Chapter 9: Deal with the Devil

Chapter 9: Deal with the Devil

The words of my feat was spread like a wild fire. More like a fiendfyre.

I stayed at the library for the launch time, and showed up at the hall for dinner. I could feel that as I entered, everyone in the hall looked at me, it felt heavy, like being on a stage.

I didn't care and went toward the teachers table to have my dinner. At least the teachers where nice enough not to ask questions about the matter. Actually most of them considered me as a person who used underhanded means to get a position at the school, so I take that back, it wasn't nice of them, they were ignoring me. It was their life achievement to be a staff member of Hogwarts and to see a teenager with little to no experience became a staff was a bit hurtful for them. 'Who cares?'

Dippet asked to see me for a talk after dinner.

I was accompanied by Dumbledore to headmaster's office.

I told them I didn't know how I did that and I that I felt a connection to the library and Hogwarts. I struggled whether it was wise to tell them more or not, but at the end I decided to show my abilities to be the perfect librarian as I had the ability to feel all the books originated from the library, so no one can steal anything.

Dippet thought of my powers as the will of Hogwarts; Sentience of Hogwarts was talked about in some history books, and it was mentioned as a myth, with no concrete historical proof of that. So he told me if I showed my capabilities as a librarian for a year he'll hire me as one, and not an assistant.

After that meeting, I left his office with Dumbledore. He accompanied me to the library as he wanted to test the barrier. He asked me to banish him and I did, he was surprised that it wasn't a magical barrier. And while being in deep thoughts, he left.

"How's your studies going?"

I looked back and saw tom who was inside the library before I came.

"Ok I guess." I showed the entrance to my room and invited him in, "The etiquette of magical families is stupid and laws seem to have been written by children."

Tom laughed "I know, right? That's why they don't change it. They want to freely exploit these loopholes and normal people don't even bother studying them, they think because there is a law, it's protecting them."

I sat down on my bed and he sat on the chair behind the desk.

"It's also a bit dangerous, it seems there are ceilings for improvement."

I stopped and asked him "Do you feel like a snack?"

He grinned "Why not? Let's use your privileges as much as we can."


The little house elf popped in.

"Muddy is in your service master green."

"Muddy can you bring us some snacks? And maybe green tea?"

"In a minute sir."

And he popped out.

I continued "To break these ceilings of power, as far as I studied, we need the approval of people who are currently in power."

Tom: "Yeah the magical families are not generous about sharing power."

Muddy popped in with a desk filled with different snacks and said: "Anything else master Green?"

"Thank you Muddy. I'll call you when we are done with the food." and he apparated out.

He continued: "To increase your privileges to Noble, or Most Noble rank, you need the approval of Most Ancient houses. And there is no way to become a most ancient house anymore. They hold the seats to make rules and they use that authority into increase their own power."

I sipped the tea. 'He is mature for his age. I need to see how things run in Slytherin house'

"True but I don't think it's not doable. They are greedy. With enough bribes nothing is impossible."


We had a chocolate cheese cake with our tea. Before leaving he said: "By the way, can you lift the banishment of flint?"


"I'm using it as a chip to increase my control on upperclassmen."

"Ok, I wanted to do it anyway. Headmaster Dippet asked me to forgive him and he gives him a detention. You can tell him it was because of your word."

He nodded and left.

I willed for the banishment to be lifted and it was.

I continued with my trainings. The results weren't good, but in a long run it would show itself, and I had a lot of time to work on my powers.

The last day of holiday I asked Dumbledore if he could let me use his fireplace to go to the Diagon Alley. After practicing for 3 days and high doses of nutrition potion that I got from the healer, the results were like this.

Str: 4 ->6

Vit: 4 ->7

Dex: 6 ->7

Int: 52 ->53

Wis: 53

Mgc: 51 ->52

LUC: 5

And also my skills.

Meditation /Basic/ [1/5] -> [2/5]

Acting /Basic/ [2/10] -> [3/10]

Magical Levitation /Basic/ [2/5] -> [3/5]

And I got a new skill!

Skill - Body conditioning /Special/ [1/100] (passive)

Do you even lift bruh?

