Chapter 006! Pink trees and prodigies.

Yugo's hopes fell down his throat when he saw his team.

Sure, having Yamano and Oaklie on his team was good, but the other two, Suzuki Ren and Aoki Sakurai looked, well, weird.

Aoki had a massive sword on his back that probably gets in his way when he's fighting rather than help him out and is dressed in some hypebeast stuff, while Suzuki has a piece of cloth over her eyes with the quote: "Those that shouldn't be opened, are best left closed." Yugo glanced over at Josh and his mouth dropped open.

Nii Kita was a beauty, Ine Abe was really cute as well, and Koona Okada was literally breathtaking.

Yugo slipped a middle finger to Josh. Josh simply laughed. 'Looks like your luck just ran out matie.'

'Josh and Douglas gets three hotties, why do I get these?' Yugo asked.

'Well maybe if you didn't have that run-in with Sora-senpai you could've got someone better. But no, your stubborn ass kept on pecking at her.' Oaklie said. 'Besides, we have Yamano. And speaking of you Yamano, stop hiding behind my back and come out and say hi to your teammates.'

Yamano slowly stepped out from behind. 'H...hi...I'm....ya...ya...Yamano...Ai...Ai.'

Aoki bowed. 'Aoki Sakurai.'

Suzuki just nodded.

Yugo didn't stop complaining. 'Yeah, but, you literally look cuter than Suzuki and Yamano.'

'Yeah, no shit sherlock. I am a descent of the Rorke family. Of course I'll look attractive.' Oaklie said.

'But you look like a guuuuuurrrlll-'

'Shut yer mouth.'

Yugo turned to his teammates. 'Well, I'm Yushita Yugo, the captain of your team. This asshat over here is Oaklie Rorke and is one of my childhood friends, that lucky bastard over there is Josh Black, and the baldie is Douglas Finnigan, Oaklie is Douglas's cousin.'

The other captains came over and introduced themselves.

'So, when does this knockout round robin sort of thing start?' Josh asked.

'It literally starts as soon as we've met each other. Matsumoto said apparently.' Some dude leaning against the wall said.

Yugo took a quick intake of breath, 'Ok and what do we do?'

Douglas stepped forward, 'Lemme take over Yugo.'

Yugo can sense the airsoft reflexes kicking in on Douglas, he knew more about tactics, manoeuvres and cornering than anyone else.

'Ok, so lets try to play defensive for a while to see who's strong and who's weak, we switch around attackers every week for a month, and I'm guessing that the main objective is to protect, or steal, that flag over there.'

Yugo looked over to where Douglas was pointing and did a double take. When was the massive flag there, because it wasn't there a minute ago.

Yugo zoned out and attempted to put his earbuds in his ears again, but got them slapped out of his hands by Oaklie. 'Oi, those costed more than my life, literally, I don't have life insurance.'

'Listen. We might need this information later.'

'Yeah but can't you fill me up after, Douglas can literally talk you to sleep. He can even make talking about Breath of the Wild boring.'

Oaklie picked up Yugo's earbuds and pocketed them. Then led his attention to Douglas again.

Yugo wanted to hit Oaklie right there right then. Although his best friend since forever he can really be a prick at times.

'Damn trap.' Yugo whispered under his breath.

Oaklie gave Yugo a look so murderous that Yugo shuddered. 'Was I wrong?'

'As I said, shut yer mouth.'

'Listen to Douglas Oaklie.' Yugo said.

'S h u t y e r m o u t h Y u g o !' Oaklie retorted.

Yugo felt as if he could die of boredom. He slipped to the bathroom when Oaklie was listening to Douglas, or he fell asleep, either one, probably the latter.

When Yugo reached the bathroom, he climbed out of the window and slowly walked through the pink garden, not thinking about anything in particular, just enjoying the pure scenery that is rare even in the land of Cherry blossoms.


Yugo's hand jerked to his side and he closed his fists on an arrow. 'looks like the games has already begun huh?'

Yugo's prodigious ears detected that multiple people were surrounding him, but have not completed a full circle so he can have a chance to escape, but where's the fun in that? He finally gets a chance to work his inner demons and he's just gonna run away. He cracked his neck and looked around him. 'Lets get going shall we?'

Another arrow cut through the air, Yugo simply deflected it with the first one. 'Hmm, what were the rules again?'

Yugo's ears picked up movement from being him, although light, it was fast and steady. A hooded girl's arm soared by him.

'Whew, that was close. Nice one!' Yugo let out a sharp exhale. 'Pretty impressive if you can get a shot through my killer reflexes, and even more impressive that you can give me a fright!'

Yugo's brain processed what he was witnessing, once the girl revealed herself everyone went quiet. As if they just need to watch when she exposes herself, they were way to confident that the girl would win, especially since Yugo looked merely average appearance wise.

