Chapter 21: Ruler of Hell Candidate

Chapter 21: Ruler of Hell Candidate

I was sitting in front of Chuck, the Christian god. He kidnapped me and he was offering me a job as the King of Hell!

But there was only one question in front of my mind that horrified me. "How … How did you fool time stone?" I asked nervously. I thought these stones were like an absolute control over their respective powers. If he could fool time stone, can he kill equipped with stones Thanos? Or at least deflect guntlets powers?

He smiled and said "Time stone, the fundamental energy piece that the old hag uses. You are misunderstanding their function. The stones do not give you power over an aspect/authority/law, that is what divinities are. That's really important to know. Stones are infinite energies. Divinities are some energy plus the way to control and shape them as you will. Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj is a capable woman, borderline monster. But she doesn't have a divinity of time, so her control over that energy is limited to all the sorcery she knows. That makes her power to see future be mediocre at best. If it was a god with a mature time divinity and a time stone at hand, even I wouldn't be able to hide."

'That was enlightening! Let's go to the second and maybe the most cliché question of all.'

"Why me?"

He smiled and said: "Why not you? You are perfect for the job. You have the demonic powers similar to demons of Christian hell. Also I could give you a salary of 1000 souls per month."

It was crazy, he could not finish that war with hell, and he could easily kidnap me. That was a simple math, Poor Michael Green < Christian God < The Chaos in hell.

Even though normal demons where at most ants in front of my arsenal of wizard magic, sorcery, demonic heritage and divine powers, supernatural was changed and fused with MCU. And I had no idea how it was changed and what kind of monsters resided there.

"Can I say no?"

"Why? I could give you a raise after 3 years. Or maybe we could arrange work days for you."

"I just want to know if I have the option to say no and you won't smite me if I reject the offer."

He looked like he was hurt and confused. "You can, but why? You could be the perfect character for my story! The forbidden child of darkness and light, divine and demonic powers, rise and conquer hell for himself."

I was relieved that he said I can say no. But still I was trying not to be disrespectful as he could easily kill me with a [Finger technique: Thanos style].

"I don't want to get in the middle of that fight which I'm not powerful enough to win. Also I am getting around 1000 souls each month without working and risking my life."

I looked at him as it seemed like he lost all his money on poker or something. This guy did not even bother hiding any of his expressions.

"Everything is ruined!" He said in a sad tone and put his head on the table.

"Why did you even create hell in a way to get out of hand?"

He looked at me in anger and shouted "Well I'm not omniscient! You wanted to say that? Bring it up in every conversation!"

'He needs a therapist!'

"I mean, didn't you put any kind of, I don't know, key to turn everything off with your will or something?"

He got up and poured himself some drink to cool down.

"No. I have a divinity of creation, but it doesn't mean my creations are under my control all the time. Literally I can make a stone that I can't lift! I made hell to be the counter part of heaven, and a bit of torture for rapists and thieves. But after the first rebellion of demons, they got stronger and smarter under the leadership of Lucifer."

He sipped some whiskey and said: "we are out of Jesus blood, want some whiskey?"

"Ok" and took a glass from him.

"I don't have the power I used to have. I think even Michael, my first son, can kill me if he wants to. Hell changed so much that I don't even feel a connection with it."

"Don't you have the demon tablet to destroy them with? I thought it was your power, give that knowledge to your soldiers and or an army of humans."

He rubbed his face in worry.

"I don't have the tablet or its knowledge or power. Tablets were creations of Amara, to destroy anything that I created. They are protected by her powers to be hidden from me. My angels searched everywhere, nothing."

Another thing that was different from supernatural. In the canon, Along with the other tablets, God had Metatron dictate the Demon Tablet while God was forming creation. God created the Demon Tablet specifically to give information on demons to the human race and like the other tablets, it could only be read by a Prophet. Aside from information about their origin, it also contained ways of destroying demons and sealing hell.

I told him "How about I help your angels in their fight?"

