Encounter with her (1)

Lake View Hotel~

The trio reached the reception area in the lobby. The Lake View Hotel was one of the best among the hotels in Qiao City. They were in awe with exquisite décor of the grand living room with huge pillars engraved with fine and minute pearls glistening more with each falling rays until the dusk just like adorning its glory in the night making it beautiful and pleasant to eyes.

"How can I help you, sir? The lady on the reception asked.

"We are here to meet Mr. Kim Tian, The CEO of Kim Enterprises we have a scheduled meeting with him, Neil said explicitly in his professional accent which happens to be a rare sight because he is more of a jolly and carefree type.

"Let me confirm Sir, she blushed and said with utmost sincerity.

'I didn't notice that our Neil has his list of suitors pursuing him',she thought.


After a minute she replied again with a toothy smile on her face, "Please Sir, he is expecting your arrival have a nice day, with blushed crept all over her face she handed the keys to him.

"Neil I didn't knew you have suitors lined up everywhere, Xiu said teasingly.

"It's called charm baby which I have abundant in my genes and also due to my handsome face. "

"Pfft… Hahahahaha, they both started laughing hard.

"What! You don't believe?

They were in the elevator when Xiu replied making a balloon like face, "Just wait when someone will crush your manly charm."

She was giggling when someone overshadow her, Neil bend slightly making her waist twitch, "In your dreams, rolling his eyes over her.

She sneered and said "We'll see...

Before she could continue a silvery voice interjected between, "Okay kids stop bickering chest up, chin up, look forward and be prepared, Zhang Min said and heard an obedient reply.

"Okay Mama.

A smile formed its way through her face; she was feeling proud for raising such cute little children.


Start-up business are just like new born babies. In the first few weeks babies needs extra care and attention from their parents specially mothers in order to lay a proper foundation of their child with good mental as well as physical health.

The growth of Start-ups is just like a newborn infant, weak in the beginning but with the help of an adept and compassionate leader and promising employees; in no time the business starts to show its potential and power in the business world.

Kim Enterprises, the dynastic business which ruled over the market for more than a half century was well known for its discretion, fair-dealing and integrity that has place a good reputation in the market and among the crowd.

They generally had their hands ducked in all kind of industry; especially food and vegetables market acquiring almost seventy-five percent of the national market.

Generations through generations the Kim family had been serving to the people and for the people. They say that the Kim enterprise was not as flourished and developed as now but after the death of the former president, the position was throne to Kim Tian, the scion of the family who built the empire on its own accord so diverse and now his son was taking over the business to a whole new level after his retirement. He took the initiative to invest in start-up groups as he believes that they are the budding future of the Country taking the advantage of the retirement.

Zhang Min was especially nervous to finally able to meet the person, for whom she had turned the hell upside down and taken so much efforts to lure him, face to face. It was her dream to work with Kim Enterprises and now her dream come true. She was feeling blessed rest is into your hands God, 'she thought.

Please be with me!


Before entering the room, she took a breath in to let herself relax and so did the other two. Carrying a smile just like a professional entrepreneur she and the others entered the room.

When she entered she never in her billion dreams would have thought she would get to meet the man: Kim Tian himself.

Her inner self was screaming like hell after seeing her idol.

By looks and appearance one can guess He was a man in his 50's with a mild moustache and wrinkles over his face that too was hardly catchable only if one takes a closer look. He still looks like a 90's hero: handsome and dashing.

He was sitting casually on his sofa engulfing himself into the files, "It must be about them, 'she thought. The aura radiated from him were loudly speaking of divine nobility yet authoritative and imposing.

"Sir, The Executives from the Zhang Rong has been arrived quite a while", the assistant notify the man.

"Oh, sorry for taking your time, he apologizes humbly to Zhang Min.

It was abnormal for person like him to apologize to anyone yet he did it with such an ease without even embarrassing others and still carrying his dignity and self respect

"No problem Sir, it shows how dedicated you are for your work."Zhang Min said with utmost sincerity and truthfully.

Kim Tian nodded and proceeds for further discussion by gesturing a hand in front.

He wasn't the one who got easily melted with one or two pick-up lines or by sugary coated words; she was quite aware of that; that's why she never tried to inveigle him from the start.

"Just be you, she reminded herself.

Both the assistant left the study room leaving the boss's and Manager Neil behind.