CH 2: Friendly Sister?

'Ugh, could have given me a warning before reincarnating me. I swear that was even worse than being on a boat in the middle of a storm.' keeping my eyes shut as I try to get over extreme nausea.

After some time the feeling passes allowing me to open my eyes to look at my surroundings.

Only for the sunlight to once again blind me causing my eyes to shut again.

"Damnit, stupid sun with your blinding light." murmuring under my own breath, cursing the sun as though it was against me.

Though I did notice one thing from that, my voice sounded much more high pitched and soft.

After blinking a few times to get used to the intense sunlight I could finally look at my surrounding, seeing that I am in the middle of what looks to be a grove filled with trees with some purple looking fruits on them.

Nearby in a small opening of the grove is a pond, with some small fish jumping out of the water from time to time.

In all honesty, the scene looks beautiful that I was stunned for a while before tearing my thoughts off my surroundings.

Walking towards the pond in to see if I can see my reflection in the water to better examine my new body.

Peering into the surface of the water I could see that I had a rosy white body devoid of any sort of blemishes.

My body despite being male had some slight curves to it making me look like a young woman going through adolescence, even my own chest had slightly more defined nipples like a woman.

As for my face, my black wavy hair reached towards my chin, with small black horns poking out, my eyebrows had gentle curves that when paired with my delicate-looking eyelashes, and violet eyes made the impression of gentle beauty.

A cute button nose, thin pink lips that felt soft when I ran my fingers across them.

As for height, I estimate that I am about four feet and ten inches tall, making it look like I am a teenage girl going through puberty.

Well at least if you ignore the three-inch member between my legs you wouldn't be able to tell I was a man at first glance.

'Wow, not to be narcissistic or anything but I honestly look so fucking cute and fuckable.' admiring my new body, as I know I will enjoy my new life.

'Wait, why did I just think of that. I mean I know I am fine and all with my new body, even being the body I wish I had but why did I just think of something so vulgar?' seeing as I wouldn't use terms such as 'fucking cute' and 'fuckable' in my last life so easy even in private.

'Huh, seems like choosing to be a demon of lust may have had some effect on my personality, should have expected that in all honesty though I guess I can't complain.' coming to what I believe is the correct conclusion.

Though in the end, I guess this actually works for me considering what I'll be doing in my new life, if anything it makes the transition easier on me.

'Now with that settled, let's get on with examining my status and system.' going on to more pressing matters being what my starting point in this life is going to be, and what the system offers me.



Name: Andrew

Race: Lesser Lust Demon

Gender: Male(Femboy)

Age: 16

Lv: 1 (Each lv up provides five free stat points to be used anywhere)

Class: None (Provides extra stat growth depending on the class, as well as class-specific traits)

Health: 180/180

Stamina: 180/180

Mana: 130/130


End- 18 (Increases health and stamina by ten each point)

Str- 8 (Increases physical strength)

Agi- 12 (Increases movement speed, and attack speed)

Dex- 17 (Increases skill in making precise movements, and flexibility)

Mag- 13 (Increases the mana by ten each point)

Lck- 9 (Increases chance of good things happening)

Cha- 24 (Increases the way people perceive you in terms of how good you look, as well as how persuasive you are)

Free stat points-0

Femboy Points- 0

Gacha Ticket- 0

Passive Skills(Skills that are always active)-

Sexual Endurance lv 1/10: Increases stamina and health while having sex.

Clean Body lv max: Keeps all body parts clean at all times, keeping perfect appearance at all times that also include sex as well.

Lesser Sexual Knowledge lv 1/10: Grants greater knowledge of sexual techniques and positions.

Active Skills(Skills that need to be activated in some way)-

Lust Adjustment lv 1/10: A skill that when activated can heighten the lust of the target ever so slightly, uses mana to activate.

Sexual Movements lv 1/10: A skill when active increases the seductiveness of even normal movements invoking lust in those viewing, uses more stamina than normal.

Drain lv 1/10: Can only be active when in the process of having sex, when activated can drain some stamina and health from the target to replenish their own. Requires some mana to activate.

Innate Skills(Powerful skills that have a unique effect)-

Lustful Empowerment lv max: By having sex with other creatures increases growth speed allowing faster leveling speed. Not only for the owner of the skill but for others that have sex with them as long as they have a bond with the owner.

Body Mutations(Mutations that affect stats or abilities, these can have a physical change on the bodies appearance)-


'Huh, I only have skills orientated towards sex. Guess that is what I get for being a lust demon, well no problem there I can get offensive skills later on. As for my stats, I can't tell if that is strong or not for someone at level one, hm probably not too strong considering I am a lesser demon. Time to check the system.'

[Femboy System]

'System booting up... boot up successful' a mechanical voice spoke out, before changing into a much more childish one with a playful tone.

'Hello master, this is the system AI serving as a guide for your journey and experience all sorts of exciting situations.' even I can see that the last part was Entity voicing his desires through the system.

