Morning Cuddling and Investigating

Gobugrak POV:

Waking up I can feel my head lying on something soft that keeps expanding up and down, while my body feels tangled up in something soft and tender.

Opening my eyes I can see that I am lying on soft mounds with cherry pink nipples with Anna's head resting on a pillow above me breathing softly, closed eyes, and a satisfied smile on her face.

Looking below me I can see that Anna's arms wrap around my body dragging my body towards her, as her legs wrap around my legs, all in all in this position I feel extremely comfortable as though being surrounded by clouds.

If this was before I would have immediatly indulged myself in her body, but now I only want to enjoy the feeling surrounding me besides I am completly spent sexual speaking.

Weaving my arms through I begin hugging Anna back using one hand to stroke her hair and another stroking her back.

As I am doing this I can see Anna's mouth form a bigger smile as her limbs tighten their hold on me as though to drag me closer towards her.

Seeing this I can only chuckle slightly in my mind as I can't help but think of the current situation.

'While she sleeps she looks so innocent and adorable, who would think that she is such a seductress and violent at times.' as I know that only I can see this gentle side of her at the moment and her seductive side is shown normally, while her violent side is for those that enrage her enough.

Continuing to gentle carress her body for a while I can see her eyelashes flutter for a moment before opening her eyes to look at me, revealing a gentle smile as she speaks.

"Good morning Gobugrak, sorry for being so hard on you last night I couldn't really control myself." as she adopts a wry smile, seeing this I chukle slightly before saying.

"It's alright Anna it was to be expected, since as a lust demon it is much more difficult to control sexual urges once they begin to have sex." not really minding what happened last night as it was bound to happen as she has only been a lust demon for a day.

"Thanks for not blaming me Gobugrak I promise to try to control myself in the future, but for now let me reward you for handling me for so long." returning to her gentle smile as she brings her face closer towards mine kissing me on the lips.

"Mgh mgh mgh." was all that was heard as we began to get into the kiss hugging each other tighter and closing each others eyes.

Rather than a passionate kiss that we have during sex this one was more gentle only brining each others lips together without using our tongues to explore each others mouth.


Keeping at this for a few minutes we end our kiss as we look at each others eyes with a gentle and loving look, after this Anna then brings her head onto my chest nuzzling on it with my head nuzzling into her hair breathing in her nice aroma relaxing me.

Staying like this for a while I then speak from my heart to Anna.

"Anna thank you for being here with me I honestly don't know what sort of life I would have had if I didn't meet you. But with you in my life I can have something else in mind besides revenge and can spend my life with somone I love dearly from the botton of my heart." as I know that without her I would have been broken searching for an impossible revenge that would lead me to death or worse.

Seeing my expression and speech becoming serious I can see Anna showing a very gentle expression before lightly pecking my lips.

"Stupid I already know ever since we expossed our feeling to each other many times before, besides if it wern't for you I probably would have been denying the gift I had for a while wanting to find an alternative. But with you I not only can realize my situation earlier on, not only that I was able to have such a great relationship with another person to the point of being lovers aiding one another anyway we can." hearing her say this brought a smile to my face before each one of us close our eyes simply wanting to enjoy the moment we have right now.

'Ah although my life at the tribe was hell I am blessed to have her by my side.' smiling inside as I think this before thinking of something that causes me to sigh as I put on a bitter smile for a moment.

'However since she is technically a man due to her gender we can't have children with one another, ah if only we could have children we would be able to have a family with one another.' as I can imagin a beautiful scene were she is hugging our child with a gentle smile while I am in the background looking at the scene with a smile on my face.

Sensing my discomfort she opens her eyes before looking at my bitter smile becoming slightly worried before asking what was wrong.

"Gobugrak whats wrong, is there something bothering you?" I tried to play it of at first before seeing her serious face showing that she won't be relenting.

Sighing to myself I decieded to tell her why I am melancholic.

"It's because although you have the figure of a woman and now act more like one you are still a man, and as such it is not possible for the two of us to have children with one another. Forget that I even brought it up as there is nothing much we can do about." closing my eyes while shaking my head showing a bitter expression again, not noticing Anna's pensive expression.

Anna POV:

Hearing Gobugrak about wanting a child I can tell that he was not refering to an adopted child, rather a child that comes from the two of us.

