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Elemental Realm

"This will be your home for quite some time. So you had better get used to it."

Mandy turned her head around so fast that she had experienced near whiplash. She saw this beautiful young woman with tanned skin staring down at her. What made her take a few steps back wasn't her stare but the seemingly menacing look from the creature under her.

This creature was extremely huge. And it was flying?

"Don't worry she won't be eating you unless I tell her to," the woman said and jumped off the creature landing right before her.


"Kidding. I was just joking with you. She only eats her veggies," her face was slanted in a way that was mocking her with a small smile.

"My name is Yun, I'm the Elemental Queen of Earth. Nice to meet you Elemental Queen of Spirit. I would be lying if I said I was not even just a little disappointed vat how you died."

"You found her," another beautiful young woman came appeared behind her, almost making Mandy jump out of her skin from fright.

She looked Mandy up and down before introducing herself in an uncaring manner, "I am Olula, the Elemental Queen of Fire."

"Don't be so dull Olu. Hi I am Valentina the Elemental Queen of Wind." Another girl appeared out of thin air? She literally just fell from the sky landing before Mandy, making Yun take a few steps back.

'Just what the hell is going on? Am I in hell?' Mandy was still staring up into the sky to see how the girl named Valentina could have just fell from it and not get hurt.

For some reason Mandy felt a truly menacing stare directed at her, it was not like the one that she had come from the beast that the Yun girl was riding. No, this felt like this person wanted to completely obliterate me. She lowered her head and tried to pinpoint where the stare was coming from when she saw a sparkling set of eyes narrowed at her.

"Ahgmini, you're here. Come and introduce yourself," it was the girl named Valentina who shouted.

Ahgmini stepped forward but Mandy couldn't help but want the ground to open up so that she could fall back in.

"Ahgmini, the Elemental Queen of Water," thankfully she had kept her distance as she introduced herself.

Now Mandy felt four sets of eyes studying her, all these girls had a terrifying aura around them, especially that Ahgmini.

"Its your time to introduce yourself to us," the girl named Olula said.

"I'm Mandy. Who- Who are you? And where am I?" Mandy felt like she should fear them and she did, there was something about them that didn't sit well with her but she also felt something else as well-- like they wouldn't really hurt her, except for Ahgmini.

"We're the Elemental Queens of this realm, the Elemental Realm," said Yun.

"You keep saying elemental, but what I really want to know is if I am dead. And if this is some king of heaven... or hell?"

"Hahaha. This is neither heaven nor hell, this is the realm of elementals and yes you're dead. Come with us and we'll explain more to you" this time it was Ahgmini who spoke up with a smile playing on her lips.

"Why would I follow you. I don't know any of you," though Mandy was still reeling from the fact that she is dead, she still remembered how she died so she couldn't dwell on it too much. But this Ahgmini gave her the creeps, so why would she go anywhere with her?

"No one will force you. You can stay here and we'll get to see which monster gets to eat you first. Either way it's your choice and we won't force you to do anything you don't want to." She turned her back and was going to walk away and so did the others.

Mandy's mind went back to the stream she woke up in and she couldn't help but shiver out of fear. She hurried after them, since it was better than staying out here-- she didn't know if she could die again but she didn't really want to find out for herself.