Chapter 11: 3 years

Chapter 11: 3 years

Three years past. I couldn't say it was all boring and I was reading and training all the time. Many things happened.

First was my shop, which turned into a dominating shop in the alley. I hired a worker with the help of Tom. He suggested a freshly graduated student who was loyal to him. We did all the contracts and stuff and he started working with the salary of 1 sickle and 3knuts per day. It was a generous offer.

The results with that shop was amazing. I used Ollivander to get Greengrass line of materials. Also I used Tom's contacts in the school to profit as much as I can. And with some contracts mixed in to increase my profits instead of getting souls, after the first year, the income reached to 500 Galleons per month, which was an astronomical amount for a shop.

I used the income to buy other profitable stores, some in my name and some in Tom's name. In the 3rd year (during 1942), I bought a land to create my own magical jungle.

Most of magical families have a lot of money stored in the bank, and their revenue comes from one or two small businesses, or their work in the Ministry. Their logic doesn't seem to be able to handle business management or increasing their assets. Pureblood families were like dragons just hoarding treasures. And muggle borns who used the Hogwarts loan were poor for a couple of generations.

When Hogwarts gave the loan, it was actually coming from the ministry. And they would be coming, knocking at doors for their money. Muggle borns had to pay 3000 Galleons back with their work. And it meant to pay 85 Sickles per month, for 50 years. Only old and rich families had that kind of money in the bank. If a muggleborn didn't pay, there was many inhuman ways to get the money from that person. That was one of the reasons why muggle borns were looked down on. Because many of them ended up doing unfree labor, practically they became slaves, who were under many contracts that are magically binding.

Muggle borns didn't know how these contracts worked or how serious they were. As someone used his/her own will to sign that contract, it meant that their will became a part of contract, and no one can fight it.

I used this to gain a lot of contracts for myself. Many of these muggle borns were living in humiliation and abuse. The things pure blood wizards did, and the creativity they had with their perversion was mind blowing. They had private libraries just about sex magic. It was disgusting.

My contracts were more powerful than wizards, so I had the power to overrule them. They got 10 years of freedom, and after that, I can get my yummy yum yum souls.

My mission to get the souls with a contract didn't finish, as I haven't gotten any souls from that yet. The earliest was in 1 week. I contracted with a muggle born woman who was raped and abused. She wanted a week to find her parents and say goodbye. Then she is going to kill herself. I didn't know if I should grin like a demon or be sad like a human that I am not. Well, I didn't have much humanity left, I had feelings but I experienced them differently.

I finished 5 missions in these years.

Mission: Learn Magic!

It needed 3 intermediate level branches of magic, and I had the Dark arts, Battle Magick and Transfiguration for it.

As a reward it gave me the title of "Magician" which increased my mana pool by +5 for each MGC and increased my magic effects by 20%, 5000$, 3 Souls which helped me level up twice, and also a surprise reward of dark element control!

(3 souls helped me to reach level 3. First level needed 1 soul and second level 2 souls.)

Other Missions that I finished was my first mastery, which was in runes. The system had a test before giving the complete mastery level. For runes it was inventing a new combination of runes that system found it a work of a master. For potions it was new potion. For Dark arts, Battle magic, spells and Transfiguration it was new spells or finding new concepts in the art. I got six the knowledge of six masteries in these three years and I was just one mastery away from reaching Grandmaster level.

[Mission: I correct the world with the tip of my wand, like a Maestro.

You finally found yourself in the big leagues of magic. But you still need a little push to call yourself a Grandmaster magician.

Requirement: Reach 7 masteries in different branches of a school of magic. (6/7)

Rewards: Staff of Solomon, +15 MGC, black robe of Kael the invoker.]

Each masteries itself gave a lot of boost in power. Aside from giving a boost in the performance of that branch, it gave +3 MGC, and I got 18MGC just from these masteries.

After getting mastery mission, I got a book which was called the primordial runes. I couldn't even read the first page. Aside from the fact that I was unfamiliar with the language, the book also had a heavy presence. I used all my knowledge of warding to hide its presence.

Other missions was the [Mission: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body] which gave me Healthy body Perk (+10 Health per level). Also mission to get my OWLs which I finished in the middle of my third year, just for Dumbledore not to get suspicious, rewards were some chocolates and an insulting comment about how I am a lazy fuck who doesn't work fast enough, and the last mission was to sign 10 contracts that gave me a Hellhound as reward, his name was Timmy and he was the cutest little thing, but was a high-maintenance bastard. He only ate human blood and human heart, which cost me couple of Golleons a day. I didn't know what I was going to do after the war.

I got some new missions aside from the Grandmastery. One was about the magical jungle. Another was to conquer the Hogwarts library, which I was close to finish. I only needed 2-3 months to finish everything. And another one to reach the Ascended Realm.

[Mission: To Ascend

I am not only of this earth. I am more. I can reach more.

Requirement: Reach 100 points in one of your stats.

Reward: Ascended tier, a reward related to the stat.]

My stats also improved:

STR: 10 ->19

VIT: 9 ->17

DEX: 10 ->20

INT: 57 ->64

WIS: 55 -> 66

MGC: 57 ->83

LUC: 5 -> 6

That luck increase was when I gambled. And after that +1 luck, it didn't increase. I looked like a well-trained person who never misses a gym time, but wasn't as strong as a professional athlete.