Back in my previous world two men couldn't physically have a child connected by blood, but this world is not like my old world.

Before coming here Loki had explained that people had magic here that allowed men to be pregnant with children as well.

However, looking at Gobugrak's expression I can see that he has non idea that such magic exists, either that or he doesn't want to reveal that fact as he is afraid that I don't want to bear his child not wanting to tell me anyways.

Now here I am in deep thought thinking about whether I want a child or not.

'It's not like I don't want a child, but men from my previous world could not bear children so it seems strange to think about getting myself pregnant.' thinking slightly on the norms from my previous world to this one before an image flashes in my mind again.

It was the same image of last night with me holding a child I birthed looking at the baby with a gentle and loving expression, with that I resolve myself before getting Gobugraks attention to look at me as I bring a gentle smile.

"Gobugrak I am unsure if you know this or not, but when I came to this world I was told that their was a way to get men pregnant with children. So if you really want a child we can find out the method to have a child, and I am willing to bear your child." before pecking him on the lips seeing his shocked expression.

"W-what is it true! Is there really a method to allow men to become pregnante, you not lying right!" seeing his shocked and frantic expression with his eyes having some semblance of hope in them I can see that he really did not know that there was such a thing.

"Yes I am not lying, when we get out of the forest and into the city we could search for the method having children with one another." with a calm expression and tone to reasure him that I am not lying, seeing this Gobugrak cries slightly but in happiness of hearing that it is possible to have children.

"I am happy! So so happy that it is possible that you can bear my child Anna! But are you okay with it Anna I don't want you to do something you are not fine with?" showing a concerned expression as he doesn't want to force me into having his child if I don't want to, though still showing some hope in his eyes that I say yes to him.

"Yes I am okay with having your child, not going to lie I have had some times where i think of the child we might have together. So I guess you can say that just like you I also want a child, and I want a child between each one of my lovers. That means you as well Gobugrak as you are my lover, so that means I can't just leave you out." gentle smiling at him before kissing him again, as he responds with enthusiasm.

"Mgh ah thank you Anna thank you for agreeing to having my child, I promise to be at your side forever with our child." before he goes back into our kiss making out with each on the bed with greater intensity than before, but stopping before we forget everything and go have sex again.

"Mgh ah yes I promise to also take care of our child to the best of my ability." promising him that I will do my very best to take care of our children in the future, hust thinking of our child brings a warmth to my stomach as I anticipate the moment we have one.


After spending a hour in bed cuddling each other talking about the child we will eventually have we got clothed and ate breakfast.

This time he made some grilled greater wind dire wolf meat with mixed fruit and vegtables giving each of us 70 evolution points.

During this time I managed to see a funny sight of seeing Gobugrak having a silly smile on his face as he imagines our child, causing me to chuckle slightly at the sight.

At the same time I also bought a skill from the shop that I thought would be usefully to get earlier on.

*Ding* 'Does host wish to purchase skill Healthy lv 1/10 for 1000 TP confirm y/n'

Selecting yes as I can feel my body becoming becoming warmer, checking my [Status] I can see that my health has risen by 84 points bringing a smile to my face.

Although it wasn't a large boost to health right now, over time my health will be doubled what it is right now increasing my survivability.

I save the rest of the tp to buy other skills to increase my stamina and mana capacity allowing me to utilize stronger and more draining attacks at a lower level.

Now completly ready we head out of the cave, though not before I ask Gobugrak something.

"You told me yesterday how you didn't know why the goblins were going to war, why don't we go to investigate them and find out why?"

Gobugrak thinks for a moment before shaking his head and saying.

"No I don't think it would be a good idea as the amount of goblins by the army would make it difficult to get close to one without drawing attention to ourselves." as he knows I can use hypnosis on one of the goblins to question them, however since the goblins would be wary of an ambush it would be difficult to just single one out and capture them without the others finding out.

However I wasn't thinking of getting one of the goblins of the army, but instead somewhere else instead.

"I just have one question in the army are the important and strong members going to be with the army?" asking Gobugrak as he adopts a confused expression.

"Yes the strong and important members of the tribe will be with the army participating in the war, how is that impor...." before his eyes widden realizing the significance of my question.

