Beast Battle And Incredible Strong Enemy

As we make our way back I make sure to keep applying more layers of hynosis on Tolren as well as suggestions to make him unable to plot against us as well as harm us with ill intent in case the hypnosis fades.

Though looking at him I can see that I don't have to worry much about that as I can see a fanatical light in his eyes as his puppet like state fades bit by bit.

Since I have the opportunity to compare a variant hobogoblin to another I can see that the tattoos on his body are blackish red, his face doesn't look bad but not quite handsome only average, as for hair it seems to be blackish red being wrapped by cloth.

As for his muscles he is lacking in that area as they aren't that developed, as for his clothing he is wearing brown short pants reaching his knees, a white t shirt covering his upper body along with a black open jacket decorated with some beast claws.

On his neck is a necklace that has some small bones attached to it, on his wrist is a bracelet that has claws of beasts on it.

All in all he seems a lot less physically attractive than Gobugrak, though looking at his attire I did ask what the rarity of it was and what bonuses they provide.

Not even hesitating for a moment he tells me that they all came as equipment his father made for him, the necklace and bracelet are uncommon rank equipment that have the ability to increase strength of minions as well as increase the strength of his dark magic.

As for his jacket it was a high grade uncommon rank equipment that boosts magic strength as well as increase minions that can be controlled by 1.

Hearing this I couldn't help but think that he was purely a magician as well as summoner not having much physical prowess as shown by his current body, at the same time I realized that his father must have the ability to not only craft equipment but also artifacts as well.

"Does he have the ability to create even higher grade equipment or is only uncommon the limit?" as I was slightly worried yet excited if they had their hands on higher rarity equipment to strengthen us further.

"Yes mistress he has the ability to create higher rarity equipment such as rare rank and from time to time unique rank, back at the tribe there are some rare items that the tribe does not use that mistress can acquire." hearing this I was a bit surprised that his father can create unique rank equipment, but what really made me happy is that some items of rare rank are at the tribe.

Once we make a plan on how to take of the tribe along with some of the members still remaining I will make sure to see if they have rare equipment that works for each of us, though hearing that his father can create rare rank equipment I wondered why he did not have any.

"Mistress the reason I do not have rare rank equipment is that the tribe is vicious and only by earning the right to wield rare rank equipment and above can you acquire them. Even as the tribe's shamen's son I am not exempt from this and have to prove myself of being worthy." being a little surprised that you need to prove yourself to have access to higher rank equipment, though this makes some sense as you don't want to be reliant on high rank equipment to get ahead of everyone not training your skills.

Finally I was curious as to what his blessing was as so far I could tell it allowed him to summon and control undead as well as use black magic.

"My blessing is from the Goddess of the Underworld Ulmet, allowing me to summon corrupted demonic creatures and their magic. However, not being a demon as well as having a small amount of time to train my abilities I can only control some basic skeletons and use black magic." at first I was confused as his blessing seems powerful yet he seems a bit weak despite that before hearing the second part of his explanation.

Seems that although he gained a strong blessing he can't make the most out of it, from what I learned from Gobugrak a while back the blessings from gods aren't all equal being that they depend on the strength of the god.

Meaning there are those who will gain blessings from demigods, minor gods, gods, greater gods, and lastly supreme gods.

This means that the three of us have blessings from decently powerful gods giving a large amount of bonuses, this makes me want to keep Tolren due to his blessing being quite strong and rare.

Though this means I will have to find a way to give him a demon bloodline or make him a demon, at the same time I will have to make sure he turns to become loyal to me though at the same time not a puppet.

What I don't like having people who can't think for themselves, though I have no problem in making him devote himself to me though.

Not having anymore questions for Tolren to answer we continue to move back towards our cave to proceed with the ritual feeling as though I will gain a lot of strength after this.


After making it half way towards the cave we noticed that something weird was going on.

Earlier when we went towards the tribe there were large amounts of beasts that were in the area due to smelling the large amount of blood and corpses of animals left behind by the goblin army.

Although we did pick up all the bodies of animals me and Gobugrak killed we left the corpses of mutilated beasts having been eaten by other creatures leaving chunks of meat, fur, and blood around the area.

It is for this reason that it is strange that there are no animals nearby as there should be no reason for them to be gone from the area, I also know that there is no danger here as my innate sixth sense should alert me.

