Fighting the Senior P1

"Times up" Announced the staff member.

Following that he took out some mana crystals and proceeded to activate the formation.

Seeing the activation of the formation the senior started standing up and stretching. Once he was standing One could see his height was of 1.56 meters, making him 16 cm taller than Xol.

Finishing his stretching he took off the earplugs and waited to see what the new students were planning.

"Cover me!" Henley shouted as he started dashing toward the senior.

"Arggg" Richter shaked his head at Henley recklessness and shot a Mana Bomb toward the senior, following that he dashed toward the right of the group.

Nodding at each other, Sarah and Augustus dashed to the left of the group, taking position so their spells wouldn´t hit Henley. Recalling Xol´s advice to set some distance between them, Augustus started shooting Mana Bullets toward the senior while Sarah shot a Mana bomb and followed with Mana Bullets.

Asteria also ran toward the right-side shooting Mana bullets.

Exhaling a big breath of air to calm himself Xol, started creating 3 invisible chains around the senior without him noticing.

The senior extended his right hand and casted Mana Shield, forming a faint blue wall in front of him, absorbing the attacks.

"Now" Xol shouted when the chains reached a suitable size and started restraining him.

"What the fu**!" the senior Jin shouted shocked that something invisible was binding him letting Henley arrived right beside him.

Taking the opportunity Henley hacked toward the right side of Jin taking some of his HP away, following that he proceeded to make a vertical slash toward his left shoulder.

"Damned brat!" Jin shouted as he surrounded himself in lightning breaking his binding, shifting his weight toward his right side he sent a back kick with his left leg toward Henley stomach, successfully dodging his sword in the process.

"Argh" Henley was sent past Xol and crashed with the formation wall.

'This is bad' Xol thought when he saw Henley´s HP dropped by half, as he saw him crouching on his knees with some lightning flowing around him.

Glancing back toward the senior his mind started going overdrive thinking of a way to turn the situation back to their favor.

Recovering from his shock Richter shot 3 Mana Bullets toward the senior, none hitting the mark but one managed to graze him. Jin lowered his back and dashed toward Richter.

'Fast' Richter thought seeing Jin speed and quickly casted Mana shield in front of him, seeing that he intended to land an uppercut on him.

Seeing this event, Xol grasped an idea.


Xol formed an invisible chain on certain part of the spear´s shaft as he retracted his right hand grabbing the other end of the chain.

"Richter, bait him as long as you can while I check on Henley, wait for an opportunity to hit him as hard as you can, Augustus cover him, Asteria prepare to cast your spell, Sarah don´t let him get near Asteria as she cast the big spell!." Xol instructed laying the groundwork for his idea and dashed toward Henley.

"I´ll do what I can." Richter replied dodging a second punch of Jin and shooting a Mana bullet after he dodged 'Not as I have choice seeing that the senior is in front of me'

Asteria shot Xol a confused look, Mana Shockwave didn´t have a preparing time, moreover she had waited for Jin to use Mana Shield before using it. Sensing some mana extending from his right hand toward the spear he had stabbed on the ground. Sensing he had some kind of plan she opted to wait a little more before using her skill. Raising her hands in front to accumulate mana in the air, she tried to emulate the Mana Bomb skill Richter and Sarah had used hoping to bait Jin.


Arriving beside Henley, Xol quickly crouched with one knee.

"I need you to bait him feinting your skill Fireball" Xol said with faint voice.

"I´m not casti—" Xol quickly covered his mouth with his left hand

"SHHH, lower your voice so he doesn´t discover were making a plan" Xol said rapidly making a silence gesture with his left hand.

"You´re not —" Henley took away Xol hand with his forearm glaring at him " — casting it just making the senior think you will do it, once I give the signal you will interrupt it and attack with Mana Slash." Xol finished explaining.

"You want someone of my caliber to be the bait, dream on" Henley replied in low icy tone

Xol started to get anxious, he needed Henley to participate or he be on a pinch.


