Chapter 22: Business Deals with Asgard

Guys I posted a chapter of a new HP fanfic, "DarkLord Gamer", check it out.

I posted that for fun and this will be the story that I'll finish first. I won't take anytime from writing this story to write the other one.

But sometimes I need to write something else, so I wouldn't start getting bored with the story. I hope you enjoy this chapter

Chapter 22: Business Deals with Asgard

Asgardians, or Æsir, a group of gods armed with technological, physical and divine powers, holder of one of the biggest treasure vaults of the entire galaxy. Powerful, yet idiots.

I didn't like Odin, or Thor. I knew that if I got a chance I might've killed Odin to release Hela. At least she wasn't a hypocrite like Odin or a simple minded idiot like Thor. Loki was also fine in my books. I could use someone of his intellect and cunningness in my ranks.

Four soldiers with golden armors walked beside me and led me toward the main castle of Asgard. The throne of Odin.

Aside from the main castle and Bifrost, Asgard didn't look like what was pictured in MCU.

Magic and mysterious dimensional energies where abundant in the air and the land. And the whole Asgard was inside a giant pocket dimension, I couldn't even feel the end of it. It was at least as big as a medium sized country. And the city was way bigger.

The castle was lively and filled with people of Asgard. And young warriors training in every corner. A normal day of Asgard. As I was walking on the rainbow bridge, I pictured Ragnarök, the moment Surtur gains the power of eternal fire and destroys Asgard. I felt pity for them. I didn't know if I even wanted to help them or not. It all depended on this meeting.

I got inside the castle and into the throne room of Asgard. I saw Odin, who was not portrayed in the movies in anyway near the real thing. He was powerful. The invisible OdinForce was oozing out of his being and circled around him like a tornado.

He held Gungnir in his hand and I could feel that the weapon showed an absolute dominance over the authority of destruction, as it was a divine weapon.

I could feel that this Odin was not same as MCU, and he had power at least on the same level as the Christian God.

Beside the throne stood Frigga and Loki. Also two old people who looked like council members and some guards. Thor was not there. Maybe they were there because of my magical powers?

I stopped and kneeled in front of Odin' throne.

"Holder of divinity and darkness, introduce yourself."

"I ask for your forgiveness All-Father. I am a small god of magic, knowledge and mind. I am also a wizard and a sorcerer. As sorcerers we carry the legacy of Agamotto. Wizards are a small hidden society on earth, or as you might say Midgard." I said

"So the Midgard's Seidr survived? I knew Agamotto. I met him on my travels through galaxy. A young man, but brilliant. Who are you then? I know you are not a ruler of Midgard. Are you a ruler of these societies of Seidr?"

"No my lord, I am a librarian."

Odin was surprised and two council members were furious.

"What is a simple librarian doing in front of all-father? If any of these societies wanted to ask anything or rely a message, shouldn't their ruler come here? Or perhaps a diplomat? This is insulting!"

Odin brought up his hand to silence his one of his council members who was ranting.

"Get up and tell me why a librarian is here? And why are you, a being with divinity, a simple librarian?"

I stood up and looked at Odin.

"My lord, I am a god of Magic, Mind and Knowledge. Libraries is where I feel empowered in. And I am here to propose a relationship agreement between Asgard and My organization."

Odin looked amused.

'If I knew he would be this scary I wouldn't have the balls to come to Asgard.' I said to myself.

"What do you think that you can provide for Asgard that we can't have?"

I smiled and said "My lord, in past years I've been creating a small magical jungle, with many plants that are soaked in Wizarding magic. Harvest of these plants are tradable. Also with a Wizarding knowledge of potion making that I provide, it can help your magicians to prosper."

I could see Frigga and Loki's eyes sparked with excitement. But Odin wasn't pleased.

"Æsir are warriors, we do not need much magical resources. We are getting enough from Vanir."

I smiled and said "Of course my lord but if you let me show some of our exotic plants I think you change your mind. We also have a variety of magical animals, such as dragons."


Anyone who heard that where surprised. Dragons where considered extinct in the eyes of Asgard.

Odin said: "Are you speaking of truth midgardian, dragons are not extinct?"

"I have no reason to lie to you my lord. But I don't know what kind of dragons you've seen in your past. But these dragons are magical creatures of wizards. I can bring you some. We grow them and use their blood, skin, meat and other body parts as magical ingredients. For the warriors of Asgard they might even become rides. They are intelligent animals."

Odin was amazed. "I want to see one as soon as possible to believe your words. Why haven't Heimdall seen any of these beasts?"

"Wizards are known for their magical wards and have abilities to stay hidden from prying eyes."

Odin accepted my answer and nodded.

"Before I show them I wanted to show your Excellency some of our other possible deals, as you said your people are warriors my lord. And I bring goblin made weapons."

I moved my hands and a box appeared in it. I kneeled again and held the box up.

One of Odin's councilors came forward and took that box from my hand. Brought it beside Odin and opened it to show its content to him.

"It's an enchanted dagger my lord. Made by goblins, a race of craftsmen and enchanters."

Odin took the golden dagger and looked at the edges. Tried to test the edge by touching it that a council said:

"My lord, it might be cursed. Let me test it first." but Odin ignored him and touched the edge. It made a small cut on his thumb that healed in a second. He was impressed.

I said: "It is enchanted with [unbreakable], [eternal sharpness] and [armor penetrate runes], I don't know how they work compared to your Asgardian weapons."

Odin didn't answer but tried to channel some of his energy through it. The energy didn't flare out of the small dagger but it contained it and made Odin surprised.