However even now I can't feel anything coming from it telling me that there is no danger in the area, despite that I am very curious behind the area becoming desolate.

After raising my awarness to my surroundings to see what could be the reason behind their disapperance as we continue to travel towards the cave.

Looking at the surroundings for a while I was about to stop surveying the area until I got a feeling from my sixth sense, but instead of warning for danger it was towards something valuable.

"Wait stop here!" I quickly told them as they both stopped with Tolren showing a confused expression as Gobugrak raised his guard as he knows I can sense danger.

"Remember the time that I sensed the lust demon orb in the cave Gobugrak, I am getting the same feeling here." hearing this Gobugrak relaxed yet was excited to know there was fortune nearby.

Seeing his excitement I chuckled lightly before checking which direction my sixth sense is telling me, after a bit of searching the direction is pointing towards the direction of the goblin army...

Considering whether to go into that direction as my senses are telling me that it is towards the inner section of the forest, I decieded to go as I need to go to the inner forest eventually to finish my quest.

"We have to go that way as I feel fortune coming from that direction." telling both Gobugrak and Tolren as they both tense up becoming a bit nervous as the enemies of the inner forest are very strong, before showing resolute expression as we make our way towards that direction.


After traveling for an hour I can feel my sixth sense pounding telling me that fortune is coming closer, though my sense for danger has also increased slightly as we make our way there.

*Howl* *Roar* *Screech* *Caw* *Hiss*

We stop as up ahead we can hear a large amount of beasts in the distance causing me to get worried before realizing that my senses are pointing towards that direction.

At this point I was considering going back deciding to check up ahead first to see what the situation is.

Motioning to the both of them we make our way forwards carful before coming to the top of a hil covered by dense vegetation, from there we can see all the beasts below.

What we saw was a giant fight amongst different creatures from both inner and middle sections of the forest, there were wolves, bears, hawks, lizardmen, apes, crocodiles, giant spiders, and various other creatures.

It was essential a mosh pit for all creatures in this part of the forest, at this point we were all awestruck as to why they were all fighting in this one area before seeing all of them surround a lotus that is in the center of the lake that looks like it is about to bloom.

"Mistress I believe that is the treasure we are seeking as some plants have the ability to strengthen the one that consumes it some way, either an enhancement, evolution, strengthening bloodline, or help recover from various conditions. Judging by their reaction the lotus seems to be able to provide and evolution or strengthen their bloodlines for them to act this crazed." if we can get this lotus than the benifits would be really high, yeah right there are hundreds of monsters there that could kill us if we get trapped in the middle of that.

As I was about to tell them to go back since the plant is not accessable I can see some beasts hidding in the trees around the lake waiting for the moment to rush in to grab the lotus, seeing this I realized that perhaps I could use the opportunity to kill the remaining creatures needed for the quest as I can see both middle and inner section monsters lying in wait.

How I can tell which are which the monsters have a higher evolution than monsters in the middle section of the forest, though finding a variant in this mess would be quite difficult.

Though even if that is the case it will be difficult to kill 20 inner section creatures by myself, as though to answer my prayers the system says.

*Ding* 'Whatever kills that Gobugrak gets will go towards hosts quest's goals as host has already finished killing all the middle section creatures needed, this is because host has a connection to your lovers through the trap's lover connection ring'

Shocked that this was possible I asked why the system didn't tell me about this, only to want to puke at blood at the answer.

*Ding* 'It is because host did not ask'

'Goddammit I really hope that this system did not take any of Loki's personality traits.' wishing in my head as I really don't want to have a system just like that guy.

"We will go kill the monsters by the trees as they are isolated from one another allowing us to fight freely without attracting the hordes attention as they are to busy fighting one another." hearing this they both nod as we make our way slowly towards the first group of creatures lying in wait.

Getting into position I can see that the creatures hidding are 7 giant red foxes with 2 tails radiating heat, Gobugrak readies his bow to fire an explosive wind arrow while Tolren readies dark arrows to injure the legs of some of the foxes for me to attack.

Extending my nails we all are ready to get into action to attack these foxes along with using an attack buff on all of us with defense and speed applied to me, signaling to the two next to me to fire.

*Fwoosh* *Boom* *Psh* *Psh* *Awoo* *Whimper*

After the dust clears we can only see carnage as 2 of the foxes are dead with 3 others injured badly surprising me, until I realize that perhaps they rely more on magic than physical stats making sense why they don't participate in combat with the other monsters.