"You want to go to the tribe and capture one of them to question, ha ha I can't believe that I did not think of that. Although security will be higher at the tribe that is only due to the strong member being gone that a larger amount have to keep watch to make sure they aren't invaded. However that means the weaker members will have to go out more to gather food for the rest leaving them vulnerable to get captured by us." as I nod to him confirming the idea I had before showing a twisted smile.

"Besides with them gone now we have the oppurtunity to kill or control the ones still at the tribe leaving them with no home to return to." as I know that the time for us to cause some trouble to their tribe is now here, hearing this Gobugrak laughs before agreeing with me.

"Ha ha ha yes with this opportunity we can disrupt the part of the tribe that stayed leaving either an empty home for them, or an ambush for when they return from battle." with this the both of us agree to go towards the goblin tribe, as Gobugrak leads the way towards the tribe.


It has been a few hours since we left the cave making our way towards the goblin tribe, during this time I asked questions to Gobugrak about the location of the tribe to better understand the positioning of the tribe.

At the same time we had quite a lot of encounters with the monsters of the middle section as the goblins had left blood and pieces of flesh across the trail the army went by attacting them.

In total I ended killing another 43 creature from the middle section which were around lv 29, with Gobugrak killing another 32 creatures around the same level granting a ton of experience and 3 levels in my case.

Using all the free points from my previous level up last night and today I rose my strength, endurance, intelegence, and wisdom by 10 points each.

When I raised endurance I noticed that my fingernail blades becoming stronger by about 5 damage, leading me to believe that they increase attack by half of my endurance value.

Anyways back to the information that Gobugrak provided me about the location of the tribe and the layout in order to avoid alerting the entire tribe.

Looks like the reason that the goblin army had to go through the middle section of the forest instead of going straight to the inner section is because there are a series of mountains that block entrance to the inner section of the forest.

This ends up providing protection from creatures of the inner section, while at the same time needing to make a large detour towards the inner section at the same time for anyone wanting to go into the inner section.

As for the layout of the tribe they have a few hunting grounds in the middle and begining sections of the forest, in order to get the most information we will go to a hunting ground in the middle section of the forest and 'ask' them about the situation of the tribe.

"Okay Anna we are getting close to one of the hunting grounds, we have to be extra careful to not be found as they might escape to warn the tribe of us." as I nod to him with a serious expression as we gentle away the bushes and other vegetation that are in our path to not alert the goblins of our prescene.

After a few minutes we hear some talking, hearing this we realize that we are getting very close to their group.

Looking at each other we nod to one another in understanding of being careful in this situation.

After traveling a dozen or so meters we see the hunting group from the goblin tribe, in total there 5 skeletons and 7 members all of them being hobogoblins with one of them having some tattoos on its body as some black smoke comes from its hands.

For a second I thought the skeletons were enemies until I saw that the hobogoblin was controling them ordering them to lead the way for the group.

Seeing this I knew that he was a necromancer of some sort and had the blessing of a god being a variant, seeing this I knew that he must be pretty important to the tribe.

However at the same time I also wondered why he stayed behind when the important figures should have gone with the army, untill I realized that he must be one of the leaders manning the tribe in the absence of the main leaders.

Seeing this I was even more overjoyed as this means that as long as we capture him we should be able to gain a lot of information from the tribe,looking at Gobugrak I can also see that he is excited as well.

Nodding to each other we get ready to attack applying enhancements on the 2 of us, however right as I finish my sixth sense activates signifying a moderate amount of danger.

"Gobugrak dodge!" hearing this he immediately leaps back a few meters behind a tree, while I do the same.


At the same place we were at a small explosion happened, looking at the goblins we both see the variant hobogoblin smiling at us as the skeltons and other hobogoblins look at towards us.

"Well seems you managed to dodge my magic, you should know better to sneak up on a necromancer. Anyways what is another variant hobogoblin doing here, hm on second thought I don't quite know you hm perhaps you are a banished goblin that has come for revenge, in that case you can die kill them for me!" realizing that perhaps these undead or him can sense life making or stealth useless against him.

Recovering from our shock Gobugrak fires some wind enhanced arrows from his bow that have high speed and pentration, at the same time I extend my nails as I get ready to charge at the group.

