Chapter 002! The Training camp of Hell looks...Nice?

Yugo looked up from the book he was reading and looked out of the window for a while.

Trees, trees, more trees, even more trees, sheep, trees, trees, trees.

Yugo leaned back into his seat.

'Yo, Yushita!' Josh's voice came from behind him. 'When are we getting there?'

Yugo turned around and kneeled on his seat. 'Dunno man, asked Miss Iwobi or someone. I don't even know how long I've been reading for.'

Yugo only now realised how quiet the usually rowdy third years are.

The popular girls aren't screaming 'Oh my gosh, no connection? How am I going to survive this three months?' and even the boys are sitting quietly, fidgeting around with their fingers.

'Looks like everyone's really nervous eh?' Yugo told Josh. 'I wouldn't be surprised. In a few hour's time we'll be working our heads off.'

Josh smirked. 'Less third year means less competition mate. Besides, how sick would it be if we were the only ones that made it through.'

'Thinking about it, why did we choose Shintawa again?' Asked Yugo.

'I forgot.' answered Josh.' I'm pretty sure Oaklie jabbed a pencil into the list and it landed on Shintawa. But your Mother and sisters live in Hiroshima am I correct?'

'Well more like just my Mother and Yuuki.' said Yugo.

Yugo let out a sigh.

'Stop sighing mate!' Josh said while poking him. 'You're always disappointed in some way, shape or form. Besides, what are you nervous for? We're the two prodigies! We excel at everything we do! This camp is going to be a piece of cake!'

Yugo was about to answer back when his phone buzzed in his pocket. 'Oh, I guess we do have connection.'

He pulled out his Samsung and opened messages.

Yushita Shoyo (Dad):

I only go a break from work a few minutes ago. I understand you have already departed. I'm sorry I wasn't able to see you off.

Yushita Yugo:

Nah, it's fine. Besides you come to Hiroshima at the end of every summer, I can wait for a few months.

Yushita Shoyo (Dad):

O.K. Make sure to make it through The Weeding. If you don't atleast get to class 1-B with your intellect I will disown you.

Yushita Yugo:

Yada yada yada. Okay.

Yushita Shoyo (Dad):

And say hi to your mother, Yuri and Yuuki for me.

Yushita Yugo:

Kay, sure. Bye.

'Was that your Dad?' Asked Josh.

'Yeah.' Yugo answered.

The girl sitting beside Josh woke up. 'Hmmph, how can you guys be so calm about the Weeding?'

'Have you forgotten who we are?'

The girl sitting beside Josh sat up. Yugo faintly recognised her, but doesn't know her name or class.

'Well yeah, but you will meet many more prodigies from all over Japan. You should be at least a bit nervous.'

Yugo did think this remark over and over in his head.

Prodigies from all over Japan. People who would be on his level, no, higher than him. Even with this thought, he still finds it hard to be nervous. 'It's hard to be scared when you're prepared.'

'Yeah, true. But then again. There will be the Elite Ten of Shintawa, The Elite Ten of Beigoma, and the Elite Seven of Tokyo National. They can compete in international level with the thing than they are good at.'

Josh's eyes lit up. 'Hey Yushita! Wanna try to challenge the Elite Ten straight away?'

Yugo was about to answer yes when another thought struck his head. 'We might have to deem ourselves worthy of going up against them. So personally I would wait one or two days.'

Josh shrugged. 'Well, Imma go to sleep. You should too, we literally don't know when we will arrive to the camp.'

Josh closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Yugo slunk back into his seat. "Going up against professional level Elite Ten members eh? That'll be fun!" Followed by a "zzzzzzzzzz"

'Hey, Yushita! We're here! Yushita!' Came a voice from far away. 'Hey, wake up! Oaklie and Douglas are already outside!'

Yugo felt a stinging pain on his left cheek and snapped awake.

'Sorry mate, I had to. You weren't waking up no matter how hard I shake you.'

'It's fine bro. We've arrived anyways.'

Yugo nearly choked on his own spit when he looked out of the bus window. The rolling green fields, picnic tables, a bushel maze and an archery range. But that's just the beginning. In the distance Yugo can just about make out a football field, a gymnasium and a tall building. 'Holy...'.

'Alright students! Leave your stuff in the bus and we'll bring it up to the hotel in the distance. For now, please make your way to the central area.' Came Miss Iwobi's voice over the voices of thousands of students.

'Lets make our way over to the central area. We've got to secure good seats.' Oaklie said.

The four boys made their way out of the bus.

At the door of the bus stood a member of staff with colour coded t-shirts.

'About time. Here, throw these t-shirts over your school uniform.' He threw four t-shirts at Oaklie.

Oaklie handed each of them one.

The four boys made their way to the crowded central area.

'Exciting isn't it?' asked Oaklie. 'The Satou sisters, the three most important sisters in modern schooling history. We get to see them in person.'

Douglas nodded. He seemed considerately older and looked really purple.

The crowd suddenly grew silent as the Satou sisters walked out. Yugo was taken aback, the three sisters were no older than twenty, and were all stunningly beautiful.

'Welcome to the selection period! Here you would encounter the most difficult part of your lives, but if you're able to make it to any one of the three. You would be guaranteed to have a successful future. I wish you all the best of luck!'

'Who's that?' Yugo whispered to Oaklie.

'Satou Aoi, current principal of Tokyo National, also the eldest of the three.' Oaklie answered. 'The one dressed very buisness-like is Satou Kurenai and the one dressed like a normal sixteen years old girl is the youngest, Satou Sora. Our principal.'