Snapping out of my shock I go ahead and rush towards them as they also get over their shock breathing fire out onto me, already having sensed it before I rush towards the side dodging the flames although still feeling the intense heat from them.

At the same time I decided to use gentle aura to weaken their attacks to an extent seeing as they have their attention on me.

Seeing me get close 1 of them summons a barrier of fire between me and them making me having to go around the fire to get to them, during this time Gobugrak readies another explosive arrow to shot through the fire to hit them.

At the same time Tolren prepares what looks like a black lasso to restrain the beasts.

Finally getting around the fire my senses flare up causing me to dodge yet again to the side dodging a breath of fire, but unfortuantly as though planned 3 of the foxes shot fire balls at me exploding on contact.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

*Ding* 'Host been dealt 243 damage by Flame Double Tail Foxes'

'Wow these foxes sure are cunning to plan a cooridinated attack like this." as I get over the pain of having my flesh burned as I rush towards them as they look at me in shock that I did not recieve grave wounds from their magic.

Before they could react I get towards an uninjured foxes using mana strike and triple strike beheading it.

*Ding* 'You have killed a lv 39 Flame Double Tail Fox gaining 585 EXP'

To make the most use of this moment I use my evil eye of fear to paralyze them for a moment before doing the same to the other uninjured fox killing it too.

*Ding* 'You have killed a lv 41 Flame Double Tail Fox gaining 615 EXP'

Snapping out of the fear they felt they breath fire and fireballs at me only for me leaping back several meters behind me to get out of range of their fired attacks, Gobugrak and Tolren who were waiting till now act as Tolren using those black ropes restrains the foxes for a second before they break out.

However not before Gobugrak managed to fire an explosive wind arrow at the center of all of them leaving no time to dodge.


With that the life of the remaining 3 fire foxes were cut short as their bodies were blasted apart, although they were dead we did not relax before I collected the bodies of the still intact foxes leaving the area momentarily to not drag anymore attention to us from any monsters that will come here.

After going a few dozen meters away from the area we pause before taking a small rest discussing the battle we just had.

"Although we cooridinated quite well those foxes were truely cunning able to create a good strategy in dealing a powerful attack to you Anna." Gobugrak said as I also agree that unlike monsters from the middle and beginning forest they have large intellegence to come up with strategies like that.

Knowing that besides their large strength we also have to be careful of their intellegence as they may lead us into a trap.

After resting for half an hour we resumed to hunt other groups lying in wait in order to complete the quest.


*Hiss* *Hiss* *Hiss* *Pu* *Pu* *Pu*

"Anna get out of the way of their venom!" Gobugrak worried as we saw the venom of these snakes be able to melt rock and rot vegetation in seconds showing how toxic they are.

Thankfully I was not hit by these attacks as they are quite slow but make it difficult to get close to them safety, and for the first time in a while dodging them for so often has decreased my stamina by a decent amount showing the difficulty I am having here.

Thankful Gobugrak are able to land hits on them by using arrows and magic, while every once in a while I charge up a mana strike to launch at the snakes.

*Ding* 'Host has killed a lv 39 Purple Scaled Venomous Serpents'

'Ah just 2 more to go and we can leave this place since I already finished the inner section creatures portion of this quest.' relieved that we can soon get away from this hell before my senses start blaring signifying a highly lethal attack, I instinctively react and began tilting my body barely dodging black long claws from hitting me.

*Fwoosh* *Psh* *Thud*

Only to turn back to see the same creature instantly kill one of the 2 snakes we were battling before turning around to look at me allowing me to see it clearly.

I could see that it was a variant creature due to its blackish purple tattoos and was a demon as it possessed demon horns and tail, but I couldn't see it as anything else than a monstrosity.

Its body looked emancipated showing the bones of the creature, the center of its mouth was opened up allowing it to show the rows of razor sharp teeth, its eyes were hollowed out with veins coming out from the sockets, its arms were long reach down past the knees with long black razor claws.

It legs were curved backwards like a dogs having a barb on the back of the ankle area, as for it's tail it was spiked and looked like it could piece through metal easily, lastly surrounding the creature was a blackish purple mist.

