Chapter 19: Librarian of Kamar-Taj

Sorry for the short chapters. Usually I write as much as I have time for it. So it's around 2000 words.

I used to write fiction in my native language when I was younger and some of them had like 50000 words per chapter. If I get the time, maybe I rewrite them in English. Now that I'm thinking, I'll probably write like one or two chapters to see if you guys like it or not, Don't worry, it's already written so all I'm doing is rewriting it and it doesn't take much time. It was called "Lords of Earth". I also have the story line of a story called "Morning star" which is about the Satan's son. When I finish this story I'll probably start writing the Morning star, I won't start any sooner.

Chapter 19: Librarian of Kamar-Taj

Four weeks passed in a flash. I used one of my clones (Called Clone #1) to stay at Hogwarts and work to see if it can unravel any mysteries of Wizarding world with Tom. The clone and Tom worked a lot, be it in magic or in politics of Wizarding world or financial management. The clone usually stayed in the Library as it wasn't safe for it to get out of there, but with the help of two-way mirrors, he was present by his side most of the time.

With the help of Tom and Ollivander, we were resurfacing the name of gaunt family as the descendants of Slytherin family. We paid money to Daily Prophet to interview Tom and present him as a sort of a prince for the magical world, and they did a damn good job. They highlighted his talent as a magician and he even said his knowledge is more than 7 years and he is planning to take NEWT at the same time with his OWL in the ministry.

They talked about his Parseltongue and portrayed it as a unique magical talent. They talked about how he felt as by heritage he probably owns a quarter of Hogwarts while they sent him home each year even though he pleaded to let him stay at Hogwarts.

Each question was pointed to help his image, and it worked. His request to get a Slytherin seats in the Wizengamot was accepted after he used goblin heritage test to have a proof of his Slytherin heritage. He also changed his last name to Slytherin.

I also moved all of my assets in Wizarding world under his name so he could have a better standing in that shitty government. I wasn't worried about that side with Tom in charge.

The second clone (of course called Clone #2) stayed in the main domain to work and experiment with magic. Mostly finishing the masteries, as they had small quests of their own and could give me 3 int each. In two weeks I gained mastery of Evil and Blood magic. Which gave me some sweet sweet int points.

Also my #2 clone was instructed to read and manage the books Howard brought me. Each week a truck or two would show up at my realms doorsteps, filled with books. I also made copies of Hogwarts books and any wizardry books and filled the Castle of Knowledge.

I also got around 50 house elves and bounded them to my realm. My realm didn't need cleaning but aside from outside of the realm work (So my clones aren't forced to go themselves), they manage a house I made near the entrance of my realm.

My main body was in Kamar-Taj, trying to conquer the library.

I went there 4 days after meeting with the Ancient One. I appeared in front of New York sanctum and the Master of that sanctum let me use the gateway to Kamar-Taj.

There I met the ancient one and two angry masters arguing, it seemed like it was about me!

Nameless doofus #1: Even if you saw the future you know it can be changed, if we let him inside the library he can change that fate.

Nameles doofus #2: I agree with master doofus #1 (I didn't pay attention to his name), I was your assistant on the experiments on time 10 years ago and I've been studying its mysteries since then, I don't think we can trust time and possible futures when we are dealing with such powerful creature.

"Creature?" I showed up at door. I was pissed.

"Oh hello Mr. Green. I was just discussing your position as our new librarian."

"And it wasn't timely managed so I could hear their contempt for me so I would be careful?"


I didn't even look at the masters there and told the Ancient One "I'll start working. If you need anything I'll be in the library."

She gave me a nod and I walked out. I could feel where the library was. Also the smell of books were clear to me from miles away. It was the effects of my divinity.

I walked inside the library.

[You have entered a domain of God of Knowledge - A level Library (Magical).

Possible gains are in the field of: Mystic Arts, Dimensional Magic, Elemental Magic, Mind arts, Grand Sealing, Time & Space magic, illusion magic, Rituals, Enchantments, Warding, Eldritch Magic and the martial arts related to it, Dark magic and White magic.


1. Spark generator (If you spend 8 hours a day for a year, you'll gain 2 spark of knowledge divinity)

2. Learning increased (+200% processing power)

3. Book sensing (You can sense all of the books in this library)

4. Book command (You can command books and move them at will)

5. Ban/Restriction (You can ban people from the library or restrict parts of the library for the selected people)

6. A-level specialty (If you spend 8 hours a day for a month, you'll gain +1 WIS)

Requirement: Divinity of knowledge

Conquering Progress: 0%]

The effects were much better than Hogwarts!

I started reading the disciple part of the library and found out that it wasn't going to be a smooth ride. The knowledge there was way more profound than the knowledge in Hogwarts.

Here they were using dimensional and mystical kinds of energy and were aware of nearly all kinds of beings. People in Hogwarts didn't even know what demons were.

