CH 3: Home Sweet Home

Anna POV:

'Huh, that went smoother than I thought.' surprised that I was accepted so quickly, as I am following behind Beatrice.

'System, do you know why she accepted me so easily, or if she is trying to lower my guard.' seeing as I can't just trust anyone immediately, though that does raise the question as to why I feel so comfortable around her and can trust her.

'Master, the reason for that is probably because she can sense you mean no harm, lust demons are more sensitive to the aura of others allowing them to determine ill intentions easier. As for her trying to trick you is unlikely, but it is up to master whether they would like to believe in Beatrice or not.' hm in that case it makes a lot of sense seeing as I want to get along with Beatrice and the other succubi around here than be at odds with one another.

Hm now that I think about it isn't it odd to keep calling the system, system seeing as they have their own personality.

'System, do you have any other name other than system?'

'Master, I don't have any actual name as I am only your system though if you like you can assign me one.' hm, in that case, I should probably give her a name seeing as we will be together for a long time.

'In that case how about Alizza, is that name alright with you?'

'Yes, thank you for giving me a name master!' sounding quite happy at her new name, bringing a slight smile to my face.

Not wanting to break her happy mood, I direct my attention to my new sister Beatrice.

Her hair is a beautiful blond color with two large sheep horns coming off the top of her head.

Stunning baby blue eyes just like the sky, a beauty mark just below her left eye in the shape of a heart, luscious pink lips, paired with a slight smile, half-closed eyes, and gentle features on her face give a mature yet gentle air about her.

Although she is wearing a white blouse adorned with a red cloak, and a brown skirt reaching down towards her knees it doesn't hide the large number of curves her voluptuous body possesses alongside her charm.

If anything they seem to enhance that gentle and calming aura she seems to possess, paired with her large bosom, possibly being F-cup in size add to the image of a caring motherly figure.

'Huh, now that I think about it this is probably why I feel safe around her, seeing as her aura and looks give the impression of a caring older sister or mother. When she asked if I came from another world I didn't even feel that panicked and felt as though I could trust her putting my faith in her.' looking back at the encounter that occurred just moments before.

Even now she adorns a cheerful expression on her face, with half-lidded eyes creating a unique sort of charm.

Though I can't help but have a puzzled expression on my face considering the look she had in her eyes when I accepted, I could have sworn that there was a predatory look in them.

Not one that had malice or ill intent, but more like a hungry look in her eyes as she licked her lips.

"What seems to be troubling you little sister?" breaking me out of my train of thought, looking towards Beatrice who had a slightly concerned expression.

Shaking my head and adorning a small smile on my face as I answer her politely.

"I'm alright big sister, but I do have some questions if you mind?" wanting to use the opportunity to have several questions I have answered.

"Oh that's good to hear, yes you are free to ask any questions you have for me, little sister." going back to her previous state causing a slight blush to appear on my face, slightly stunned by her beauty.

"Um, big sister how many other sisters do we have?" one of the bigger questions on my head at the moment.

"In our sisterhood, there are twenty-seven of us, we have a few sisters that are lesser lust demons like yourself. As for the others, they are either lust demons or other lesser lust demon species."

"Wait, other lesser lust demon species?"

"Yes, when we eventually have the opportunity to evolve we can either progress into greater forms of our species, or if it is available branching off into another lust demon species granting more potential to those who choose it." huh that seems pretty interesting.

"In that case does that mean that the more you deviate from the original species the more potential you will have, but evolving into the greater form of the current species granting more immediate power." causing an impressed expression to appear on her face.

"Yes, it is exactly like that little sister by branching off into the other subspecies of lust demons you would be able to gain certain mutations, skills, and powers unique to those species as well as increased power for when you choose to become the greater version of the species." explaining the perks of choosing evolution into subspecies.

"Though evolving into a subspecies grants greater potential and strength in the future in the short term the power increase isn't much, as such most choose to evolve into their greater species. Seeing as you are from another world you should have a system allowing your rate of growth to become faster than anyone else's in this world, so there should not be much difficulty in raising your power quickly. As such you should choose to proceed with evolving into much rarer subspecies to increase your future potential." with a serious expression adorning her gentle face, though I can tell the concern she has for my future causing a warm smile to grow on my face.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to keep that in mind for the future." her expression softens at my response as she nods her head.

"Good, now then with evolution out of the way I should also explain how classes work. If I am correct that would have been your next question correct?"

