Second Trial

"Weird" Izuriel commented with a perplexed look on his face.

"Did something happened big brother" Zestari inquired hearing his brother reaction.

"It's nothing. It´s just that, that student, Xol his mana capacity is not what I expected" Izuriel explained pointing at Xol image reflected on the crystal ball.

"Was teacher Izuriel expecting it to be higher" a teacher asked.

"You could say that" Izuriel replied.

'What does this notification even mean. Was there a predetermined record I didn´t know about" Izuriel pondered to himself

[User Xol has replaced the record in mana capacity of "Highly Concentrated Pure Mana Crystal" in the dungeon "Mana Academy´s Trial" user created.]


"Please follow me." The staff member said after he finished recording Xol test results.

Guiding the group across the hall and stopping in front a wooden door with runes carved on it, he turned around and gestured toward the door.

"Behind this door is a senior student from the academy, your goal for this trial, is to fight him as a party. I will evaluate your performance as you fight. Don´t worry, there a formation that would teleport you right beside me when someone reach 25% percent of his total health. The formation also absorbs all the damage someone would get past that percentage." The staff member explained the contents of the trial.

"You be given five minutes for preparing yourselves and discussing a plan before the fight starts. Questions?" The staff member glanced at the group.

"Can we fight in any way we want?" someone asked.

"In this battle you can fight however you like." The staff member replied.

"How are we going to be evaluated?" Xol asked.

"I´m afraid I cannot answer that question" The staff member replied nonchalantly.

Seeing no one was asking any more questions, he gestured the group to follow him inside the room.

The room was brightly illuminated, there were many columns, and some benches near the walls. In the center of the room there was inactive formation an in the ledge of it opposite of the entrance was a young male student seated on the floor, he had yellow hair and was wearing a white colored scholar robe.

"Please enter the formation and make your preparations, once the five minutes end I´ll start the formation signaling the fight to start. Also he has earplugs so he will not hear your plan" The staff member said glancing back at the group, following that he proceeded to side of the formation where the persons would be teleported.

Entering the formation there was 10 meters between them and the senior.

[Jin LVL 22 Mana Cultivator]

HP: 5,340/5,340

MP: 7,480/7,480

Seeing his stats Xol could see they would have a hard time, though he never heard of the Mana Cultivator class, he could sense some lightning mana similar to Jun´s, yet different at the same time. Taking out one of his spears out from his inventory, glanced towards his teammates.

[Richter LVL 10 Scholar]

[Augustus LVL 10 Apprentice]

[Sarah LVL 10 Scholar]

[Henley LVL 10 Sword Initiated]

[Asteria LVL 10 Apprentice]

´Seems like there was an error with the system evaluation or did none of them enter find the pure mana crystal.' Xol thought seeing that everyone, apart from Sarah, had more Mana than him.

"For now, I´ll act as the party leader and explain the plan¬ —" Henley said as he takes out a one-handed sword and equipped a chestplate. Henley had black hair and green eyes, with a height of 1.61 meters, he was the tallest person in the group. He was also wearing a red tunic under the chestplate. "—I ´ll first charge—"

"And why exactly are you the party leader, furthermore, we should explain our skills before setting on a plan" Richter interrupted before Henley could carry on. Richter had short brown hair, light blue eyes above a turned-up nose. He was wearing black robes and was about 1.54 meters tall.

"Well I´m obviously the best choice with my noble standing, you all just need to support me while I charge at him, and we will win" Henley replied puffing out his chest.

"That´s right Henley is the strongest so he should be the party leader" Augustus jumped at the opportunity to bootlick the heir of the Maxmour family, the strongest house beneath the crown family.

"I also agree that Henley is the better choice, someone with your background shouldn´t ever dream on competing with him for the position of party leader" Sarah said with a disdainful look at Richter.

"I admit my family status has fallen but that doesn´t mean I can´t lead a party. Moreover I´m not willing to follow someone that doesn´t bother to hear his companions' skills before a fight" Richter replied with an exasperated tone.

"I agree with Richter suggestion; we should discuss our skills and how we fight before discussing a plan. Also, party leader should be voted on experience not by family background." Xol said trying to diffuse the situation.

"Ha, the kid that made us wait for him on the last trial, wants to disregard my position" Henley said while glaring at Xol.

"Well, if I stayed more in the past trial, that means I have more experience inside a dungeon. Though I admit that I have no experience leading a party, if you have please go forth" Xol replied with making an open hand gesture.

"Good, now Richter do you still have a problem with me being party leader?" Henley said glancing at Richter after nodding at Xol.

"Wait a moment, he hasn´t agree for you to be party leader." Richter replied at Henley.

"Like said I´ll be the —" Henley countered.

"Just stop it you two, party leader would be decided at last, just state your combat skills!" Asteria said with a slightly exasperated tone.

Asteria had scarlet straight hair till the middle of the neck with side swept bangs that covers completely her right eye. She has some resemblance with her mother, principal Zestari, but her left blue eye was unfathomable like the deep sea. She was currently wearing a purple tang suit shirt with black pants.

"How dare you interrupt when —" Sarah lashed at Asteria.

"My combat skills are Mana Bullet, Mana Bomb and Mana Chain. Mana bomb has a cooldown of 30 seconds" Xol said.

"—Henley is speaking."

"My skills are Mana Bullet and Mana Shockwave. Mana Shockwave has a 10 second cooldown" Asteria said nodding her head that someone listened.

"My skills are Mana Bullet, Mana Bomb, Mana Shield and Mana Punch. Mana Shield has a cooldown of 1 minute, Mana Punch has 20 second cooldown, the more mana I surround my fist."— Richter continued as he raised his fist and a mana sphere formed around it and started expanding after forming.—" the more damage it causes."

Dispelling his skill Richter glanced at Henley. "Your turn"

"My skills are Mana slash and Fireball. Mana slash has a 10 second cooldown while Fireball has a minute cooldown. Fireball has 5 second casting time since I just recently got the fire attunement" Henley commented.

"My skills are the same as Richter´s except for mana punch" Sarah commented

"My only combat skill is Mana Bullet" Augustus said.

"Now that everyone stated their skills, please give your thoughts on how should will act." Asteria commented nodding at everyone.

"Well the senior has lightning mana attunement, so we should disperse as soon as the battle start. If we are to close together and he cast a lightning spell at someone, it will bounce to another person." Xol commented.

"Xol should try to bind him at the start of the fight making some mana chains. Also, Henley can cast Fireball—" Richter was commenting while glancing at Henley.

"I´m not casting Fireball" Henley quickly interjected. "I come from a Magic Swordsman family and I reject the idea of using any magical attack that doesn´t relates to swords. Like I said from the start I will charge at him, and you guys will give me support as you follow my instructions as party leader."

"I was just making a suggestion not need to lash like that, also your insistence of being party leader and we following you is getting on my nerves" Richter replied with anger starting to fill his eyes.

"It's your fault for not accepting someone of my caliber as the party leader." Henley replied narrowing his eyes

"Can we get back to the plan discussion" Xol said as he scratched his head.

"Don´t tell me what to do!" Henley roared at Xol making him jump from the fright.

"TIME UP" the staff member announced.