Chapter 005! Team Yushita! Ready!

Yugo and Oaklie made their way back to Douglas and Josh.

'Where did you guys go?' Josh ran over and asked. 'I was so worried, one minute you were there and the next you comepletely disappeared.'

Yugo looked at Oaklie and Oaklie understood immediately what he was trying to imply. It was not the best idea to leave Josh with Douglas. Especially since both of them fusses over Yugo and Oaklie like they're their own children.

'Anyways, from here on we'll be split into smaller sub-groups. These sub groups will have even smaller teams, as that bowlcut weirdo said that this year we will be focusing on teamwork. We go to different sites and we rotate around the camp every week. And we'll also have more activities when we get back to the hotel so dont let your guard down.'

Oaklie rolled his eyes. 'I'm honoured. But really, despite probably being the country's smartest children. We're still fifteen turning sixteen. We need our sleep.'

The group of seemingly inseperable boys strutted, like they have for the past twelve years together, towards the bus terminal.

The bus terminal itself was a sight to see, from the thousands of busses and the airport like runway, to the vast, green trees and bushels surrounding the parking lot and the tens of thousands of students that were spaced out in the massive sixteen acres bus parking lot.

'So do we just pick a random bus and hop on or what?' Yugo asked.

'I think so, yeah.' Douglas said. 'I always wonder how the Satou family are able to be this rich. I mean, I know they had a stable income from the schools and all but I doubt that's the reason.'

Oaklie tipped his glasses. 'If I remeber correctly, Satou Kurenai, the middle triplet, is a world known bidder, Satou Aoi is one of the most successful buisnessmen of today and our very own Sora-senpai is pretty much useless and contributes nothing to the Satou family.'

Yugo smirked. 'Heh, well that's good to know, our Sora is the most idiotic and contributes nothing to her family. Well, I mean, I contribute nothing to mine but my family isn't what you'd call a family.'

The boys walk onto a random bus and sat themselves down at the back. Yugo took out his bluetooth earbuds from his pocket and put them on, he selected a random playlist and leant back.

The busses one by one filtered down and the only bus left was the semi empty bus that the boys were in.

Josh raised an eyebrow. 'Something doesn't seem right. I mean, the ones on this bus hardly counts as first years. This bus shouldn't be this empty if it was for first years...' Josh was cut off by a small, skinny, pale boy with massive bags underneath his eyes. 'You're first years right? You shouldn't be on this bus. But then again, this is the last bus here. Pretty slow to catch up aren't ya? I wouldn't doubt if you got knocked out today.'

'Oi, mate, say that again?' Josh stood up to face the pale boy.

'This school is for the most elite you know, not for commoners like you, it's a wonder that you even got the application form, since you can't even read what was in bold, black letter at the side of the bus. Reserved for Student Council only. You know what that means? It's for the student council only.'

Josh balled his fists but Oaklie put a hand on his shoulder. 'Hey bro, it's not worth it. Drop it.'

The pale boy smirked. 'Yeah, listen to your girlfriend. You don't want to get expelled when the day has only begun do you?'

Oaklie now looked like he wanted to punch the pale boy himself now. 'I'm a guy, you know.'

All this time Yugo had his earbuds in his ears and was nodding to some classical orchestra. The pale boy turned towards him. ' A whole bunch of losers you are, you hear me? Good for nothing commoners on the low side of the wealth pyramid. The best you can do in the future is clean tables at some pub in the back alleys of Tokyo.'

Yugo paused his music and took off one of his earbuds. 'I can't deny and I'm at the bottom of civilization. But I can also not deny that I will undoubtably have a brighter future than you.'

'Alright, Yushita, Miyagi, that's enough. Yushita, I expected better from you than to stroll on a random bus, Miyagi, please do not try to bully the younger generations. And Yamano, go and sit beside Yushita there.'

A rather frightened, petite looking girl walked down and sat beside Yugo. 'H..h..hi, I'm A..i, y..y..ou.'

Miyagi smirked. 'Another low life that's going nowhere.'

'Miyagi! Kurenai-senpai said that was enough!' A handsome and athletic looking boy walked down the lane and extended a hand to Yugo. 'I'm Annoshita Yuuto, the second seat of the Tokyo National Elite Seven, but you can call me Yuu. Nice to meet you, this is the first seat of the Tokyo National Elite Seven, Miyagi Hibana.'

Yugo shook his hand. 'I'm Yushita Yugo, this is Josh Black.' He nodded at Josh, 'Oaklie Rorke.' He nodded at Oaklie. 'Douglas Finnigan.' He nodded at Douglas. 'And Yamano Ai.' He nodded at Yamano who let out a frightened yelp.

Yuuto laughed. 'It seems like our names have a lot in common, and I see you did take good care of our Itsuki for us. Lemme introduce the Tokyo High Elite Seven.'

He pointed at a girl hunched over her phone. 'That's Matsumoto Aoba. Third seat.'

He kicked Miyagi. 'This ungrateful piece of work here is Miyagi Hibana. First seat.'

He then pointed at a boy listening to music as well. 'That's Morimi Hekigyoku, but we all call him Jasper, seventh seat.'

He then pointed at the referee from the short lived MMA match between Itsuki and Yugo. 'That's Itou Wadashi. Forth seat.' Itou gave Yugo the thumbs up. 'Great performance against Oikawa, Bravo!'

