Proud Mama


Today's Top Headlines!

"Welcome to TTH, today's morning is somewhat quirky and abnormal."

"You may have heard many scandals before between actresses and CEO's, Politicians and prostitute but now we are going to show a video about CEO and school boy."

" YES!! Its unbelievable but it's the truth, the reporter said with utmost sincerity and vehemence but the evil smirk was still obvious on his face if one observed carefully.

Switch x

"Never in wildest dreams could anybody have thought that Zhang Lin: the supporter of the straight community and that too a major fund holder would hold such a licentious thought towards a young boy".

Switch x

"Now we are standing across the huge and luxurious bungalow, as we can see the guards had been placed so that no can be entered into arena."

"Thousands of people are standing in front of his house protesting against the Zhang Lin the CEO of Zhang Enterprises with boards and banner."


Zhang Lin: A two face bastard.


After a long night as if the sun was blooming notably in a certain someone's house, Zhang Min was never been this happier before.

The news exploded like fire in a quick flash it spread all over the country; that the country's most compassionate man and an epitome of humility and valor was a depraved lecher.

It became the talk of the city; the media and people were in a state of hysteria not believing their eyes and ears.

The scattered murmurs were enough to aware an unknown person what was going in the city specially bars,social gathering and even children were gossiping and making fun of him

It was obvious that the president of Zhang Enterprises was nowhere to be seen—

A maid approach her interrupting her sweet moment, "Young Miss, a psycho person is standing outside the villa infront of the gates name Cao; screaming and stating that he is the new bodyguard of the madam.

He was perplexed after hearing today's news and reviews; the chip he was provided in exchange to media not only contains information about all the illegal transactions and deals of Zhang Lin but also various sex scandal of him and young lover boys but somewhere he was happy because men like him deserved to be rot in hell and worst. He was using him and her daughter as bait to get to her by coercion.

"Send him in and don't stop him the next time until I say so. "

He entered the living where Zhang Min was waiting, "What are you doing here? "

She could find the traces that were evident on his face of what happened last night; his face was covered in bruises and cuts making people scared of him and even took him for some kind of gangster or mafia.

"Umm... For the duty and thanks for helping me with my daughter, he replied genuinely cause he was not a kind of guy who offered thanks to people.

"No problem and today take a day off to celebrate and spend some quality time with your daughter and join the duty from Monday cause after that you will be more busier than before. "

He pauses for a moment and replied, "Okay.

The grey clouds were surrounded in the atmosphere, striking a lightning in the midst of them, inkling on the sudden change in weather. Thunders were rumbling in the distant as if giving warning ahead.

Today it was there important meeting with Kim Enterprise regarding the investment and there on expansion of the company.

Sharp at 5 pm Neil and Xiu reached to her house with the documents and files because she didn't wanted to have any kind of unnecessary problems or predicaments to begin with. If she will be successful to make the investors agree in their project than this will be her first step towards the success eventually to fulfill her promise to him.

Outside the house~

The weather was cloudy and cold giving a feeling of being on the edge of a sharp knife cause one wrong move and the game is over.



The raindrops began to fall with people scurrying inside their home enjoying the scenario and listening to the voice of pouring rain when clashed with ground producing a beautiful note giving peace to mind and soul.

While, the trio were standing under the roof of the house outside her door.

Looking up in the dark grey clouds Xiu said worryingly, it's raining in a winter season and this gusty wind blowing in the ambience are signifying as a bad omen".


"Ouch, Neil who was standing beside gave a smack on her forehead.

"Don't be so pessimistic. "

" Xiu, if we are hardworking and truthful enough then no one can stopped us from getting what we wanted so be positive. "

"Hmm, she agreed and said, "boss you are the great and like always we are going to crack this deal, be positive. "

She was affirmative about this and had faith in her boss's ability.

"Yeah, Neil exclaimed.

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After hearing them, all the stressed and her tensions went away. Neil and Xiu were like a stress busters in her life especially when she was all alone after the death of her father; enemies were lurking in the dark keeping a close watch on her every move. Though there were many hardships along the journey but they were there for her just like a family, through thick and thin always sticking together hence she trusted them with her own life.

The trio entered the luminous car and drive away into the thin air but she was feeling restless from the start as if something is going to happen but she doesn't want to degrade their confidence after all it was an important meeting.
