Chapter 010! To Change the Future

The sun beat down on a green lawn, and Suzuki and Yugo slowly stirred, hand in hand, Suzuki was the first to come to her senses, or it might've been Yugo. But Suzuki was pretty sure it was her, as Yugo wouldn't leave his hand in hers for that long, would he? Probably not, Yugo wasn't that type of person.

Then again when she thought about it, Yugo did like to make sexual jokes, so she wouldn't fully believe that he didn't know about the handholding either, he might act all cool in front of others, but he's a massive pervert when it comes down to it.

Yugo's hand slapped his forehead and he let out a loud snort before waking up. Nope, he did not know about the handholding, and Suzuki knew more than she was comfortable with about Yugo, but ah well, it was her who dragged Yamano and Yugo into this, so she should be the last person who complains.

She sat on the perfectly trimmed grass and waited for Yugo to come to his senses.

It was a beautiful day, a slight breeze blowing the grass at just the right temperature, not too warm and not too cold. A large oak tree stands on a single hill, it was a peaceful, wholesome scene. Yugo sat up and rubbed his eyes.

'Oh Christ above, where are we now?'

'Well, don't ask me, I'm about as clueless as you are. This ain't my past for all I know.'

Yugo stood up and stretched. 'Well it isn't mine either, Maybe we got isekai'd, like all of the anime I've watched in my spare time. But who will be the protagonist? You, me or someone completely irrelevant ?'

Suzuki ignored him and climbed the hill, with Yugo on her heels still going on about the anime thing. She realized a peculiar change in the atmosphere with each step she took, the wind started getting fiercer, rain started, then stopped, snow started and became so strong that Yugo had to catch her to prevent her from tumbling down the hill and give her a piggyback until the snow stopped, then the snow melted as quick as it came, the grass started being littered with fallen leaves from the tree and finally as she reached the top, the grass was covered in a morning dew, new leaves were just growing on the tree, and a boy was sitting propped against the trunk of the tree, reading a book. Suzuki didn't recognise the boy at first but heard Yugo's sharp intake of air.

'Holy shit Suzuki, it's me, there's no way that person is me, right?'

And Suzuki agreed, the boy didn't look like Yugo at all, the Yugo standing beside her had curly, messy black hair, pale white skin and a skinny build, the Yugo beside her walked with a slight slump on his shoulders when he put his hands in his pockets, this Yugo was tall, slightly tanned and had a confident aura about him. His hair was tidy and freshly cut, (Yugo whispered 'Like ya cut, g' underneath his breath, but didn't slap bigger Yugo on the back of the head.)

But Yugo assured her that it definitely is him. And the longer Suzuki looked at him the more bigger Yugo looked like Yugo, bigger Yugo still had the permanently bored look on his face, the slight slump on the shoulders and was even nodding his head in the same speed that Yugo does when he is spacing out.

'He sits the exact same way I do, leaning against the sycamore tree back in the Sendai playground, he even knows my exact nod. It's gotta be me, no doubt about it.'

Just at that moment another voice rang out from the distance. 'Sorry I'm late, I didn't know which skirt to choose from!'

Bigger Yugo smiled and stood up, in the distance stood a gorgeous girl, Suzuki never really understood why people say "way outta my league", but now that she saw the girl, she knew exactly why. The girl was the pinnacle of perfect, everything that Suzuki wants to be, but can never achieve. She immediately felt embarrassed in her presence.

'Don't worry Ren, you're all good!' The couple linked arms and before Suzuki can react to what's going on, the scenery changed.

Now the two were standing in front of Shitoki again, but this time the campus looked a little more ancient, paint was crumbling off many of its buildings, but Schoolhouse Zero still stood the same, like time never really effected it.

A man knelt beside a Junior High first year boy. 'Look at ya champ, going into first year already. Three more years and you'll be ready to go to Shintawa!' The boy didn't look very impressive, and has certainly inherited his father's genes.

'I'll never be as good as Yuuki, Yamaguchi or Yuuko...not to mention I also have to live up to your name, I have to live up to the name Yushita. Hell, I don't even have the traditional YY name, like aunt Yuuki, aunt Yuri, Yamaguchi, Yuuki or Yuuko or you.' The boy protested. 'You're an only child dad, what do you know? Gramps wasn't a prodigy!'

The man simply smiled. 'You don't need to live up to my name. You just be yourself, Yushita Niida.'

