Chapter 20: Kidnapped

Hello, remember me? The oathbreaker, the lazy one, the master of postponing, the god of poverty and bad luck? Yeah, I never left. I know none of you remember me, but hopefully if I continue this story, some start reading from the start. I don't know.

So I've been dealing with this dilemma on how much I should change stuff. As most of you know, marvel and supernatural both have a complete lore of their own. Changing them would be difficult as I should have a good binding story between the two. I wrote this chapter many times and deleted it, as it is the first big connection between the two stories.

Also I have less and less time each day to write. I've been killing myself to start my own company, and I've got no money :))))))) If any of you guys want to donate some money to clear your conscious or something, send money directly as bitcoin:



don't? I don't know.

I'll probably make a pat reon accound for my other stories that I���ll start soon.

Well, my "soon" means as soon as possible. Maybe two or three months from now?

Maybe never?

I'm gonna summarize the story up until this chapter and continue chapter 20:

Previously on DGIM…

Main guy, micheal green, got fcked by Truck-Sama, He got reincarnated with a system and some godly domains and a demonic blood. Some say his system was nerfed, I disagree. He has a limitless stats and he is potentially an immortal, so …?

He got friends with young Voldy and changed his life.

He started a business in wizarding world.

Saved Dr. Erskine and got into contact with Howard Stark

He started his own religion of some sort with some people so they could sacrifice for him (He needs souls to level up instead of XP) and he called himself Grin.

He started an organization called SMILE.

He absorbed the divinity of Deathly Hollows.

He made a realm for himself, and he planted a Yggdrasill there.

Also he found a hand of god (A pieace of the ark of the covenant) and absorbed it, but he found out that he is marked by the Christian god now.

And now chapter 20:

20. Kidnapped

'Oh shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!'

'Christian god detected me? He can smite me where I'm standing! That big G god who sent me here said the lore of supernatural is changed and also system told me he isn't one above all, but even if he is a God tier being, I'm fucked, I don't know how much stats he has compared to me, but it should be at least 10000 in each stat I guess'

I opened a portal to Kamar-Taj to ask Ancient One if she has some magicky thingy to help me out of this before any shitty situation happened.

I rushed to her room as she was meditating with the Eye of Agamotto, as I entered the room, before I ask anything, she said: "I've checked the future; he is annoyed but has no intention to haunt you down."

I doubted her, as I remembered that time and fate was changeable with enough power. "But …"

She interrupted me "Even if he wanted to, you'd have at least 10 years. The holy war between heaven and hell is at its peak."

"Isn't he like the creator of heaven and hell? How can hell rebel against him?"

"He was, once, a great being. Had no name, people of ancient times used to call him o doritís, means "The giver". His and his sister's origin was unknown. He came to be and started creating. He gave health, food and plants. Everything was going great until one day he thought of starting a religion, Christianity. For a while things looked good. Some people believed and he helped them. But he loved people who worshiped him to a point that he overlooked their cruelty and Amara didn't like it. She didn't like what Christians were doing, so once she saw them using the name of the church to rape, kill and loot, she wanted to destroy them. She got into a fight with Christian god, she thought he would side with her, but he loved his religion too much and tried to seal but he failed. Then he created his swords, Lucifer and Michael, Darkness and Light, his divinities were not focused on battle, so he used a lot of power to create two new divinities for his weapons. They fought for years and finally they defeated Amara, he sealed her at the expense of sealing a part of his powers. Sent Lucifer down to protect hell, and sent Michael to protect heaven. He thought everything would be okay, but he didn't account for the power of souls. Souls that were sent to hell were thousands times more that heaven, and Lucifer used them to empower his divinity and gain new ones, aside from his demonic powers.

During this time Christian God was in his room, creating new toys, while Lucifer gained enough power to attempt a hostile takeover on heavens business of souls. He knew Christian God wasn't almighty. So with enough power and an army of demons Lucifer rebelled. He lost the fight, but that gave another blow to Christian god's power, as he should've used his powers to also keep Lucifer in check. His powers now could be compared to Michael, forced him to leave heaven before anyone could rebel against him again, he didn't trust his angles anymore. Now he is watching the war that is happening between a chaotic hell and a depressed heaven."

