Chapter 003! Shintawa Elite Ten Ninth Seat! Okinawa Itsuki!

Yugo sat on the fence of the fountain in front of the hotel watching anime.

'Oh my lord! Yushita!' Came a quiet voice.

Yugo just about had time to take off his bluetooth earbuds before Josh launched himself onto him.

'I thought you got expelled! Oh my god! Why didn't you come back! Where did you sleep?' Josh asked. 'Are you okay? Do you have a cold? Do you need a hot chocolate.'

Yugo was a bit taken aback. 'Who the hell do you think you are? My mother? Actually, you care for me more than my mom, who the hell do you think you are? My father?'

Oaklie smiled behind Josh's back. 'Now, now, do you think Yugo's going to be expelled that easily?'

Josh wiped away a tear.

'Goddamn.' Oaklie sighed. 'Josh has been bawling his eyes out since last night when you didn't arrive for the conference.'

Yugo smiled a bit. 'Yeah, I had a bit of a stand off with Sora-sensei.'

Douglas looked shocked. ' had a run in with our future principal?'

Yugo scratched his head. 'Yeah, if was sorta banter-like though.'

A shadow covered Oaklie's eyes. 'It was banter-like for you.'

'So, what do we have today?' Asked Yugo. 'I mean, I wasn't at the conference. What activities do we have today?'

'Well, we are split into teams, captains were nominated at yesterday's ceremony...'

'Which was unneccesarily long.' Josh interrupted.

'Yes, but since you weren't there you wont know who the captains are. To be fair though, neither do we, as half of the students fell asleep halfway through.' Oaklie continued. 'But if you get a notification anytime soon you'll probably be fine.'

Yugo felt his phone vibrate.

Mission 002! Get to the hotel gymnasium! Energy points will be given via placement!

'Oh yeah, what are energy points again?' Yugo asked.

'They're basically points that you get to buy stuff in camp, of course you can still use your own money, but energy points are pratically free to earn, so everyone are crazy for them.' Oaklie answered.

The four boys started to walk towards the gymnasium.

'I do hope all four of us are in the same team.' Douglas said. 'That would make life much easier.'

The other three nodded in agreement as they progressed silently.

The walk itself was short, if the path wasn't clogged up with so much students.

'I wonder, how the hell are we going to fit into a gymnasium?' Josh said. 'Like there's ten thousand of us! How big does the gymnasium have to be?'

A boy with a bowl cut hair answered back. 'Haven't you been listening last night? We'll be transported to different gymnasiums according to our identification number. There's going to be around eight hundred to one thousand in each one, there we'll be seperated into teams, where we will be doing team based activities against each other. The ten teams with the least points at the end of the week will be eliminated. That's this year's qualification method. Teamwork.'

'Dayum bro. O.K.'

Yugo's attention drifted from the bowl cut boy and Josh to a crowd gathering.

He poked Oaklie, 'Leave Douglas with Josh, why don't we check out there?'

The two of them squeezed their way to the front. What he sees is an impressive sight, a loli like character beating up a buff looking dude. Oaklie's eyes immediately lit up.

'who's that?' Yugo asked.

'Oikawa Itsuki, she's a first year and the youngest member of the Shintawa Elite Ten, taking the ninth seat from Aoki Yoshida respectfully. She's known for being able to compete even against world class men in Muay Thai. Her combat skills can only be matched by Sora-senpai herself.' Oaklie recited. 'Despite reaching world class level in Muay Thai, she's also professional in all kinds of martial arts.'

Yugo's phone vibrated again.

Personal mission! Defeat Oikawa Itsuki in a martial art of your choice! Failure to do so will end in your explusion!

'Damn, she's really being petty alright.' Yugo said. 'Well, I don't want to get expelled.'

'Um, w h a t?'

Yugo walked out. 'Yo, Oikawa Itsuki right?'

Oikawa knocked the guy out with a swift bunny punch to the temple. 'What do you want?'

Yugo showed her his phone. 'So Sora-senpai wanted me to beat you in a one on one.'

Oikawa laughed. 'So your that guy who Miss Satou was talking about. From the stuff I heard you say I thought you were some big shot! But look at you!'

'From what i heard of you I thought the same thing, the only time I was more disappointed was when Yuri didn't pass the Shitoki entrance exams despite me literally coming to my wit's end teaching her.' Yugo retorted.