"Yes, that was going to be my next question."

"Well, classes offer a range of different class-specific traits that boost certain skills or provide bonuses specific to that class. After being in a certain class for a while and excelling in certain aspects will the opportunity to choose a higher-tiered class, for example, an apprentice swordsman with a certain level of attainment in the sword mastery skill can become a swordsman, expert swordsman, master swordsman, and sword saint when the conditions are fulfilled."

"Wow, classes seem very important for your future then." having slightly underestimated the importance of choosing a good class to pursue.

"They are very important as our own growth depends on having a class that suits our needs, by choosing a class that doesn't suit you can lead to immense difficulty in the future. That being said it isn't all that daunting seeing as the first-class one chooses typically determines your path in the future. It is easy to change between beginner classes, as such, there is no downside to choosing different beginner classes seeing which one works for you. So there is no reason for little sister to feel panicked about choosing a class that fits them." allowing the anxiety that I didn't even know built up, to leave my body.

"Thank you, I was really worried I would make a mistake in choosing the wrong class and suffering for that again thank you." with the brightest smile I could give, which she returns with a sweet smile of her own.

At the same time, I can't help but shiver slightly as I again feel the same predatory look from before, and now I know she was looking at my body like she wanted to devour me.

'Well, I don't mind if big sister would like to have sex with me~'

As I thought this I couldn't but explode in a deep red blush now coloring my cheeks, as I become increasingly flustered.

I swear that I heard her chuckling at my state, causing a greater blush to spread across my face.

'Damn, instead of caring mother she is more of a teasing vixen instead.' silently cursing her in my mind.

'Alizza can you show me what classes I have available.' trying to take my mind off my new teasing sister.

'Alright, I'll show you the classes that you can choose from.'

Soon a list filled with the names of different classes appeared that I can choose from, looking through the list I can see classes like apprentice archer, swordsman, and mage to classes like an apprentice thief, mercenary, blacksmith, carpenter, and even prostitute.

'Why are there so many classes available here?' responding to my thoughts Alizza explains.

'Master, the reason why there are a lot more classes to choose from than expected is due to the system's influence. As such even if you don't have the talent for it originally the system will help facilitate the learning process for it. ' well that certainly increases my options, that being said I continue to look through the list before coming to a decision.

After several minutes of looking through the list, and making sure I am still following Beatrice considering I don't want to get lost I find a class that seems to fit me best.



People with this class possess an increased ability to attract others, causing them to feel more attachment and love towards them. Ability to seduce and manipulate others using their charms becomes easier(100% increase to seduction, and attraction), stats regarding dexterity, luck, and charm increase by one each level.

Skills that are gained are Charm, Temptation, and Lovely Gaze


Out of all the other basic classes available to me, this seemed to be the best I am a lust demon in the end so might as well make use of what I will be best at.

After having selected the class my status appears showing my new class as charmer instead of none.

Looking down at my skills I look at my one new passive and two new active skills.


Passive Skills-

Lovely Gaze lv 1/10: Your gaze will make others feel warm inside, making it easier for them to become friends with you.

Active Skills-

Charm lv 1/10: Using this skill requires mana, once used the target will feel rising attraction and affection towards the user. The higher charm is the stronger the effect will be.

Temptation lv 1/10: Your words sound like devilish whispers to other tempting them to listen much more easily to you, uses slightly more stamina. The higher charm is the stronger the effect will be.


'Once I increase the strength of these skills they will be very useful in seducing others, and perhaps gaining me a loyal lover~' not noticing how my eyes seemed to glow in an enchanting purple light with a possessive glint to them, diming before Beatrice could notice.

Shaking out of my thoughts I look ahead of us to see what looks to be a mansion at the ending of the pathway.

"Wow, is this where you live big sister!"

"Yes, this is where I and the other sisters live, and now you shall as well." with a warm smile on her face, as she leads me to the front door of the mansion.

Entering inside a large open area filled with paintings, vases, and plants in a few sections of the room are couches, tables, and chairs to relax.

In the middle of the room is a staircase leading up into the second floor of the mansion, by the two parallel sides of the room are hallways leading into other portions of the mansion.

By one of these couches are three beautiful women chatting with one another chuckling and smiling, on the steps are two others walking down with a satisfied look expression on them with a hint of blush on their cheeks.