My status looked like this:

Name: Michael Green

Alias: none

Titles: Magician

Race: Demon God

Level 3: to next level need 3 souls (0/3)

(+10hp, +0.1% Resistance, +0.1% Damage output, + 5 stat point per level)

Lifespan: 250 (50 his vessels lifespan + 200 Tier Mortal (High))

Tier: Mortal (High) (Ready to improve, complete the related mission)

Stat Points: 15

Health: 380/380 – 3.8 regen per minute (+20hp per VIT and +10 per level)

Mana: 830/830 – 6.4 regen per minute (+10 mana per MGC)

Stamina: 85/85 – 2.0 regen per minute (+5 per VIT)

STR: 19

VIT: 17

DEX: 20

INT: 64

WIS: 66

MGC: 83

LUC: 6

(I'm not gonna list all the skills here, I'll put them on status page chapter.)

I also had my Knowledge divinity improved a level. Each year I got a spark of divinity and after three years:

Divinity – Knowledge [Level 2/?] [Needs 5 sparks of divinity to level up 0/5]

You have ignited a spark of divinity toward the realm of Knowledge. At Max level this power can unravel the secrets of universe, if not the multiverse.

Ability Level 1: Photographic Memory [Level Max] (passive) + 50 WIS

Ability Level 2: Speed Reading [Level Max] (passive)

Next Level: Observe [Level 1] (active) + 25 WIS

I got the Speed Reading, which turned my studying into casually turning the pages.

And for the Next level was the legendary Observe ability of all system holders. I felt I've been cheated by this system but after I saw this, it felt really good!

I was 19 and without a girlfriend, which was sad. Normally all the MCs find a girl for themselves in the first few days, or even minutes … or seconds. I couldn't find a person with qualities that I want. I'll probably wait for black widow? Or maybe I'll go after Sif? Or I don't know … don't ask difficult questions.

Let's talk about Tom, and I know I spend a lot of time with him, but no. There is nothing here between us. We are brothers.

He killed his father and grandparents. I was there.

*Flash back*

We appeared in Little Hangleton, went toward the Gaunt household. I knew we would find his uncle, Morfin Gaunt, and he would have the resurrection stone. So I gave Tom the Slytherin locket so I could ask for the resurrection stone for experiments. We went in and had the talk. Tom was angry. We stunned Morfin and went for Tom's father and grandparents. We killed both of them, it was my first kill. But the strangest part was I didn't get any souls.

We were going back to the Gaunt house under the Disillusionment Charms.

'System? Why didn't I get the soul?'

{Because you didn't get it … I mean by killing people you just free their souls. you don't take it in yourself. You give it to the Reaper. You need proper rituals/runes/magic/symbols or other forms of magic to connect their souls to yourself. Contracting is one of these ways.}

'Troublesome system. Can't you let me farm? I need to build a shrine for myself so people give sacrifices.'


We got to the Gaunt house and Tom was modifying morfin's memories. I got the ring which held resurrection stone.


[An Item with has been detected.

Name: Resurrection Stone.

Divinity: Death -> Authority domain of Souls

Containing Sparks: 1]

[Generating an Ability to gain the spark.]

[Ability Generated!]

[Spark Devourer [Level Max] (active)!]

Suddenly I knew how to absorb the spark from the stone.

'System. What is an Authority domain?'

{Some divinities, having met many requirements, can generate Authority domains, these Authority domains means you'll have more control over a part of your powers. For example, you have met the requirement of an Authority domain of knowledge, I think you can get it on Level 5 of your divinity.}

'What Authority domain?'

{Authority domain of Forbidden Knowledge.}

'Sounds intriguing.'

I absorbed the spark of divinity and spent it on my Divinity of Magic.



Find all three relics of death, known as the deathly hollows, and absorb their divinity.

Stone (1/1) Cloak (0/1) Wand (0/1)

Rewards: 20% Chance of igniting Death divinity / 60% chance of obtaining Authority domain of Souls]

*Flashback end*

After that day I began designing a plan on creating a secret society and a set of Runes for my altar. The idea was that the altars would act as a medium between the people who were sacrificing and my Deal with the Devil ability. It helped the person who is sacrificing to use the soul of the person being sacrificed to make a small wish, like getting younger (5-10 years each time), minor increase of power or healing. After making such altar, I was thinking of giving it to powerful families for them to deepen their roots and sacrifice for me.

I knew how to use runes to bind souls, but I didn't have enough knowledge to get the souls of the people I kill.

I also started to make a hideout, a small prison for me to send people who I wanted to personally take their souls.

Also I was nearly done with the Hogwarts library and I was thinking where I should go next. I probably had to go to Kamar-Taj to further my studies. Or to Asgard. Or if I could find a "Men of Letters" bunker, I could gain a lot of runic knowledge.

So many knowledge, so many souls, so little time.

This year is going to be the year that Tom opens the Chamber of Secrets. Before the start of his fifth year at school we talked about his plans about the chamber. I helped him find it in his fourth year. Because of my unknown lineage, I was considered as a muggle born by both of us, and with that I stopped the whole muggle hating path of his, now he is more of a conquering-the-magical-society-to-change-it-for-better kind of a person. I also stopped his thoughts on Horcruxes. I assured him that there were many more ways to become immortal and tearing down your soul was a bad idea.

Maybe I could find serums for that. It was 1943 and the story of Capitan America looked like a candy shop that I can go and use get whatever I want.

I wrote a letter for my goblin at the bank, I had to change some galleons to pounds. In a couple of years, there were many companies I had to invest in. But the richest of all was Stark industries, and I had to woo Howard stark for him to sell me some shares. Maybe teach him some magic? Or granting him a wish? I grinned.