Who is that girl?

The gang has arrived at the lunch area, as usual, the exterior was so extravagant, a big looking castle..which is, just the Lunch area of the school..wait..the eating area of the school because it acts also as their Dining area for the night.

Right when Aste saw it, he was awed and asked, " Is this really Ehal's lunch area?"

Quint immediately answered with a smile, "Yes, I also was surprised when I saw it."

Aste nodded his head as he saw Fred opened the large door leading inside the Lunch area.

But before he even sees the interior, he looked at his right side...resulting in espying a beautiful woman.

Students were all around also walking to go inside the lunch area, there was a bunch of them but Aste's eyes caught a young beautiful woman,

But It was just a moment, maybe a blink of an eye and the Lady disappeared out of nowhere, but Aste remembered her features well.

He saw the woman's white porcelain skin as if she was milk herself, her lips were as red as the blood, her eyes were shining but sparkling with innocence, it was golden, like the ray of sunrise. Her nose was pointed that suits her diamond-shape face and her hair was Sapphire-like, it was glowing with that blue color of her hair which highlighted her beauty even more.

His eyes enlarged, as also his heart's thump became faster. It is as if drums were beating deafeningly inside his chest that could be heard by the other boy's ears.

"What's that drum rolling?" asked Den while walking inside the Lunch area

He laughed awkwardly as he replied "Nothing" as he also walked..

Quint suddenly stopped then frowned along with Genos for they felt a really dark aura.

"Hmm did you also feel it?" Genos asked

Quint replied, "Of course"

Aste on the other hand also stopped, but not because of the dark aura, he stopped because he was still thinking about the beautiful lady.

Meanwhile..Fritz, Den, and Fred were already inside looking for seats..Fritz looked towards where Quint, Aste, and Genos are, who are still standing near the door who suddenly stopped.

Fritz waved his hands up high to signal the three, "Hey guys! what are you still doing there, come here now, we've already found a good seat for us six"

Quint saw Fritz's hands and heard what he said so he smiled back and nodded his head.

They then went where Fritz and the others.

..Upon looking inside Aste was once again awed for, it was a really big lunch area then he took a seat facing towards Quint.

The gang taught Aste how to order..then later they ate.


After an hour of eating and chatting unimportant matters...the gang's stomach was already full.

"That was a good meal!' Aste asserted.

All he saw as a reply is a huge smile.

Genos and Quint haven't yet mentioned the dark aura earlier, so while they are walking back to their room they discussed it.

"Guys, I forgot to tell you this earlier, I felt a dark aura right when we entered the lunch area, it was so dark much darker than what I feel inside the room, I think...one of Klay's henchmen is here, you could also ask Genos.." Quint asserted in a serious tone.

The other guys enlarged their eyes and depicted a wonder on their faces.

"Yea, I also felt it, so we gotta move to find it, I think its more dangerous than the one who is in the room..as the director gave us a mission to find whoever is going to be a danger in the campus.. right Fritz?" Genos also said.

Nodding his head as Fritz agreed, " With the power bestowed to us..as the Ace of this school, I need to give you missions , Fred and Den since you are always together, your mission is to save the one's who are bullied...and teach lessons to the bullies, but our all main mission is to find who are the wronged ones and the henchmen of Klay"

'Okay" the two replied who looked at each other with a smile on their faces then later chuckled realizing they were bullies before...but they agreed whole-heartedly

Fritz added as they reached the corridors, " Genos, since your King, and the Mind of this group, research for more info about Klay, so that we know how to catch those guys who're trying to destroy the campus' peace."

"Aye-aye sir" Genos actively responded

"Quint since your the strongest among us, I think I can't put order on you," Fritz said to Quint

Quint nodded then responded, "No, it's okay for you to give me a mission, your still the Ace, but since you don't want to..I'll just help to purif--wait I can't still purify, maybe I'll just help to spread the bad deeds of Klay to change the mindset of all the people who believe in his dark acts, also help your missions too."

Fritz smiled, knowing that Quint is still as humble as ever, as he added, " Also, Aste, I shall also give you mission, since you have a strong ability too, can you teach lessons to those who bully lower tiers, in short help Fred and Den so that even high tiers can't defeat you three, What I'll do is to track the guys who are working for Klay"

Aste immediately looked at Fritz with his head tilt," E-even me? I'm just new here haha, Quint! say something!"

Quint replied, "Nah, as if you did not feel that dark aura, I know your capabilities Aste, your skills are great since I heard Ytter specializes at skill improvement better than Ehal, you can do it"

Aste then laughed, "haha--well then okay--" looked up for the moment,"--Wait I remember! Yes I also felt it" he said in a cheerful manner with his index finger pointed up.

He added, "I felt it when I saw a woman before we enter the Lunch area that disappeared later.." He was still cheerful and still smiling.

The gang's eyes enlarge as they stopped walking.

"a-a woman? I never saw one earlier!" Fritz said in marvel.

"Well, she was beautiful..So I did not suspect her, maybe it isn't her" Aste replied as he followed it with a giggle

Inside Aste's mind were that woman's beautiful face, so he keeps giggling.

"Weird, I also did not see one" Genos also asserted..

"Well let's go back to the room for now..after class, we'll find out who is the first one of Klay's henchmen to defeat..," Quint said.

They then continued walking.....and reached the classroom.

They entered at exactly 1:30 PM, when they entered and went to their proper seats, their teacher also arrived.

The lesson immediately started, it was the same earlier, "how to control the abilities well" but with an art twist.

Each student must form an art out of their power.

In their tables, that's where they are testing their powers....

The class was enjoying the lesson...the mood was set in creativeness, and joyfulness inside the room.