I was surprised by the amount of knowledge she had on the Christian God, AKA chuck.

"Did you see all of that with time stone?"

She smiled "Well part of it, but mostly from his monthly updated autobiography."


She made a book appeared and said "He looks at our universe as a story which he is the hero. And he updates his book every month, it's a good read, aside from the parts that he tries to talk in a cool, deep, complex and an unappreciated god kind of way. You can find this book in most of the book stores, but beings that are powerful enough can see or read it."

I was surprised; I knew chuck (Christian God) had a writing issue, but this much? It seemed insane. But he is insane … so … yeah, that's like him.

"Who is the current king of hell?"

"No one, it seems that princes of hell are arguing to find a way to bring Lucifer back, but they don't agree on the method."

I let out a sigh of relief, "so a bullet dodged. I thought he would be mad or something."

I felt a little bit better and asked one last question. "If anything happened can I come to you?"

"Well I could take him on with a bit of preparation after the Amara incident. At his peak, I have no chance, but masters of Kamar-Taj have many artifacts and Mystical spells, they might help."

"Thank you Ancient One."

I got into the library of Kamar-Taj and started reading about Ancient and Eldritch runes. If all gods have their own minion, why shouldn't I create my own.

Christian god made angles, but he can't be compared to others, he is the god of creation, creating is his thing, you can't compare to that. Maybe in the future I get a power like that and make angle like beings for myself, but for now, I'll skip creating a new specie.

An idea was forming in my head, with help of some potions, some wizardry rune and enchanting, and combined with sorcery and eldritch runes, and Dr. Erskine's serum, it was possible for me to create an army of super soldiers who could be bound by a soul contract.

After finishing my research, I called Howard and asked him if the preparation of trainers and a training grounds of SMILE were going well. I asked him to hire a lot of people with nothing to lose.

I didn't have that many disposable people that were bound to my contract. I knew it would take some time, but it seemed I had a lot of time in my hand.

I finished my time in the library and decided to check my businesses in Diagon Alley.


'I am a student of Harward University. I'm going to the office of the president of the university. They are mad that I broke some lab equipment.'

These thoughts were racing in my head as I waited on the chair in front of president's office to meet him. I was so nervous that I couldn't even make a rational thought.

The office secretary asked me to enter. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants and got up and went inside.

It was a big room, with a brown wood theme, like you expect in a workroom of an old mansion. A smile fire was cracking in the fire place, giving the room a mysterious aura.

"Mr. Green, come sit. We got a lot to discuss."

I looked at him, Mr. Chuck Lord, president of Harward University. Everyone said he was a genius of the century. His articles on many fields were so insightful and made grounds for further improvement of science. Without pushing too hard on his progress on one field to reap all the rewards and recognition that a field of study could bring, he chose to hold back and let others use his groundwork. He was definitely father of three different fields in different majors and influenced many others. But why did his face seem so familiar?

"I'm sorry Mr. Lord. I'll pay for those items. It was an accident."

He smiled and said:

"The items are not that important, but rules are rules. I know you are an orphan and a handling the purchase of these equipment could be tough, so I thought maybe we could find you a part time job to cover it without affecting your studies?"

This guy was every bit as legendary as they described him. He took time to find me a job to cover the cost. I got excited:

"Thank you Mr. Lord! What is the job? Anything it is, I'll do it!"

He smiled and took out a pen and paper.

"It's easy, I want you to take over hell as a replacement of Lucifer, dust the place a bit maybe." He put the pen on top of the paper and said: "Don't worry, it'll be over in a blink of an eye."

"W … Wh … What?"

Suddenly his eyes started to light up white. And I had to bring my hands up so I wouldn't go blind.

"Oh you disappoint me, I expected more." He moved his hand in a "go away" gesture and said, "Now you have your memories back."

'What did he say? Memories? How? He?' And suddenly it struck me. 'Chuck?'

The light disappeared and a smiling Christian God was sitting in front of me.

"Sorry to start the conversation by kidnapping you. I've been waiting for a good candidate such as you for a long time, got me all excited. Also this prank is going to be a hit for my book. How about I put your name as the title?"