"Guard, give me your sword."

One of the guards in the hall gave his sword to Odin while kneeling.

Odin put Gungnir away beside himself and stopped channeling energy to the dagger. He moved his hands and tried to pierce the sword with a stab and it made a dent on the sword without any trouble.

Then he channeled his OdinForce to it and did the same and the sword tore apart.

"Impressive." Odin said with an amazed look. "How many of these weapons can the goblin race provide us?"

"My lord, I don't think I can provide a lot of swords for now, but I can promise you to increase the production rate and bring and steadily increasing amount of swords of at least this quality to Asgard. But I implore All-Father not to contact people of Midgard as you were not previously. They are not ready, even wizards. They are a society oblivious to higher powers in the cosmos and are arrogant people. I as a god, took it upon myself to create an organization of Midgardians, wizards, sorcerers and other beings to protect earth and its residents from any dangers, while trying to ally ourselves with other universes and civilities."

"We can make the deals with your people. The head of treasury and merchants will talk to you and he'll check if you are pricing your items correctly. Bring the dragons now. It's been more than 600 years since the last time I've seen one fly."

He looked at one of the guards and said "Call Thor, he'll want to be here."

I could sense some kind of anger in Loki's eyes with the mention of Thor's name.

Odin looked at me and said "Go to Bifrost, Heimdall will help you to bring the beast here."

I said "All I need is your permission All-Father and I'll open a portal to my own realm where I hold some of these beasts, but I hope we could go somewhere with more space if your majesty wants to test the power of my dragons, they cannot be compared to Æsir warriors, but I don't want any damage to the throne room."

Odin accepted and told us to go to one of training grounds in the castle.

Thor joined us in the middle of the way and came towards me "Young Seidr God, I hear you bring majestic creatures with you. My name is Thor Odinson, God of Thunder."

He looked a lot like Chris Hemsworth from the movies, but maybe a bit bigger? I didn't see Chris Hemsworth personally in my past life, but he was definitely at least 20-30cm taller and bulkier.

"It's an honor to see the Thor of Midgardian legends, prince of Asgard. I am Michael Green. I'll summon the beasts when we get to the training arena."

He laughed and said "Hahaha, I knew it felt like an interesting day, with the peace in nine realms it was feeling boring in here."

I just smiled and nodded, we had small talks and he asked questions about the changes in Midgard and we got to the training ground. They all stood at the edge of the arena and I walked in the middle. I used dimensional magic and sorcery to open an orange portal between Asgard and my realm.

On the other side of the portal Clone #2 stood with five sleeping dragons and ten dragon eggs. He was wearing the Eye of Agamotto. I used Clone #2 to speed up a small part of my realm so I could have rapid aging dragons. My clone made these dragons in less than an hour.

I used telekinesis and brought the dragons and the eggs to my side in Asgard and closed the portal.

I moved my hand and one of them woke up and started roaring. Thor jumped toward it and started to use it as a punching bag. Poor dragon.

Odin looked at the fight and said: "Magnificent creatures, but not nearly as powerful as the beasts I knew."

"My lord, they have been living in Midgard and have magical cores that produces low quality magic, if you rise these eggs in Asgard and they experience its energy, they might become like the creatures your majesty knew."

He accepted my opinion as he could see the low quality of Wizarding energy in the dragons. If they felt OdinForce or divine powers, they might change.

"What do you want from Asgard for of all these magical weapons and beasts and plants? I don't think Asgardian gold is of any use to you."

"May I ask if your majesty knows the Christian God of Midgard?"

Odin's face turned a bit annoyed.

"Yes, that crazy brat sends me a copy of his autobiography every 5 years."

"He tasked me to help him get rid of his enemies in the hell he created."

Odin looked at me for a second and chuckled a bit.

"He couldn't control the hell he created?"

"It seems that by sealing his enemies, he lost a considerable portion of his powers that he wants back so I need help. I'm not powerful enough to complete this task."

He got angry and said:

"Do you want Asgard to help you because you give us some items? Do you see us our people as mercenaries? Sell swords?"

His anger made his aura heavier than usual. The tired dragon who was punched by Thor couldn't take the pressure and fainted.

I kneeled and said "I would never ask such a thing All-Father."

"Then what do you want?"

I steeled my balls with magic (Not literally of course, that's a spell you use only if anyone wants to perform a foul kick on you) and said "I wanted to see if I could borrow the Casket of Ancient Winters, If it's out of option, I wanted to ask for some magical tomes. The Casket weakens the realm and helps me to with the attack."

Odin looked at me with piercing eyes and after couple of seconds said:

"Bring your other items by tomorrow and we will determine the value of them. Then we will talk."

I bowed and said: "Thank you All-Father. Then I'll be on my way and come back tomorrow."

I used demonic teleportation and came back to my own realm.

'It went better than I imagined.'


Name: Michael Green (Level 18) (AKA: Grin)

Titles: Magician, Annihilator

Race: Demon God

Lifespan: 250 Earth Years

Tier: Ascended (low)

Free Stat Points: 8

Str: 79

Vit: 75

Dex: 75

Int: 94

Wis: 95

Mgc: 126

LUC: 16


Divinity – Mind [Level 1/?] (2/3)

Divinity – Knowledge [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity – Magic [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity Domain – Souls (Under Magic Divinity) [Mastery of Domain 12%]

Demonic - Knight of Hell [Level 1/5]

System [Level 18/?]

Long-Runner [Max]

Gamers Body [Max]