"He he he he." at that moment I swore that I could hear it laughing at me as my senses were telling me that whatever this thing is was bad news, and to be absolutely careful around it.


Raiseing its head into the air releasing a horrifying screech causing me to grow anxious as it then seemes to blur into a trail of smoke before charging at me, seeing this I raised my reaction and senses to their maximum.

Despite that I could not track it to land a hit forced to dodge it again, only this time not completly.


*Ding* 'Host has been dealt 271 damage by Corrupted Ravaging Shadow Demon'

"Ahhhhhhh!" was all I could scream out as I held onto my arm that has a long slice going across it, the pain I felt from that hit was greater than any attack that other enemies have ever done, at the same time I looked at my wound to see blackish purple veins coming from the wound causing the pain to flare up as my arm slumped.

"Anna are you alright, we will be able to help you soon just hold on!" as Gobugrak concern was through the roof seeing me scream out like that, unable to help for the moment having to dodge and attack the snake.

"Misstress please hold on we will help you shortly!" as Tolren shows visible concern from his eyes as he starts firing more magic at the snake hoping to kill it soon to help me.

"I-im al-right for n-now, d-don't come near i-it is too quick!" not wanting them to be in the sights of this monster as Tolren will be killed instantly, and Gobugrak unable to hit it very well, focussing back onto the battle I try to test my current capabilities as well as think of a way to deal with it.

Trying to move my arm I found that it did not respond at all leading me to believe that its attacks either had poison in them or were cursed, either way the situation was bad as it nocked out more than a fourth of my hp with an attack that only partially hit.

Looking quickly towards the direction it came I could see it standing a few meters from me looking straight at me.

"He he he he he..." again hearing its laughter I felt that it was mocking me, either that or it was playing with it's 'food' at this point.

Instead of getting angry acting foolish in this situation I think calmely about what to do getting an idea that could work.

'Since my sixth sense can warn me of danger if I focus on the feeling and can tell where it is coming from I can strike it with everything I have.' figuring it was worth a try as my physical senses couldn't catch up to its movements, focusing everything on my senses I prepare my next clash with it.


Releasing a louder shriek before bluring into a trail of smoke again, not panicking I stay calm trying to sense where it is aiming for feeling it wanting to strike towards the lower section of my body instantly reacting by leaping to the side while raising my legs.


Just barely again I managed to dodge its attack, looking back at it I could see it look at me with a less than pleased expression.


Growling at me releasing streams of saliva from its mouth before charging again at me, only for me to barely dodge it.

After a few minutes I have managed to dodge most of its attacks only having been struck once more on the stomach area being more shallow than the wound on my arm, though the blackish purple veins are causing me to feel sick in that area.

What's worse is that these wounds seem to be draining my health bit by bit along with stamina causing me to be low on health and stamina by now.


Frusterated that it hasn't killed me by this time it doesn't register the presense of Gobugrak and Tolren who are watching by the sidelines as they know they can't help much in this case before charging again at me.

By this time the mental exhaustion is affecting me very hard as I try to focus ever thought I have in knowing this creatures exact location as I can feel myself being very close in doing so.

As I can feel it getting close I can sense it wanting to strike across the entirety of my body wanting to finish me rather than letting me suffer, thinking it is all or nothing I put everything on the line to kill this bastard here and now.

Just as I can feel it about to strike my body I felt it's prescense completly before it stuck, knowing this was my only chance I use most of the mana I have left straining my arms causing even more pain for me as I use triple strike along with it.

*Fwoosh* *Psh* *Thud* *Thud* *grrrr....* *Fwoosh*

Just before it hit me I managed to use everything I had to attack it splitting it in half as its body rolled across the floor, growling one last time from its mouth I could see the smoke coming from its body disapating.

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 46 Corrupted Ravaging Shadow Demon gaining 690 EXP'

*Ding* 'Host has gained a new skill Prediction'

*Ding* 'Host has completed 1 quest and 2 hidden quests'

As soon as it died I could feel the blackish purple veins disappear from my body as I finally fell on my knees exhausteed completly from the battle that just took place.

"Anna please be okay!" as Gobugrak and Tolren rushed towards me concerned at my current state as I look quite battered and pale due to blood loss.

"Im okay lets just collect the bodies and go back to the cave to rest." seeing my state the 2 of them grab each side of my body as they then carry me back towards the cave, after relaxing from being in their arms I end up passing out.