'Are they all prodigies of some sort?'

'Yeah, all of them finished High school when they were fifteen, but I mean, you could probably beat them if you try.'

'Oh, you flatter me.'

The woman called Satou Aoi kept on speaking. 'Now, as you know. Only about ten to twelve per cent of you would be accepted into our school. So work hard, and the hard work will pay off.'

The crowd burst into applause.

'Now, may you scan the QR code that is behind me, as your daily missions would be provided via your smartphone.'

Yugo took out his phone and scanned the QR code.

Mission 001: Get to the hotel! Energy points would be given via placement!

'Now. As soon as this speech is over, you may proceed. Energy points would be explained in the hotel lobby.'

Chaos settled, people scrambled to get to the hotel. They didn't exactly know what energy points were. But they also didn't want to get kicked out before the first day even started. Even Yugo's own friends were lost admist the chaos and before he knew it, he was alone in the central plaza.

Yugo decided to take a stroll and get to know the facilities better.

He decided to get central plaza covered first, as it's most likely that the first few days of activities would take place there first.

He took a mental note of where the best resting spots were.

He then walked towards the forest at the back of central plaza. Central Plaza was massive now as the students cleared.

The forest was relatively small compared to Central Plaza, but if it's there it must be there for a reason.

As he approached the forest Satou Sora popped out upside down from the trees. Yugo jumped back. 'Sora-sensei? Gosh, you nearly gave me a heart attack!'

'You're not rushing to the Hotel?' Satou Sora asked with curiousity.

Yugo caught his breath. 'Nah. I don't even know what energy points are anyways. And plus, the Hotel's seemingly kilometers away. It would be foolish if I just ran there like the rest of the students. It's better to scout out the area and know my surroundings before rushing into battle.'

'You know you're trying to sound really smart. Don't you?' Sora replied back.

'Am I? It's just something Douglas drilled into my head when I had to play airsoft with him.' Yugo said. 'Besides, smart remarks are really fitting for a smart person like me.'

Sora narrowed her eyes. 'Anyways, I hope you didn't sign up for Shintawa, did you?'

'Matter o' fact I did.'

'So I have to spend three damn years with you!?'

'Pretty much, yeah.'

Sora dropped down from the branch she was hanging off on. 'Well, there's no guarantee that you'd make it through camp.'

'Actually, the chances are pretty broad.' Yugo said. 'And who gives a damn about whether I'd make it through camp? I don't for sure.'

'You know you're talking to your principal here.' Sora's face became slightly red.

'And whatcha gonna do? I know for sure you can't expell a student that haven't even enrolled in your academy yet.'

Sora clenched her fists, but unclenched them again.

'You really need to lenghten your fuse Sora-sensei.' Yugo joked. 'We've only been talking for a few minutes and you're already looking like you want to hit me.'

Sora smirked. 'Well, I'll warn you here. Don't expect an easy path to Shintawa...'

'I never did.'

'That's not the point! The point is, I'm in charge of the teams and matchups in the first quartet. I'm going to put it as my ultimate priority to give you a hard time.'

'Kay, sure.'

'Are you even listening to me?!'

Yugo walked on.

'I said I'd treat my students with the utmost of respect. But like you said, you're not even handpicked yet.'

Yugo nodded. 'Mm, kay.'

'So, Imma beat some sense into you!'

Yugo stopped and turned around. 'Yeah, you can try.'

Sora flinched and gulped. She realised that Yugo was not trying to be brave, but was actually confident in his own powers. And from multiple years of matial arts, she also realised that Yugo probably had more hidden underneath his skinny build than he let on.

'Getting scared by a junior high third year, dear sister?' Came another voice. 'You really need to work on your temper.'

'You stay out of this Kurenai!' squealed Sora.

Satou Kurenai turned to Yugo. 'Lost?'

'No, just taking a stroll.' Yugo answered.

'Sorry about Sora, she'll change when you become her student.'

Sora pouted. 'As if I can ever become soft to that guy.'

Kurenai laughed. ' My my, Always the same, eh, Imouto?'

'S H U T T U P P!' Sora shouted.

Yugo was fascinated by the way the sisters acted. They were triplets, but can't be much different. Aoi seemed like a reliable and smart person, Kurenai was the typical Onee-san or older sister stereotype and took care of everyone, while Sora was the wild child, and according to Oaklie, a martial artist of the highest degree.

'Well, I'll be taking my leave. I might not look it but I am pretty tired. I better find the shortest way to the hotel.

Yugo walked away.

'You have a pretty special find underneath your belt Sora.' Kurenai said. 'I hope you're ready.'

Sora pouted even more and crossed her arms. 'I'll beat some sense into that kid if it's the last thing I do.'

Kurenai thought for a while. 'Funny enough, I also met a boy like him in my days in training camp. Remember him Sora?'

Sora scratched her head. 'Ah yes, that twelve years old genius right? What was his name?'

Kurenai stared up into the sky. 'I dunno, he was always closer to Aoi-san, I dont know his family name but his friends always called him Sho, but I think his name was Shoyo or something.'

Proofreader for this chapter: Jasper (OwO Kansai dorifto), Sophia Cheung (my third cousin lmao) and Emma Tada (Certified second generation Canadian-Japanese.)

Spellchecked by Emma Tada (Certified second generation Canadian-Japanese.)

Names given by Emma Tada (Certified second generation Canadian-Japanese.)

Next chapter coming at 00:00 am EST 7/5/2020