The girl went at Yugo again, Yugo was hit with a surprise of this girl's skills, they were more honed and smooth around the edges than Okinawa's and in a matter of seconds she forced Yugo to play defensive. But he was just getting started, seeing how he got a good opponent to face off against, Yugo's rusty gears that wasn't used to their full extent for quite a while are renewing themselves and heating up again. His usual laid-back, joking attitude is slowly switching into a focused state, his opponent's attacks were weak, but quick as she's able to successfully get through his defences with sub-sonic speed kicks. The girl certain had an advantage for the time being with her small and petite frame and speedy kicks. But as she's using her feet Yugo felt more at home using his hands, in fact, he would opt to not use a kick altogether if it was possible. With his opponent's pecking-styled attack Yugo was able to not throw any punches for the time being and focus more on his opponent's fighting style and how to counter it. Yugo's gears were slowly rotating into place, he haven't enjoyed something so throughoutly for so long. The girl continued her endless stream of attacks. Yugo's mind drifted abit. 'Dang, sure wish I listened to the rules before getting myself into this.' and immediately then went back to his focused state. The girl went for another kick and Yugo went to instinctively block it, but the girl surprised him with a jab and caught his nose. She then seemingly teleported behind him with her godlike speed, but at that time something clicked into place. Yugo raised a hand and blocked the kick. The small girl kicked off of Yugo's arm and landed back.

'Pretty nice moves there, but if I had to say, it lacked something. I'll let you think about it.' He then approached her with breakneck speed, the girl had played her cards, now it was Yugo's turn. Kicking up Sakura petals in his wake, Yugo went for a flying roundhouse, as the girl's guard was down and it was the most effective move when your opponent is open. To his surprise though, his kick was blocked by an outwards block and he was propelled backwards by a simple front kick. 'Damn, I really have to try harder this time. God mode= Activated.' Yugo walked towards the girl, before disappearing before her eyes. Two archers flumped to the ground, another four following. Yugo then directed his attention to the girl and disappeared again. He went for an attack again but was deflected, he did notice a grunt and a flinch which means he did some damage at least. 'Oh man, I'm so worked up. Never have I ever had an opponent so good that they can counter me going full tryhard. Alright then, show me what you got, a fair one on one, no interruptions, lets go.' The girl and Yugo met head on.

His heart was racing, his blood was pumping, he can hear his breath sharpening, Yugo was so hyped up. The two fighter's legs crossed as they both went for a kick at the same time, but this time Yugo got the upper hand and went for a second spinning axe-kick that connected with the girl's right rib. A sharp exhale. But he didn't want to stop there, he followed up with multiple hooks and jabs that mostly connected, the girl jumped out of his reach and regained her breath.

'My lord, you're good.' She said in a soft voice as she wiped a Sakura petal off her hood. 'Even after I had such an advantage you were able to turn the tide. I applaud you for that.' The girl pulled her hood closer to her head. 'I haven't had such a great time in so long. This is awesome, makes me not wanna stop.' She then went at Yugo again. Yugo took off too but had a bit of an over jump, as he turned around to recover himself he felt a fist in his stomach, Yugo fell and stumbled a bit. The girl continued her attack when Yugo was at his weakest point, with another seemingly infinite stream of kicks Yugo fumbled around to dodge them. Her precise kicks kicked up dust beside Yugo's face, not giving him a chance to get up and recover, but in a split second when she was changing feet, Yugo took the chance and flipped back, out of her kicking range. He now had enough time to execute the plan he'd been thinking of.

She's most comfortable using her feet, while Yugo prefers to use his fists, although technically having a range disadvantage, he has reaction time advantage as his fists can strike faster than the girl's kicks. All he needs to do is to punch, evade and punch again, sounds easy, right? But Yugo had been aware that he needs to burn up more stamina using this tactic, and if he's unable to finish the fight within the first few minutes, he will be put at a massive disadvantage as he would be more sloppy fighting wise.

'Here I come!' warned the girl as Yugo took one last quick glance at her to observe the angle and speed she's coming at him with. As soon as she was within a two feet distance from him he shifted into gear.

With supersonic speed he shifted behind her and delivered a powerful punch, unbalancing her and as she was falling forward, he moved in front of her and once again, roundhouse kicking her with power that can break a normal person's arm. Yugo finally moved beside her, and with one final push, he put all of his power and stamina into this punch, the girl fell back and Yugo held his breath, but no, The girl simply stood up again and wiped a drop of sweat from her forehead. 'Not even gonna lie you did scratch me up quite a bit there. Well, I don't want to waste the entire day here fighting anymore, since I can tell that you're pretty tired, Am I right?'

'No, I can go on.' Yugo panted and he collapsed on a Sakura tree. His clothes were sticking to his body with sweat and his arms felt like rubber.

'Just look at the state of you, at this point you will probably pass out with a flick.' The girl turned and jumped on to a tree. 'Well I'll be taking my leave. Nice fighting with you.' The girl took a stance and was ready to jump to another tree when Yugo asked. 'Wait! What's your name? I haven't had such a good fight in so long, and it's only common sense for fighters to give their respect after a good fight, here, I'm Yushita Yugo, what about you? And now you've taken out team 3's ace in the hole why aren't you attacking our base?'

The girl glanced back and Yugo caught a glimpse of velvet red hair. 'Akeno, Kobayashi Akeno. And Team 3 isn't my top priority.' and hopped away.

'Well that's a pretty common name, but velvet red hair. That doesn't seem Asian at all, let alone Japanese.' Yugo thought, 'hmm, maybe after I recovered I'll go and ask Oaklie about Canadian genes again.'