From time to time I would have a visit from Ancient One and we would talk about theory of magic and sometimes even gossiping about the world and other masters.

She was even talking about setting me up with some of the female masters of Kamar-Taj, I told her I'm going to think about it.

I had this weird feeling that even though there were many choices for a partner for me, but somehow from the first day I pictured myself in a relationship with a main cast of Marvel. It didn't mean I couldn't find others and try to date them.

Personally I preferred Ancient one herself, and I even asked her for a date. Sadly she told me that she had a no date policy after hurting her womb with the dark dimension powers. She was a bit open about it with me. Maybe she knew that I understood or she wanted me to help her with that power? I didn't know.

I spend all my time studying there until it was the time for the appearance of the hand of god. Thank me that I had the demonic power leveled up. Anti-Demon traps were useless against my Knights of Hell powers. They couldn't stop me. So I went to find the fragment of the Ark of the Covenant.

In the series Dean did get the hand of god but it was empty of any powers, so if I got it before them it wouldn't make much difference.

Before I leave Kamar-Taj I asked Ancient one if she could see the future and tell me where the Bluefin sank, surprisingly she didn't reject as it was those peoples fate to die.

With the help of Ancient one's coordination, finding the submarine wasn't difficult. I went inside easily. I used illusion magic to look like one of the crew. I kept that person inside the suitcase I brought and I was reading his minds in a real-time, so that my accent, my answers and even my way of walking was just like him.

I saw Jensen fucking Ackles there! (Jensen Ackles is the guy who plays dean Winchester in the supernatural series) Yeah he was. When Delphine Seydoux (The woman who was in charge of the transportation of the hand of god and a Men of Letters operative) brought a wooden box I knocked out I was in the room and with a simple spell I knocked the soldiers out and used binding on Delphine and Dean, their mouths were also bound and they couldn't say anything.

I grabbed the box as they tried their best to get out of those bindings but they were magical.

"You know, these things would be a waste if used improperly. I know about men of letters. Such a sexist group. If it were me I would say People of Letters." I looked at Delphine and gave her a small business card. "I am Grin, manager of a small group called SMILE, tell men of letters that I would be happy to work with them on different cases if they need a professional. This is the address that you can go to contact me. This artifact is more powerful than the understanding of your group so I'm helping you guys here. Also to show my good faith I'll help you get out of this submarine before the germen ship destroys it."

Then I looked at Dean and said "Also, to help out little guy here I'll undo the angle wards so your ride could come and rescue you. I'll also take your smart phone." His phone jumped to my hand.

"To pay you for this, I'll give you some information." I paused a bit. "Castiel is possessed by Lucifer, that's why he has enough power to jump back in time."

I put my hands on Delphine's shoulder and we disappear, I dropped her off in New York and I went to my realm to see what kind of prize I got.

I opened the wooden box and looked at the fragment of the Ark of the Covenant, the hand of god.

I slowly brought my hands forward and touched it.


[An Item containing divinity has been detected.

Name: Fragment of the Ark of the Covenant.

Divinity: Creation -> Authority of Miracles

Containing Sparks: 2]

2 Sparks?! That much on a fragment?! I knew Christian god is not the one above all, but how OP was him to use that many divinities on something like this!

I absorbed them and used them on my divinity of mind and got a related quest.

[New Mission: O prophet, I am the one above all!

Find three relics of Christian God to gain a chance to get a chance to ignite one of his divinities.


1. The Ark of the Covenant fragment

Rewards: 5% Chance of igniting Creation divinity / 5% Chance of igniting Fate divinity / 5% Chance of igniting Light divinity / +10 Luck / Divine Artificer Skill]



[A Powerful entity is using detection on you]

[Defense mechanism of system is activated]

[Trying to stop the detection.]


[Trying to lower the data detected]


[You have been detected by the Christian god as a Demon God, the existence of system is protected.]

'Oh shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!'

Name: Michael Green (Level 18) (AKA: Grin)

Titles: Magician, Annihilator

Race: Demon God

Lifespan: 250 Earth Years

Tier: Ascended (low)

Free Stat Points: 8

Str: 79

Vit: 75

Dex: 75

Int: 94

Wis: 95

Mgc: 126

LUC: 16


Divinity – Mind [Level 1/?] (2/3)***

Divinity – Knowledge [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity – Magic [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity Domain – Souls (Under Magic Divinity) [Mastery of Domain 12%]

Demonic - Knight of Hell [Level 1/5]

System [Level 18/?]

Long-Runner [Max]

Gamers Body [Max]

New system skills and magical skills

Sorcery - Mystic Arts /Beginner/ [5/25]***

Sorcery - Dimensional Magic/Beginner/ [6/25]***

Sorcery - Eldritch Magic /Beginner/ [9/25]***