Though something that stood out was their clothing, and for the two walking down the stairs the revealing clothing they had.

'Omg, they are all wearing sexy clothing!' the clothing they wore clearly demonstrates their sex appeal, the ones sitting on the couch had low cut dresses that revealed their thighs and stuck close to their bodies revealing all their curves.

Not only that but the way the dresses were designed made it look as though each of their breasts would pop out of the dress.

As for the ones on the stairs they had what seemed to be leather dominatrix outfits on, with even what looks to be a whip.

From their expressions, they seem to have just had sex and from the looks of it, they seem quite satisfied with whatever they did.

'Omg, are these the types of clothing I'll have to wear.' feeling shy, yet excited about wearing such beautiful and sexy clothing.

Noticing us they turn their attention towards us seeing what I assume to be an adorable display.

Confirming that I can see that all of them acquired a weird glint in their eyes as they all licked their lips slightly, wanting to eat me up.

'New skill acquired Adorable Attraction'

'Alizza, what is with this skill and why did I get it?' being slightly concerned about the future implications of the skill.

'Master, the skill was acquired due to what others around you perceive you as. Considering it was succubi that are known for having high charm stats and have a certain level of resistance towards other people's charms the skill was created. As for the skill's details look at the innate section of your skills list.' noticing that Alizza's tone became flustered, causing worry to grow in my heart.


Innate Skills-

Adorable Attraction lv 1/10: You produce a deeper and stronger feeling of being adorable in the eyes of others, making others feel compelled to spoil and take care of you. Also has the effect of causing much greater sexual attraction and lust towards the owner of the skill, if the owner uses other skills that affect attraction and act cute the effect increases. Can cause others to sexually attack the owner.


Internally my jaw dropped at the description of the skill, in my mind, only one thought appeared.

'Well, looks like I'm going to get assaulted quite often. This will either be bad in the future or maybe, a lot of fun~'

"Beatrice, who is this cutie, I thought you were going to take a stroll in the grove?" one of the succubi on the couch said, throwing a flirtatious look in my direction.

"This is our newest sister, Anna, she came from another world and appeared in the grove. Although all of you can see that she is a male, she likes to be referred to as a woman instead of a man. I came back because Anna does not possess any clothes to wear, as well as give her an introduction to her new life.' explaining to others, though I get the feeling that she is trying to quickly get away from here.

"Well in that case then why don't we get to show our new sister, after all, you have been quite busy lately and we only wish for you to take a break dear sister." one of the succubi on the stair, sounding generous if not for the hungry look in her eyes as she looks at me.

"It's quite alright I much rather be in charge of teaching Anna about the layout of our territory and our ways, now if you will excuse us." grabbing my hand as she quickly drags me down the right hallway, looking at the others their eyes have the look of a child that just had their favorite toy taken away.

Passing by a few rooms, Beatrice opens one, entering quickly locking the door behind us.

Looking around the room seems like a bedroom with a beautiful blue canopy bed, fancy-looking dresser, furniture, and curtains blocking any sort of sight outside the window.

Looking back towards Beatrice I see a dangerous light in her eyes as she licks her lips hungrily towards me.

"Um, big sister what are you planning to do?" backing away towards the foot of the bed behind me.

"Little sister, I knew you were such an adorable little thing when I found you, but who knew that you could have become even cuter than before. Although I would have liked to take it slowly, and let you adjust to living here I'm afraid I can't take it anymore. You're just too cute that I want to eat you up, as such, we will begin your first lesson in being a lust demon and as one of our sisters." walking towards me as she takes her clothes off in the process, revealing her body and all her assets.

Just as I expected she truly does have a beautiful voluptuous body, what I did not expect is what was hiding under her skirt.

"Sister, why do you have a penis?" looking at the penis poking out of her panties already fully erect, at a large nine inches in size with a big girth to it, with a big menacing head.

"Just as I told you before evolution into our subspecies allows us to gain their traits added to our own original ones. My subspecies are Motherly Draenei Lust Demon giving me a motherly aura around me, making it easier to care for others. As well as giving me more physical strength than usual for lust demons, as well as a penis to have sex with." coming right in front of me holding her large penis stroking it slightly, allowing me to see the precum coming from it.

"And what I will use to teach you about how to be a lust demon, and more importantly how to use your womanly charms." whispering into my ear as I become increasingly flustered, nervous, yet all the same excited to have sex with my new big sister.