Jin got a little anxious hearing Xol commands and seeing Asteria raising her hands accumulating mana. Richter combat experience also took him by surprise, the lightning skill he was using had increased his movement speed by a huge margin, but Richter was still dodging him perfectly. Even though he wasn´t fighting too seriously due the teachers request of not ending the fight to quickly and even was only using punches against his opponent, he should still manage to force a new student to barely dodge and feel the pressure.

Seeing that Asteria was up to something Augustus and Sarah started shooting Mana Bullets toward Jin, trying to remove some pressure from Richter. Augustus shot a Mana Bullet every time Jin tried to attack Richter. After some failed attempts at attacking Richter and receiving a hit from Augustus, Jin switched his attention toward Asteria, but Sarah quickly shot 3 Mana Bullet before he managed to advance forcing him to dodge, taking the opportunity Richter managed to land a Mana Bullet at him.

'Crap, If I don't take this seriously, I may lose this fight.' Jin thought as he retreated some steps and adopted his usual combat stance. He quickly raised both his arms and started leaving the left leg in from the right, he started lifting his heels up and down.

This combat stance was the one he was comfortable, using the momentum he would use his toes as the heels were close to touch the floor and launch himself forward in the direction he was facing. Using this he launched toward Richter and punched toward his chest with his right fist, not expecting that Jin was still hiding still true speed and had a footwork technique, Richter barely dodged to the left. Jin followed with a left uppercut and almost connected with his opponent chin as he jumped backward.

Richter managed to endure a few more exchanges, but it was becoming harder to dodge as Jin started to add kicks to the mix. Failing to read feint and falling for it, Richter received a kick to his stomach that launched him flying toward the formation wall opposite of him taking slightly more damage than Henley received.

'Finally,' Jin sighed and turned toward Asteria.

'Wait that isn´t a spell, she only accumulated mana in front of her' Jin thought seeing that the mana in front of Asteria hasn´t changed.

Augustus and Sarah managed to land some shots in the moment that Jin was thinking and following that, they started firing as many bullets they could to stop him of attacking Asteria.

´First, that pair!' Jin glared toward Sarah and Augustus.

'He figured out!' Asteria thought as she saw Jin switching his attention toward Augustus and Sarah. She sent the mana in front on her toward him, but the energy was to slow to hit him before he launched himself.

Lowering his back Jin launched himself toward Augustus and managed to connect an uppercut before Sarah could cast Mana Shield on him. He was preparing to finish him up when he heard Xol shout.

"Buy us 4 more seconds, so Henley can shoot Fireball!"

'I´m not falling again for that trick' Jin thought as he throw a punch toward Augustus, but was hit by some Mana Bullets Xol launched allowing him to dodge.

'You fu—" Jin glared toward Xol and narrowed his eyes seeing that Henley was casting Fireball.


Turning his toward the fight, Xol saw the senior retreating some steps and adopted a new posture and launched toward Richter, barely dodging his punch. He knew Richter wouldn´t endure baiting him much longer and turned back to Henley.

"Henley, only someone of your caliber using an elemental spell, can instill pressure enough on the senior for him to take the bait." Xol tried to sweettalk Henley upon his plan.

Giving it some thought Henley nodded at Xol

"I'll return to my original position, place yourself a meter behind me and the spear. When I´ll shout for them to buy time start casting Fireball when I shout now stop the casting and switch to casting Mana Slash." Xol instructed as he got up signaling for him to follow him.

Arriving at his original position,Xol a meter to the left of spear and coiled the Mana Chain around his arm so its was almost straight floating above the ground moving toward Augustus.

Preparing himself to use Mana Bullets to gain Jin´s attention he shouted.

"Buy us 4 more seconds, so Henley can shoot Fireball!" Xol started firing Mana bullets toward Jin as he finished shouting.

Seeing that he got everyone attention he prepared himself. Once he saw Jin preparing to charge at Henley he raised his right hand and stretched fully the chain until it was around the height of Jin´s neck.

"Blargh" Jin coughed as his neck crashed with Xol´s chain.


Henley stopped casting Fireball and shot the Mana Slash skill at Jin´s stomach, taking away some HP. Seeing the opportunity shot Mana Shockwave toward the senior ant took a big chunk of HP finally lowering his it below the 50% mark.