'Well, I would like to know all the functions of the system.' well either way this guide is here to help me so, best to have them aid me in learning everything.

'Very well master, the system has three main sections, [Shop], [Quest], and [Gacha] sections. The shop is where you can purchase mutations to enhance your body, skills that have become unlocked to you, items related to the system can also be purchased the items are rated from F to SSS. Quests are issued by the system for master to gain benefits completing them, these benefits are levels, system points, or gacha tickets. The gacha portion of the system requires tickets that are gained randomly alongside those gained from quests. These tickets are ranked from bronze, silver, gold, and diamond with higher-tiered tickets having greater chances at high tiered items.'

Well, that was a lot of information to take in, but at the very least the system will work well in my favor.

Before I could ask the system more questions about the sort of quests I would have a cool breeze passed by causing me to shiver, and my nipples to harden slightly at the chill wind.

'Wait, I forgot I was naked, I was so absorbed about my looks and the system I forgot I was completely exposed. System do you have a starter pack by any chance?' slight hope in my thoughts considering I don't want to be identified as an exhibitionist, even if they may be succubi.

'Sorry master the system does not have any sort of starter pack, seeing as Entity made the starting point for master easier.' if the system had a face I would imagine that they had an eye closed with their tongue sticking out trying to make a cute expression at my clothing situation.

If that wasn't bad enough I suddenly hear footsteps coming towards this direction from one of the groves pathways.

Not having enough time to find anything to cover me at all, or hide my naked body just one thought comes to mind.

'Fuck me!'

??? POV:

'Hm, someone is here in the grove?' feeling the life signature of another person in the Porsle tree grove, though something is odd about that signature.

I'm able to tell from someone's life signature what sort of race they are alongside gender, and although I know the person in question is a lust demon like myself which is odd since I didn't know of any other lust demons besides my sister and me nearby.

Their gender is odd, to say the least, they are male that's for sure but somehow they have elements of a female life force mixed in.

This is honestly the first time I ever encountered a being that has a male life essence with female mixed into it, I have sensed females with male life essence in them being futanari though the first time it was the other way around.

Unable to keep my curiosity to myself I walk forwards and enter the grove, from there I can see the strange being by the pond with the Pink Scaled Fish.

What I saw was honestly nothing I ever really could have predicted, they look so... so.

So cute, he is male considering his adorable penis and lack of pussy, but his body and face make him so cute.' Just want to go and hug him, pet him, maybe coup a feel of his body~ oh if the others were here they would over this adorable demon.

Oh, I see a blush on his face as he tries to cover his nipples and dick~ aw that just makes me want to go and tease him a little and hear his cute moans of pleasure, as his face melts in ecstasy!

"What are you doing here cutie~ this grove is part of my property and this big sister doesn't like it when there are trespassers." seeing their blush spread on their face from the first part, before becoming worried at the second part.

"Um, sorry I just appeared here in your grove, I didn't quite mean to trespass into your territory." shifting their head to the side looking embarrassed, as they move around somewhat uncomfortable.

'Hm, they aren't lying considering my skill didn't activate, but to appear out of nowhere that only happens when they are from another world. But, why are they a demon, aren't otherworlders suppose to be human.' wondering just what sort of situation he is in.

"Are you perhaps from another world?" wanting more information on their situation, seeing the look on their face turn to shock before going back to their previous expression confirming my theory.

"Yes, I am from another world as for why I am a demon it is because I wanted to be one..." being their tone got softer, as their blush increases.

Huh, so they wanted to be a demon and a lust demon at that, my~ it seems that this cutie is also a bit of a pervert it seems~ fufufu seeing as they aren't lying and we are from the same race I could take them in.

Even the others wouldn't mind considering they are cute, have a female figure, and be fun to tease and play with~

"Seeing as you have no home, why don't you stay with me and my sisters, you can become one of us having a place to stay and a family in this world. We can also have some fun~ if you know what I mean fufufu~" in which they show a flustered yet happy expression at my acceptance of him into the sisterhood.

"Yes, thank you for letting me stay with your sisters' Miss..."

"Ah, my name is Beatrice, no need to call me Miss seeing as you will be our new little brother, or do you prefer to our little sister~."

"Um, little sister is fine by me." seeing them looking at me with a hopeful expression, how can someone be so cute~

"Alright, little sister what is your name." looking happy yet still slightly flustered at being called little sister.

"My name is Anna big sister Beatrice." hm cute name, fitting for such an adorable individual.

"Nice meeting you Anna, well seeing as you lack any sort of clothes come with me to get some at our estate. At the same time, you can greet your other sisters unless you are into exhibitionism then you are free to remain naked." seeing them rapidly shake their head at the claim, as I begin making the way back home with Anna following behind.

'Don't worry little sister, this big sister and the others will teach you our ways, and make sure that you enjoy every second of it fufufu~'