Current level: +1% speed of physical stats acquiring while training

Each level up: +1% speed

Special effect: each level shapes your body into a more perfect look. *wink*

With these results, I could finally make a deal. I told Dumbledore that I was going for a sightseeing in the alley and I'll be back in couple of hours. He looked at me suspiciously but let me use his fireplace, and taught me how to use them. And he gave me the address back.

I flooed to the Leaky Cauldron. Tom, the manager of Leaky Cauldron, was a nice guy. I went toward the backdoor and from there to the alley. Found the Ollivanders shop and went inside.

When he saw me he smiled a bit.

"You came back!"

"Missed me?" I said with a chuckle.

"I thought you wouldn't come … master."

"Ok, let's finish the deal here."

I took out a piece of paper from the pocket of my robe. I know, I know. It was lame. I got sooo embarrassed. But my demonic powers were lacking. I couldn't just write it on his body after he said yes, or write it on magic. Maybe on higher levels? Who knew? *writer shrugs*

The whole idea of the contract was that his daughter would be cured, in return of his total obedience toward me, which would be made sure of by the contract. My contracts had just one flaw. It couldn't kill any beings, but it could force them to do anything that doesn't kill the person in the contract.

He read the contract and used a small knife that he kept behind the counter to cut his palm.


[Deal with the Devil is activated. -1 VIT permanently. Contract is signed by Garrick Ollivander – To Heal Sara Ollivander.]


I mentally chose ok. And tired as I lost 1 VIT. My vitality went down to 6.

"It's done. Go to St Mungo and be sure of her health. Comeback immediately after. And don't try to hurt yourself in anyway nor tell anyone in any way about our deal."

He apparated out and I waited in his store. I used the time to meditate. I didn't get any level ups, but I could feel the progress.

Ollivander came back, with teary eyes.

"Thank you master. What can I do for you?"

"First tell me about your monetary status and your connections with the government and other families."

"The Ollivander family is one of the oldest families in Europe. We were making wands and improving them for more than 2000 years. But we didn't help with the establishment of current government. So my family that I am the current head is an Ancient and Noble family. We are not a rich family. I think I have around 10-15 thousand Galleons in the bank. A normal family in my status has at least 100 thousand. They use their connections for profitable trades, but I try to make better wands. We do have a grimoire of in my family, even though some of Most Ancient families don't. And as for connections, I have a powerful tie with the ministry and some families. I don't have any negative relationships as I sell my wands to everyone."

I thought about what he said and told him.

"That's good. You will continue your normal work. Don't rise any suspicions. If anyone asked about your daughter and if they have an ill family member or friend, after an unbreakable oath for them not to tell anyone, tell them there is a way for them to sell their souls for it. If they accepted, contact me with an owl and write in code. I'll contact you then. Other than that, I don't have an instruction for now."

He nodded.

"Oh, by the way, who controls the materials you use? Who is your dealer?"

"I get some of them from Greengrass family, they have a small magical jungle, their prices are much better than Hogwarts. I get the materials related to dragons from black family. They have 4 dragon sanctuaries. It's more like a slaughter house, they call it sanctuary. And the rest of materials are from Hogwarts."

"This looks like a tough competition."

Ollivander: "It is master. There are some other houses that make the different materials. Some of them have contracts with different broom companies, or apothecaries. Most of these places are already taken for the magical material production."

Michael: "I need you to also look for business opportunities. I want to start a profitable business. Just look for them. If you find anything, send me an owl in codes."

I was about to leave and I remembered something. "Give me an untraceable wand. Do you have Tom Riddles brother wand?"

He looked at me with a surprise "How did you know there was a brother wand to it?"

I didn't answer him. "So you made it? Is it traceable?"

"No, I haven't register it for tracing yet."

"Good, give me the wand. Can you change it so it doesn't look like your wands? We don't want you in trouble."

He nodded, summoned the wand and with some spells changed the look.

"Now it doesn't seem like an Ollivander's wand in the essence."

I nodded and got the wand and went toward the leaky cauldron to floo to Dumbledore's office. Tom's Christmas gift is delayed but I think he'll be happy with the wand.