Chapter 011! The God of Shintawa

Yugo stood facing a young girl sitting on a golden throne that was emitting so much light that he thought his eyes were literally going to burn, but something was peculiar about this golden throne, it was the only source of light in a pitch black void, and Yugo himself was floating in this void.

'come, young one, what has drawn you towards my energy.'

'Actually, if I have to be honest, this is the one time that I didn't start something, I just simply followed Suzuki, honestly I really don't know what's going on here, I went through my childhood, my present, my future, my son's childhood and my son's teenage years in the course of an hour. But yeah, who are you?'

'A goddess' identity should stay secret, dontcha think, Urban Legends all hold a bit of truth innit. This is just one of many. How do you think Urban Legends started?'

Yugo looked at the girl. She was wearing an older, more washed out version of the Shintawa uniform. Completed with a skirt and stockings. The colour was darker too, it wasn't the bight bluey green jumper that he saw on the older students who were helping around in the summer camp, she was wearing a darker turquoise cardigan, with a more traditional crest, unlike the modern looking crest that Shintawa has now. He suddenly wished that Oaklie was with him. As he could've told him the exact year, date, hour, minute and second that the uniform was adapted and retired. 'I'm an atheist, I don't believe in religion or mythology.'

The girl spoke with a British accent, yet she looked Asian. She used a lot of British slang in her sentences and Yugo can barely understand what she's saying.

'The Legend of the Door was passed down through generations, about how a god looked over the camp, choosing specific children to pass the test, to join his or her "ranks". Shintawa was first established to preserve the sacred arts of our ancestors. The Kobayashi, Aoki, Matsumoto, Annoshita, Ichinose and Kayano houses are only a few out of hundreds upon thousands of houses, in Japan and around the world. Many smaller houses are also involved, such as the Suzuki, Kita, Okada and Finnigan houses that posses a small amout of Sacred Power. Your friend Suzuki Ren's eyes aren't just a birth defect. It's a Sacred Art resurfacing again, after generations upon generations. I remember sparring against Suzuki Leyasu. A talented young man named after a feared samurai. His "bells of vision"* was one of the weakest Sacred Arts at the time, but yet he was one of the most promising recruits. How long ago was that now...'

Yugo yawned. 'Hurry up. I don't have all day.'

'Oh but you do...time doesn't pass in the outside-'

'Just hurry the fuck up already.'

'Watch your language. Anyways, basically what I'm trying to say is that the Sacred Arts is now a rare phenomenon these days. we're trying to get all of the people who we're sure that has a Sacred Art residing in them all in one place so we can be ready when the time comes.'

Yugo put his hands up. 'As much as I like a good story. I call bullshit.'

Altria was taken aback. How dare this mortal question the origins of the Sister Schools. But then he's also the first person brave, and smart enough to pass her tests. Many people would go insane once they go through the simulation, and if they somehow keep their sanity after the trials they would be scared shitless once they see her real powers. Yet this boy isn't even speaking to her formally, maybe it's time to start being serious.

Without warning she released a beam of pure light at Yugo's heart, if he dies she can just bring him back to life, she can keep on doing that and torture him with the pain until he loses his mind.

Yugo simply swept it to the side. Electricity cackled down his left hand, he patted it out with his jumper. 'That's a bit rude don't you think.'

Altria's mind was blown. He swept away Divine Judgement 1/1000 with ease. She fired a second beam, this time vamping it up to 10/1000, Divine Judgement 10/1000 would wipe out a whole country if fired incorrectly. She released it, that was the good think about the void. Unless she releases Divine Judgement the void cancels out anything that reaches the end of it. But the void has no end to it, unless she used Divine Judgement to reset and remake the universe then this void is safe zone for releasing excess energy.

Yugo blocked the beam again.

Altria was impressed. No one ever stopped Divine Judgement 10/1000 but 100/1000 would definitely finish him, 100/1000 has enough power to erase the galaxy, there's absolutely no way someone, anyone can block it.








500/1000 enough power to completely eat away half the universe.

Swept aside.

600/1000 Enough power to destroy half the universe.

Took head on.

700/1000 two thirds of the universe gone.

Blocked with the palm of the his hand, closed his hand and shattered the beam.

800/1000 three quarters of the universe erased.

Backhanded to the ground.

900/1000 Universe completely erased. All atoms inside gone, nothing is left.

simply absorbed it

999/1000 Universe erased, remade again, and time restarts back at when the universe was destroyed. The void filled with white and gold light, anything that even senses it is vaporised on the spot, the vapours are then completely erased. But a single thing stands unharmed. Yugo extended out an arm and made a flicking motion with his thumb and middle finger. A second of silence and nothing cued. Then the white and gold light started having black fissures creeping through it, and the void split. Yugo and Altria got ejected from the gate. As Altria slipped in and out of consciousness, she saw a bright blue figure spread its wings. Altria didn't feel like she was losing consciousness, rather that she was falling asleep, and the last thing she saw was Yugo cradling her head on his lap.