Chapter 10: 3 months jump and a Shop

Chapter 10: 3 months jump and a Shop

& 3 months later &

I tried my best to keep a low-profile character. If people knew that I didn't know magic that would be bad. In 3 months I practiced all first year materials. And I got myself some skills. Also my physical stats increased a bit but each level it increased, the speed to get the next level would be reduced drastically. My mental stats also had the same problem but with the specific divinities that was helping each mental stat, even though they were 50 points more than my physical stats, they had the same pace. (It means that as it takes 40 years for physical stats to reach 50. It'll takes around the same amount for mental stats to reach 100. (If he doesn't get any external help nor improve his divinities.))

Str: 6 ->10

Vit: 6 ->9

Dex: 7 ->10

Int: 53 ->57

Wis: 53 -> 55

Mgc: 52 ->57

LUC: 5

Meditation /Basic/ [2/5] -> [5/5] -> increased to intermediate level. [1/10]

Acting /Basic/ [3/10] -> [5/10]

Magical Levitation /Basic/ [2/5] -> [5/5] -> increased to intermediate level. [2/10]

Body conditioning /Special/ [1/100] –> [4/100]

Magic Channeling (Wands) /Basic/ [1/3] -> [3/3] -> increased to intermediate level. [1/5]

Wandless Magick /Basic/ [3/10] -> [9/10]

And the new skills:

Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Potions mastery /Basic/ [2/5]

A: What is this goo B: oh it can resurrect the dead.

Each level: +4% potion effect.

Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Transfiguration mastery /Basic/ [3/5]

It's a bird, it's a plane, oh it's McGonagall's table.

Each level: +4% spell effect. +2% exquisiteness of transfiguration.

Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Spells mastery /Basic/ [3/5]

"It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long."

Each level: +4% spell effect. +2% reduction of mana cost.

Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Knowledge of flora and fauna /Basic/ [2/5]

How to make friends with the Whomping Willow.

Each level: +2% good impression on animals and plants. -1% chance of them attacking you.

Magic Ability – School of Wizardry – Law and History /Basic/ [3/3] -> increased to intermediate [2/5]

Humans started goblins war … or did they?

Science/Magical – Knowledge Astronomy /Basic/ [1/5]

To identify the stars and their patterns and beyond. On the magical side you learn the attribute of the stars and their positions to use in rituals.

It was really hard to keep up with all of these skills. So to improve my magical studies I tried to stick to the materials Dumbledore suggested. I didn't want to be confused with all the books in the library and not knowing where to start.

No wonder students didn't study much on their free times. First of all, the library was a mess! It was really difficult to find the books that you want. And a third of them didn't have any titles or if they did, their titles were unrelated to the content, for example there was a book called The Black Arts of Edward Heart (which I think was the name of the author), and the book was about the use of unicorn dung on potions. I started labeling the books as I read them, so when I finish every book there, that library would turn into an organized one. Also I didn't want to lose my learning time.

I gave the wand to Tom the day I got it from Ollivander but didn't say how I got it. He was so happy with the wand he hugged me. Wow. To be hugged by the future Dark Lord. It was weird.

During the time I spent with him I found out how ruthless he is to others. It seemed that I was his only lifeline that connected him to humanity and didn't let him to completely be consumed by darkness.

During the days that he had free times, we talked about many things. Slytherin house, Magic, Laws, Government and society.

I got a better idea what's happening in the houses. Slytherin had a magical society within it, other houses also did, but in Slytherin it was out in open and more serious. I figured it was because of the number of students. There were maybe 5 to ten times more students in the school, which made the atmosphere of school become more magical and closer to the actual society out there. The society in Slytherin was so real that power struggles could affect real life. Some parents who encouraged this tutorial of actual society, would give their children some parts of their business, or some lands to see how they can manage it.

In Slytherin house, there was also a hidden government. Mostly the upperclassmen controlled it, students who knew how things worked, and Tom was trying to take the control from them slowly. Flint was one of the people who had voting right in the court of Slytherin. And with his vote, finally, Tom became one of the court members.

Tom was building up his powers to become the head of the court, which was one of the powerhouses in Slytherin house.

With this, he could actually earn a lot of money in his school years. Nearly all the students in Slytherin came from rich families, so they had money, or lands, or even small businesses in their name. And as Tom said, there were a lot of things that could be done to get their money.

First was to open a black market shop for services. He was thinking about performing rituals for students. It was an untouched field because of its risks and expertise it needed. There were some students who tried to learn rituals in depth but because of their lack of knowledge the result was disastrous. But as I could give more materials to study on to Tom, there was a chance that he could reach this goal.

