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Queen Arena

As the five Elemental Queens walked through the greenery, the plants and trees would make way and bow to them.

Mandy was scared but intrigued as she followed behind the other girls, never had she seen anything like this. After walking for some time, she realized that she wasn't tired. When she raised her head to ask the girls how much longer they had to go, the words slid back down her throat.

Standing before her was a gigantic castle like building. It wasn't made out of gold but stone, the different colours made it look like a castle from a fit for fairies.

They walked through the door that was wide open, down the hall adorned with silk curtains and beautiful vintage paintings all of nature theme, and around another corner that held five chairs. There was a set of stairs before each chair and the girls climbed up these stairs to their individual chairs.

"There is where you sit." Yun pointed towards the chair that was beside hers. It was slightly taller than the rest and in the centre of the room.

"Why?" Mandy asked with an eyebrow raised.

"We are the Elemental Queens. Each of us governs a specific elements. You govern the Spirit element. Though you are weak now, we have been tasked to help you get stronger as soon as possible. You rule over the spirits regardless of the elements they may or may not have and that is why you have a bit more power than us--

"*Scoff*. As if...," Ahgmini interrupted.

"-- Right now almost anyone can kill you." Valentina finished talking.

"I don't get it. How can I be an elemental queen. I think you have the wrong person, I'm human."

Valentina smiled at her, raising her hand a gust of wind wrapped around Mandy and pulled her off the ground then dropped her on the empty throne, "You'll understand soon," she said.

After Mandy fell on the throne with a low scream, she ft a shock run through her body and it felt like the world around her spun as everything around her changed. Mandy closed her head once she started to feel a little motion sick.

Feeling that everything had stopped spinning, Mandy peaked a look through one eye then she fully opened her eyes.

She felt like she was looking through a liquid glass, but it didn't reflect her image. On the other side of the liquid like mirror, Mandy saw a beautiful woman sitting on a throne with a kind of stone on her forehead.

"You must be my daughter, Mandelein. I am Queen Arena. You can't move and neither can I since this is just like a recording. I haven't got much time with you, but I have stored all my knowledge in this stone on my forehead. Once you find it all the knowledge will be yours, but you must be careful and patient when absorbing the stone. I hope that I will be able to see you one day, my love. Take care, until then." The woman, Queen Arena, smiled at Mandy. Suddenly they both closed their eyes and Mandy felt a faint kiss on her cheek, before falling asleep.


When she reopened her eyes again, Mandy was still on the throne and the girls were still on theirs. She felt different, she didn't know why but she could guess it was the woman, her mother's doing. It was weird but she couldn't bring her self to feel awkward about calling the woman her mother, since she grew up knowing she had two sets of parents-- her adopted parents whom she loved a lot and her biological parents whom she had never met but was raised to also love.

She had no questions because she felt like she already had the answers to them.

"I am Mandelein, Elemental Queen of Spirits and the daughter of Queen Arena."

*Clap Clap*

"Great! Since you now remember what you need to, your training will start tomorrow."

Mandy nodded her head before stepping down from her throne and went to find the room she learnt she had. When she got there she stripped out of her clothes and went to clean herself. After finishing she went and lied down on the bed then fell asleep.