"That's one of the problems. They overpower us in number. They can create more demons from souls in hell, but I can't create more angels. I don't have the power to do so. We will lose numbers and gain nothing. And also the hell I created is close to other hells. So it gets influenced by other hells and demons summon monsters from other hells to fight. Attacking directly is nearly impossible. I thought if you could improve your demonic powers, they would accept you as a leader without a fight."

"No! That's an obvious suicide for me!"

He contemplated for a moment and said thought up an idea, "What if I sell hell to you in some conditions?"

I got interested! I heard of priests selling lands of heaven, but selling hell was something else.

"I'm interested."

He said: "You get to rule hell and I won't fight you over ownership. You get all the souls and powers there … BUT, you'll feed the energy to Lucifer's prison. I'll get some parts of my power back, you'll get a whole hell and its soldiers for yourself. It's a win-win situation. I never wanted to taint my hands with the whole hell thing. You'd help me and yourself this way. I can always create another hell for myself if I gain my old powers back."

To be the ruler of hell sounded nice and I thought about all the powers I could gain with that. I didn't know how hard holding Lucifer in prison would be, but it sounded to me that it was worth it.

"I think it's doable. But I need time to improve my demonic powers. And I need to ask for a couple of small things from you."

Chuck smiled and said: "Perfect! A hero with the power to haggle with more powerful beings! What do you need? Don't be greedy."

I said: "I need two other divine artifacts that you created, and also all you know about demons and hell."

He smiled and nodded.

"I'll send an angle with the items to you. Now go."

I suddenly found myself in Diagon alley. It was a shitty move but I felt I gained more in that deal. I didn't know how much Lucifer's Prison needed power to contain him but it was clearly less than the energy a whole realm creates. Even if that wasn't enough, I could always get power sources with nearly infinite amount of energy inside. Infinity stones, Casket of Ancient Winters, future technologies, energies stored in different realms or any other sources.

I needed to master the power to attack different realms and gain a power to overpower princes of hell or any other demonic creature there is in that hell.

Many plans where shaping in my head.

What would happen if I connected Jotunheim to hell? Hell had the essence of fire and darkness. It could weaken that realm if the pathway stayed open for too long.

'I need to study and create some tools to weaken that realm. Also I need to kill a lot of them. But I need information first.'

[New Mission! Conquer Hell!

It seems that you are a candidate to rule hell! Go get some votes before Trump wins the election!

Rewards: A new add to your realm, Title: King of Hell, Income of Souls, Demonic Heritage Evolve: Royale Demonic Heritage (Knight of Hell to Royale Knight of Hell), A source of Eternal Fire, a random Divine level Demonic Treasure/Weapon. ]

I read the rewards and I got overjoyed with it.

I went back to Kamar-Taj and appeared in front of Ancient One.

"That future was hidden from me. I never saw something like that" She said, "How did your meeting go?"

"I need to learn from the book of Cagliostro and use time stone. I need to find the demon tablet."


I stood in some field in Norway.

'I need it in order to up my game'

"I, Grin the Gracious, God of Wisdom, Mind and Magic, seek audience of All-father, Odin Borson, King of Asgard, and protector of the Nine Realms. I ask Heimdal the all-seeing to deliver this request to your king."

After couple of minutes I was a bit disappointed in their stubbornness. But before I go I saw a column of light that fell on me and after couple of seconds I saw Heimdal in front of me.

"All-father is waiting for you."


Name: Michael Green (Level 18) (AKA: Grin)

Titles: Magician, Annihilator

Race: Demon God

Lifespan: 250 Earth Years

Tier: Ascended (low)

Free Stat Points: 8

Str: 79

Vit: 75

Dex: 75

Int: 94

Wis: 95

Mgc: 126

LUC: 16


Divinity – Mind [Level 1/?] (2/3)

Divinity – Knowledge [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity – Magic [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity Domain – Souls (Under Magic Divinity) [Mastery of Domain 12%]

Demonic - Knight of Hell [Level 1/5]

System [Level 18/?]

Long-Runner [Max]

Gamers Body [Max]