On the other side 2 hobogoblins with shields and axes charge towards us along with the skeltons armed with simple swords, behind them is 1 hobogoblin with a greatsword, another with dual swords, and 2 with crossbows aiming at us.

Sensing them aiming at me with my innate I rush towards the side dodging their arrows as I charge towards the skeletons and close range hobogoblins, at the same time I hear the bow from Gobugrak release his arrows targeting both crossbowman and the hobogoblin with the greatsword.

*Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Ahhhh* *Gah* *Ugh*

The two crossbowman not expecting arrows to come at them at such high speed had arrows pierce their heads killing them instantly, as for the one with the greatsword the Goblins with shields block two of the arrows hitting dead center on their shields.

However the arrows had wind magic surrounding them making them cappable of penetration they pierce into the shield impaling their arms harming them but not killing them.

As for the one with the greatsword an arrow hit his shoulder as he managed to dodge last minute avoiding a hit to the heart, sighing at having narrowly avoiding death he does not notice that the arrow is glowing a deep green color as the arrow begins to break.

"Get out of the way idiot!!!" seeing this the variant hobogoblin warns the one with the greatsword, however when the hobogoblin registered what he said the arrow broke apart.

*Boom* *Psh* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *AHHHHH* *GAAAHHHHH*

When the arrow broke it released a blast of wind in all directions sending the hobogoblins and skeletons flying for a few meters before hitting the ground or trees.

The hobogoblin with the arrow in him exploded into chunks of meat as blood rained across the area, as for the 2 shield hobogoblins next to him were sent flying towards the trees as their limbs twisted in different directions as they stopped breathing entirely.

As for the dual swordsman hobogoblin he managed to dodge a bit only skidding on the ground for a few feet before getting back up with a broken arm, the skeltons on the otherhand were slow sending 2 too their deaths as their skulls broke on impact with some trees.

The other 3 skeletons have some fractured bones, but are otherwise alright as they get back up.

Lastly the variant hobogoblin having been in the back was the least effected on being pushed over, however the horror in his eyes haven't faded away from what just happened.

"N-no impossible there are only 2 of you how can you be this strong, and you how did you remote detonate wind magic on an arrow." hearing him talking about the second part I chuckled as Gobugrak had the idea of overloading the arrows he imbues with wind magic to cause a wind explosion to occur.

He got the idea after I told him about my sword almost breaking due to the mana I poured into it getting the idea of doing the same to his arrows in order to cause wind explosions.

Clearly they worked very well and are quite destructive for groups of enemies, though they get quite messy blowing the target into chunks like that hobogoblin.

Without wasting the time I have before they are all recovered I use triple slash on the remaining skeltons on their fractured bones breaking them apart.

*Ding* *Host has killed lv 31, lv 32, and lv 31 Undead Soldier gaining 1410 EXP'

Not stopping I charge towards the final normal hobogoblin using mana strike and triple slash on the same area to slice right through the hobogoblins remaining sword cutting him in half.

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 33 Hobogoblin Blader gaining 495 EXP'

With only the variant left I turn towards him using my evil eye of fear freezing in place before he can launch another spell, with a look of horror he stutters before saying.

"H-how... How are you 2 so strong! It's not possible unless you have a way higher level than me or have high rank classes and race! Why is a banished goblin like you able to survive outside the safety of the tribe and get this strong!!!" afraid and confused to no bounds as a talented goblin like Gobugrak should not have been banished due to his potential, what he didn't know is that the tribe did not banish him but treated him like shit.

"Hm why? It is because they thought I had no talent that they treated me like shit, no lower than shit because I was weak and scrawny in their eyes! I did not get banished but left on my own to survive and get stronger, and now I have come back to show you all of what a talentless person can do!" huffing with anger hearing him say leaving the 'safety' of the tribe as it was his hell.

Seeing him like this I grab his arm causing him to look at me as I showed a calm and gentle gaze that calmed him down, making him realize that all that anger is in the past and that we have a bright future ahead of us from now on.

"Thanks Anna for being here with me." as I smile at him calming him down completely before looking at the terrified yet shocked hobogoblin at our display of affection and the beauty he sees at my appearance.

Going closer towards him as I raise my aura to its maximum as well as evil eye he begins to shake more as his state of mind slowly becomes overwhelmed by whats going to happen to him.