'Two of our members are currently travelling with another coach as assistants, those are Nakayama or Yamanaka, whichever you wanna call her because she goes by both as her parents are literally both, Seisui, and Picano Meldini. The fifth and sixth seat respecfully.'

'I can't speak for the Elite ten of Beigoma because they're a mysterious bunch, and Shintawa's elite ten are barely ever here anyways, Tokyo National pretty much runs the camp.' Yuuto said. 'If you got any questions ask me and I'll answer it. You can ask Miyagi but I doubt he would answer you. I mean there's always Itou but he doesn't know half as much as me. I'll be at the small shed in Area 12 if you ever need me. Just pop by and say hi once and again.'

Itou Wadashi walked over. 'I'll be driving around in a buggy all day everyday too, so if you need a ride just literally call Wadashi! and I'll be there.'

Morimi Hekigyoku or Jasper took out his earphones too. 'I mean, compared to the rest of them I'm no use, but if you need me just call my number.'

Jasper and Yugo swapped numbers. 'If Miyagi looks down on you that much, it means you're something special.'

Matsumoto also spoke up without lifting her head. 'If ya ever want a gaming partner I'm the one to ask. I'm usually at the clubhouse in the central area.'

Yuuto spoke again. 'Don't be afraid to ask Seisui or Meldini anything either, they'll be happy to help, Meldini is often in the hotel kitchen and Seisui is also often at the small shed in area 12 with me. If I'm not there Seisui will be.'

Yugo only then noticed the drastic appearence difference between the Elite Seven of Tokyo National, and a quick glance at Oaklie confirmed that he also knew it.

Miyagi Hibana was small, skinny and malnorished, despite this he radiated a terrific force of commanding around him.

Annoshita Yuuto was, although tall, buff and handsome, with curly blonde hair and strikingly blue eyes, cowered underneath the glare of Miyagi, although not showing it, Yuuto was most definitely scared of him.

Matsumoto Aoba was tall, but her hunched back made her shorter than she really is, she dyed her hair blue at the bottom and always wear a hat that radiated some sort of ultra dark shadows that covers her eyes at all times. She was seemingly less scared of Miyagi than Yuuto is.

Idou Wadashi also radiates the same sort of powerful aura as Miyagi, but he gives out a sort of underdog version instead of a ruling version, maybe because of his appearence, a medium sized boy with a watermelon cut, a whistle around his neck and a white polo t-shirt. But he does seem to hide some power within him that even Yugo was hesitant to awaken.

Morimi Hekigyoku or Jasper seemed like he couldn't care less about Miyagi or the rest of the Elite Seven, he looked the oldest of the bunch and shares a lot of trait simularities with Yugo. A beanie covering his hair and green eyes. Yugo immediately respected him once he set eye on him.

He then looked at his own bunch of friends.

A boy who is prettier than 90% of the girls in the world.

A blonde American.

A bald sensitive dude.

A girl who looked ten,

and himself, a normal looking boy who has low self-confidence.

Yugo slowly put his left earbud back in his ear and slowly cringed to how pathetic he and his friend group looked.

'Hey, Yushita! Wake up! We're here. Your earbud fell out!.'

Yugo snapped awake. 'Who, where, when, what, why?'

Josh sat back 'God, you really do sleep in the weirdest of times, but we're here, come out and take a look at this!'

Yugo drowsily walked to the exit of the bus.

'Yo, mate, you forgot your earbud.' Oaklie handed the left earbud to him.

'Huh, Thaaaaaanks.' Yugo yawned and put the earbud back in the case.

He turned around and immediately snapped awake.

He was in this area that can only be described as Beautiful. Trees varying in colour and sakura blossoms everywhere, leading up to a small traditional Japanese house, with a waterfall flowing through the back.

'Ok so here's your future home for around a month, area 3. Where you and your team would be defending with the multiple other teams in the area.' Yuuto explained. 'The game is a round robin sort of knockout tournament. The attacking team and defending team is made up of all the members in the area. Your supervisor will be Matsumoto Aoba, since the Tokyo National Elite Seven Supervises the areas 1-5, area 7 and area 12. Ok well good luck and if you have any concerns, you knock where to find me!'

The bus door shut leaving Matsumoto, the four boys and Yamano outside.

'You get all of that?' Matsumoto asked.

'Nope.' Josh said absent mindedly. 'Not a clue.'

'Me neither.' Matsumoto admitted. 'Anyways, here's your teams for the thing and your alliances, the teams would go by the Captain's name.' She handed each of them a flyer. 'In here you would find your area map, your team, and all the other areas, ranging from one to four hundred.'

Yugo looked down at his team.

Team Yushita=Area 3

Yushita, Yugo

Yamano, Ai

Rorke, Oaklie

Aoki, Sakurai

Suzuki, Ren

Teams in your Area

Team Black

Team Kuramoto

Team Zyla

Team Satou

Team Suzuki

Yugo asked Josh. 'Yo, who's on your team?'

'Nii Kita, Koono Okada, Douglas and Ine Abe. Seems like a pretty standard team by the names.'

'Your teams should be waiting for you in the building. there you will find a square with your team name. Good luck.' Matsumoto said as she dissappeared into darkness.

Yugo's heart got more excited, now that he knew the teams, he should easily come up with a plan that can guarantee them coming out on top.