Although many of the other students in the crowd didn't get what Yugo was saying, Oaklie personally felt the insult, as back in the summer of their second year, Oaklie, Douglas, Josh and Yugo spent countless of hours helping Yugo's sister, Yuri pass the Shitoki entrance exams, they worded every single question the simplest way possible and yet Yuri still managed to score the lowest out of around nine hundred students, successfully throwing away any chance of her going to Shitoki. Yugo often retold the story and the four boys would often wince over the idiocy of Yugo's two sisters and mother.

'I'm not good at socializing, so Imma cut straight to the point. If I get beaten, I'll walk straight outta camp. But if I win, you have to help me through the camp.'

Oikawa smirked. 'Okay, sure.'

A boy stepped out of the crowd.

'Ready, set!'

Oikawa took a fighting stance, when Yugo just stood looking into oblivion.

'You do know that I'm called a legendary prodigy for a reason right? I excel at everything I do. It's not to late to back out now.' Yugo offered. 'And not embarrass yourself in front of hundreds of spectators.'

Oikawa didn't seem fazed. 'I'm a pro. I bet even Thailand's greatests at Muay Thai, I am highly in doubt that you'd win.'

Yugo slowly got ready. 'Oh, I do like a bit of trash talk. Alright, I wont hold back then.'

Oaklie knew those words held no special meaning, Yugo always held back, probably because even though he boasts about him being a prodigy, Yugo is always in doubt about his own skill. Although Josh is one of Yugo's closest friends, he is also the reason that Yugo doubts his own itellect, being close to or even surpassing Yugo in his own fields really takes a hit on Yugo's self confidence, because although Yugo seems carefree, joyful and kind on the outside, he actually can't stand people being on his level or higher than him in anything, and he will try at anything to hit them down to lower than him, and being unable to hit down Josh because they were so equal in everything puts a massive weigh on Yugo's shoulders. Oaklie knew that hitting him down to being in doubt of himself was unecissary and babyish. But that is just the type of person Yugo is, and there's no changing that because, believe me, Oaklie has tried.

The boy raised his hand, 'fight!'

The match that decides Yugo's scholarship starts now, if he's able to pass then he advances in the Training Camp of Hell, if he loses, which is pretty much impossible, he gets knocked out and has to try to get into another high school. Oaklie wasn't exactly worried about Yugo losing, but he was worried about the state Yugo would be in after the fight, even if Yugo is a prodigy in everything in general (apart from singing, he's tone deaf but some things can't be helped, can it?) going up against a martial art that he is unfamiliar with with can be pretty tiring. And in the unlikely event that Yugo loses his focus he will lose. But either way, Yugo won't come out of this unscathed according to Oaklie's predictions, and Oaklie's predictions are almost never wrong.

The two fighters circled each other, both examining each other and looking for an opening. Yugo looked for an opportunity to strike. Or rather, Oikawa giving Yugo a chance to strike first. Yugo took the opportunity, although he is better than 99% of humanity at whatever that 99% chooses to compete at, he doesn't turn down an opportunity to end the fight, he might've called Sora petty, but if you can find someone more pettier than Yugo I'll literally quit writing this novel and go write a full essay on why you're wrong.

Yugo charged at Oikawa with subsonic speed and wrapped his arms around her neck, then swiping he footing away and smashing her head so hard against the concrete that Oaklie was genuinely worried about Oikawa dying.

The boy literally choked on his own words and announced Yugo the winner.

Oaklie nearly choked on his own spit too. 'Dayum bro, and I was worried about you getting scratched.'

Yugo softly laughed. 'Haven't you learned your lesson about underestimating me? I am not a, but the Legendary prodigy after all. Come on Oaklie, we can't keep Douglas and Josh waiting, a whole day of fun (yeah, cough cough, fun- Oaklie) is waiting for us. I literally can't wait for the day to start.'

Oaklie rolled his eyes, so that fight was just a morning stretch for him. Oaklie did feel awestruck but also annoyed. 'Right, can't wait.'

Proofreader for this chapter: Sofia Chueng (my third cousin lmao)

Spellchecker: Sofia Chueng (my third cousin lmao)

Names given to me by: Emma Tada (certified Japanese Canadian)

next chapter coming 25/05/20 00:00 INT!