The mood was also overpowering with Enthusiasm and Curiosity.

You can see the excitement in the eyes of every student inside the room, its as if they were back in their middle school playing in the playgrounds.

Mr.King was sitting at his chair at that time while looking at his students...

His eyes peered Lance's desk in the back, where Lance shaped sword out of the wooden table he has.

At the moment Mr. King was happy to see Lance's eyes filled with joy...but what really caught his sight is where a creature is sitting...

A life form, rather a new creature, it was his first time seeing it, so he observed it more...at the room's corner where it is placed..

The creature was a small wolf..a really tiny one if compared..it was as small as a man's hand..

but what really caught Mr. King's attention is that it has wings, with purple shining eyes..as if the tiny winged wolf's eyes were the galaxy for it was so beautiful, and its greyish white color makes it even more beautiful to look.

Mr.King then decided to go near where that wolf is...

In his surprise....the wolf jumped..

The small creature immediately got frightened and went to the table of Quint..

So he asked..."By any chance, Mr. Azelus is this your art?"

He gulped as he heard Quint's answer, "Yes sir"

His eyes widened and mouth broadened as he surprisingly said, "WOW!' that it made the whole class look at him.

He saw his student's eyes were already at him, so he went back to his table. SERIOUSLY like nothing happened, leaving Quint in awe and other students focus back to their arts.

"Ehemm" Mr. King coughed to get all his student's attention,

"Attention everyone--" as all student's attention got to him --"Well, I am happy to all of your arts, all were creative..but what exceeds amongst all of you is Quint's tiny winged wolf..he passed, and he is the first one to be done..so 100/100 a perfect score I would give him"

All the eyes of Quint's classmates directed to Quint as they see the cute tiny creature..sleeping in Quint's shoulder.

"WOW" said Lance who got more inspired to enhance his sword.

"AWWW CUTE" said Hale.

"Sir, no doubt he is a Haffles, it is very rare to create a new life form just in one try," said Genos from the back who was working on a sorting Helmet for identifying the class of a human.

'Yes, indeed, let us hear Quint's side" Mr. King answered.

Quint immediately went in front for Mr. King signaled him to go in front, he placed the little creature in his hands to carry it as it was yet sleeping while he was walking in front

"Umm.hehe..well, I made this with a part of my power..which is aether...I can't explain it well but what I did is just imagine and I created it from my heart, wolf's not to mention is my favorite kind of animal" Quint explained as he was still holding the cute little fella with made his classmates a bit envy.

After he explained he also immediately went back his seat, still holding the sleeping wolf.

The whole class learned from Quint, enviousness went down as they made Quint and his work as a determination to do their arts more creative like he.

Quint, on the other hand, slept along with his little fella while waiting for the class to end..Fritz which is his seatmate smiled as he was working with a cloud.. cloud storage for storing things.

All the other students were busy, they were working on their arts..

about half an hour passed..the students are now ready to present their arts.

Quint who was sleeping earlier woke up, as the wolf still is sleeping, he then smiled as he caress its fluffly furs.

He looked in front where the presentation is.

First off is from the back again...

Lance went in front and presented his upgraded wooden sword..it was not a normal sword.as he swung it heavily, it became a whip; as he held the tip of the whip it became a bow..with an endless supply of arrow.

Mr. King was impressed so he gave him 98/100. with that score, the students clapped at Lance's work as Lance bowed.

Gary is next and presented ice art..a plain snowflake art...but it was an amazing art..even if its all blue.shades of blue were present to the snowflake which made it beautiful to look into.

Mr.King, who gazed at Gary gave him 60/100. Certain students just clapped...The group of Quint is just the one who applaused

Genos is next as he presented his sorting Helmet...he called Fred for testing so that it could be approved..

Fred voluntarily went in front since it was his friend who called him..Genos placed the helmet in his head as it does its business.

..surprisingly the result is exactly the same as what the chair scanner calculated and it's more efficient now..his art left Mr. King and his classmates in awe..so they gave him a round of applause. That is also resulting in him getting a perfect score like quint.

Aste is next...he created a tiny island...his work at first is not exceptional..but what lies in that island that made everyone perplex is that it can become bigger as Aste opened the window and launched the island to the sky and it became a sky island...it was massive and impressive at the same time....also he can size it all he wants, he calls it "Pocket island'

Resulting in him a perfect score for Mr.King was once again bewildered.

Fred and Den collaborated..they created water and fire yin yang art..97/100 points were given to each of them

Hemea globin...created a blood barrier that drains every attack it gets.. 99/100 points were given to her.

Gaea did a leaf fossil carved in a stone resulting her on getting 89/100

Greta scored 100 because of her aura whip made out of the strand of her golden hair, a sturdy weapon that also disables anyone's ability if it touches them.

Hale also got 100 because she made a soul poweRing, a ring that empowers anyone's ability by 10 who has it.

As the presentation goes on...Aste was peacefully enjoying the class...

He claps every time a student goes in front.

"It was now 3:30 already," he said silently as looked at his watch..

His eyes wandered around, but at the window, he stopped.. his eyes went wide as he peered once and saw the woman again whom he saw earlier..walking in the lavender meadow outside their window...

but then again she disappeared in just a blink of his eyes...then at the moment she vanished..he felt the overpowering dark aura...

Genos and Fritz also felt it, as also Quint who his wolf also woke up and randomly growled cutely while the presentation was still going...that it made the whole class say "Awe..cute.."

But a question began to form inside Aste's mind.."Just who is that girl??" he contemplated as he was hearing the cute noisy bark coming out from his cousin's cute little fella.