Hidding a smirk I get face to face with him as I put on a seductive smile, while speaking in a sexy voice.

"Well mind telling little ol me about who you are~" as I use the hypnosis ability of my eyes on him, with his state of mind is disorder from fear as well as lust from my actions the hypnosis takes hold although with some difficulty as it seems like he is resisting it.

"Y-yes m-my name is Tolren a-and I am t-the son o-of the tribes sh-shamen." as he tries to resist speaking to me, hm seems like his mind is very strong as I was thinking this Gobugrak becomes shocked.

"What you are the shamen's son, but last I heard he did not have a child at all." making me raise an eyebrow as it seems strange seeing as it has been around a month since Gobugrak left the tribe, yet the shamen has a son who is strong and likely high leveled making it strange.

Asking when he was born made us more shocked at the amount of time it took.

"I-I was b-born 2 w-weeks ago..." 2 weeks and he already became this strong, at first I thought that they might have captured, weakened, or restrained creatures for him to kill to become stronger before the system answered my question.

*Ding* 'Host in order to gain experience one must be in an actually combat situation, so killing restrained or captured animals that you did not have contact with before will not yield experience. As for killing weakened creatures it would only work if they were not close to death and have the ability to keep the large percentage of their combat abilities'

Hearing this instead of gaining understanding I was confused as it does not explain how he got this strong, asking how he leveled up so quickly he answered how he did it.

"I-it was due t-to my f-fathers b-bloodline t-the im-portant figures o-of the t-tribe have b-bloodlines unlo-cked for them and t-their children a-allowing them to g-get s-stronger fr-from it a-and level up f-faster." hearing this we were both amazed as this means that their is another way of gaining more experience than just the items I have.

"Do you know how to gain a bloodline!" yelling out as this is an important matter for the both of us, seeing him resisting the urge for telling the way to gain a bloodline I activate my hypnosis again causing him to answer with less resistance this time.

"Y-yes the way to get a b-bloodline is to use a ritual know as the blood a-awakening ritual, the way to perform the ritual is to use the blood of a v-variant beast and c-create specific s-symbols i-in a c-circle. Once d-done you have to say an i-incantation t-that will awak-en a bloodline, when the ritual is done you will awak-en a bl-oodline according to y-your race and a-bilities be-coming stronger as you g-get stronger also their is a c-chance t-to e-evolve depending on the beast y-you took blood f-from w-with the strong-er the beast the more likely." hearing his answer I frowned as the ritual seems to have a specific procedure in order to work, thankful we have the variant beast blood and from a pretty strong beast as well meaning we could evolve once more if it works.

"Can you perform the ritual?" asking him as it would allow us to do it easily as it would be very difficult to find a goblin who knows of the ritual and knows the entire process, thankful he nods to me saying that he can do it.

Smiling inside my head I look at him using my hynosis again strengthening my hold over his mind, while whispering to him.

"Well I would real appreciate it if you could help me in performing the ritual for us~ if you do it I am willing to give you a reward~" while smilling evily in my mind as I wonder if I should reward him with my ass, or reward him by using his ass.

Hearing this his eyes slowly gain a fanatical light as I was using the ability on him for a while along with the suggestion skill he answers.

"Yes mistress I will perform the ritual for you and him." as his resistance is gone and I have control over him, just to make sure I stare at him longer using my hypnotic gaze as well as using suggestions to make sure he doesn't betray us.

Afterwards we question him about the defense of the tribe as well as the reason for the war they are going towards.

He answers with zero hesitation that at the tribe besides him there are 2 more variants as well as some high leveled goblins from older generation in command, besides that the rest even his father are participating in the war.

As for the reason for the war it seems they found the location of a dungeon in the inner section of the forest that can provide great treasures and rewards for those that enter, however the kobolds have also found the dungeon as well and have been guarding it.

The army is to level the kobolds that are there so the leaders can go into the dungeon to get treasure and strength.

Realizing that this is a war for supremecy both me and Gobugrak are excited as this means we have a lot of time to take over the tribe members here, while they lose numbers over there to the kobolds.

With that we decied to leave the area and go back towards the cave in order to get bloodlines as well as plan out our form of attack from here on out.