Second was to open a black market shop for importing and exporting goods. Specially exporting blood of a virgin was really profitable as the demand outside of school was high and it was easy to acquire in the school, but many people in their house were doing that, so he couldn't go that way.

Third was to teach. Which he was already doing by teaching dark arts! His little study group on dark arts had an entrance fee for each session. And he used the money he got to get his hands on more books and grimoires to study.

Fourth was to become a mercenary! And yes, it sounds ridiculous, but they had that. If they wanted to take revenge or give someone a lesson (anyone in or out of school), the mercenaries would do that with the appropriate amount of galleons. They were more like a bully services for sale.Tom actually was like a leader to a small mercenary group. This little devil was already a mastermind. He wouldn't dirty his hands. He just planned and taught the bullies under him how to get away with their crime. Once they even made a professor fall and break his knee. And it seemed like Flint had something to do with the librarian's illness. So she would leave and her sister would replace her.

All of this was giving me a headache. In harry potter everything was so simple. But now, I might anger different groups of students with real money backing them, who were not afraid of putting a price on my head!

I told Tom that I was thinking of starting a small business, but not in the school, as I was being monitored by Dumbledore.

He told me that he'll ask around. Before he could find an answer. I was contacted by Ollivander. So I put my robes on and flooed from my room to his store.

And yes. I got myself a floo line. I asked Dippet and he was glad to add something to his school and take its cost from my salary. Dumbledore told me why I didn't ask him for it right after I got my fireplace, and I said I didn't want to put him in more trouble. What I meant was I don't trust you around any of my stuff you monitoring madman.

I flood to Gerick's private room. He was waiting for me there.


"Gerrick. You told me you found a new case and a suitable business. If it is going to be like your last suggestions, I'll punish you for that. If you want a wand polishing shop, open one yourself."

I sat behind the table that he had in his room.

"No master. I found the perfect place. It's an apothecary that was half open for a while, because of family issues. It originally belonged to Black family but they gave it away to a small no name family for something they did for Black family. Now that family is being hunted by someone. It seems like they angered someone or a group of people with good contacts who sent assassins after them. They want to sell their shop to get a quick cash and escape the country. I was drinking at the Leaky Cauldron and heard that. I asked for a price and he said 20thousand galleons, which was stupid. He was pushing his luck. Told him we can buy with 13 thousand and he accepted. I bought it yesterday."

"That's really good Garrick. How about the license and the loan to start the business. And where exactly is the shop."

"That's the good part master. The shop is in one of the alleys before knockturn alley, it's not as good as a shop in the main alley but it is in a more of a gray area. You can sell some stuff that cannot be found in normal shops and the area isn't as dark and monitored, also it's safer here."

"Good, and the license?"

"I used my connections in the ministry and some traceless wands giveaways to get an apothecary license for you. And I opened a bank account in the shops name with that license."

Then he gave me a small key, which was shining in gold.

"This is its key master. You can get a loan. For the connections to buy the things you want, I owled some of my contacts, but I think we should start with a worker for the shop, and a name."

"I'll take care of the worker and name. You start with the contacts and the list of items I need to fill the apothecary, and also what special things I need to make it unique."

"Of course master. But I didn't owl you for the shop."

I looked at him in the eyes. "Contracts?"

"A contract. One of my friends. His wife has a curse of death, if she has intercourse, she'll die. She has been cursed by one of the people who had a crush on her, so she wouldn't touch any other men."

I brought out a scroll. I had a previously prepared contract with me. A standard form. I added his wish and asked for his name.

Eugene Longbottom.

'Hah, that's Neville's grandfather. Look at you Michael! Finally joining the good guys and helping the people in need.' The smile on my face was creeping out Ollivander.

'Helping people is fun. People who are so desperate to have sex that they sell their soul!'

I gave the contract to Garrick and told him to let the guy read it and then pour his blood as a sign of acceptance.

He nodded and left to bring the contract to his friend. I sat there for a few minutes.

With the business my monetary problems and connections could be built. But I needed more souls, I couldn't just sit on my ass for 10 years to get the results. I didn't have that time. And also I couldn't rush it. If I caught some powerful beings attention, like ancient one, it could be my last day.

The best time was in 3 years, when Capitan America starts his work, I can fight there and aside from getting to know the Capitan, I could befriend Howard Stark if I play my cards well, and maybe get my hands on Tesseract? Maybe I'm not ready to play in that league yet. I need more magic. More knowledge. I didn't have enough time to daydream. Toward the library!


Next chapter has a 3 years jump

Sorry for details.