Niida still looked worried. adult Yugo bent over and ruffled his son's hair. 'Don't worry. Just be yourself, you don't need to be like Yuuki, Yuuko or Yamaguchi. As long as you have fun, that's all that counts.'

Adult Yugo stood back and gave his son the thumbs up. Niida simply nodded back and walked through the gates, an older woman, equally as beautiful as the girl Suzuki saw a few minutes ago walked beside the Yugo standing beside her, when the woman talked Yugo jumped, so did Suzuki, her voice was exactly like the voice Suzuki has right now, nothing like the squeaky, girly girl voice that the so-called teenage Suzuki Ren had. Suzuki's face was burning up, on the other hand, apart from the fast breathing, Yugo looked amused.

'So how does Yuuki and Yuuko think of looking after Niida?' Adult Yugo asked.

'Yuuko said she'll try, Yuuki just waved her hand and walked off.' Adult Suzuki sighed.

Adult Yugo put his hands into the pocket of his suit trousers. 'I'm sure he'll find his way. He might not have a Josh, Douglas or Oaklie. But Naomi works in the school, I'm sure she'll look after him.

Adult Suzuki looked worried. 'Are you sure? Niida is...different from the other three, he's not like you, me or any of his siblings. He might be a...pain, if I have to put it in simpler words.'

Adult Yugo looked laid back. 'He's himself. That's all, I'm sure he'll get a lot of friends in Shitoki. I'm sure of it.'

Suzuki blinked. The scene changed. Now she was standing inside Schoolhouse Zero again, but this time with Niida, a girl she didn't know, and a boy baring a slight resemblance to Satou Kurenai. Niida looked a year or so older, his voice was also more deeper. A teacher was in the middle of lecturing the three of them for something.

'I can't believe it! What's wrong with you?' The teacher screamed. Suzuki only then realised that the teacher was Naomi Isshiki. 'Knocking over the silverware that your grandfather, father, sisters and brother won over their three years at Shitoki, drawing on them with permanent marker, BREAKING THEM! HAVE YOU GOT NO RESPECT FOR YOUR FAMILY ACHIEVEMENTS!!??? Itsuki Momo, Satou Uesagi, you should be ashamed of yourselves.' The girl known as Itsuki Momo nodded her head vigorously, tears streaming down her face, Satou Uesagi just stood there smirking, not caring about what Isshiki said. Isshiki didn't look her age at all, she looked way older than Adult Suzuki and Adult Yugo, with strands of silver hair popping out at places. 'And Yushita Niida, I sometimes wonder, are you really related to Yushita Yuuki, Yuuko and Yamaguchi, are you really related to your Dad? Not once have I needed to remind your older sisters and older brother about doing something bad, and here you are, already in my office for the fourty sixth time this year! Sometimes I wished Ren never gave birth to you.'

Niida stared at the ground, not a single emotion showed on his face. But he was clenching his fist so hard that he broke his skin and blood was creeping down his nails. 'One more more year.' Suzuki can hear him whisper.

The scene changed again, Suzuki looked at Yugo, he still looked amused. 'So our supposed youngest child is a troublemaker eh. Like father like son I guess.'

Suzuki can feel her face heat up again. 'Lemme remind you. This is just an illusion caused by godly interference. The chances of me dating you is an absolute zero.'

Yugo smirked. 'Like I'd want to date you...plenty of fish in the sea.'

Now Suzuki and Yugo were in a hotel room with a crying Niida, Suzuki immediately knew what happened from just looking at the sheet of paper Niida has on his bed. He got declined acceptance to Beigoma, Shintawa and Tokyo National. Niida threw his suitcase across the room and broke the TV. He then ripped up the piece of paper. Before sitting on him bed and weeping. Momo and Uesagi looked at him with pity from the other side of the room. The jeering face of two identical twins hanging over him like a raincloud. Satou Uesagi spoke up. 'hey bro, made it further than ninety percent of the other students. That's an accomplishment itself.'

'Yeah but we won't see each other again, will we not? I'll probably be enrolled in some public school in the city, or even worse, get shipped to some posh private school in the country. You two will stay at Beigoma.'

Uesagi looked sheepish. 'Well I guess...'

'Can't your Mom do something? She's the director of the campus yeah?'

'We have to stay with old traditions. Sorry mate...'

Niida screamed and stormed out of the hotel room. The laughter of the twins echoed down the hall. The Suzuki and Yugo's vision cut to black.