Namjoon and Hoseok started their journey to find their fuck-and-go's . While Jackson pulled Mark to somewhere so i'm here sitting, alone. I have good worried friends.

About an hour passed I've been walking around the place, drinking, vibing with the loud music, forgetting my deep thoughts, I'm starting to feel drowsy but who cares? Group of ladies approached me, inviting me to have some fun.

One of them pulled me at a couch, she smirked as she sat on my lap. I called a waiter to give us premium brand drinks which quickly took less than a minute before it was served to us. We really had some fun at the couch, no one cares about what we're doing, every one is minding their own business as the lights and every beat dance along with the people.

"There he is." I heard Namjoon's voice, though i'm not sure if its Namjoon's because my head is starting to hurt. I accidentally fell asleep, the lady earlier is no longer beside me. "Yoongi we're leaving, we received a mail from boss"

I forced myself to stand up following my pals out of this nightclub then headed to Jackson's car. Namjoon sat at the front beside Jackson who's handling the wheel while me and Hoseok sat at the back. "Yoongi is that a lipstick stain on your neck?"

"I had some fun, not gonna lie"

"Good for you, I have to cut my make out session with Mark for this."

"I already invited someone to come with me"

"Same here"

"What's the sudden rush?" I'm too lazy to check my phone and read a mail. "To murder someone of course."