Fighting the Senior P2

Feeling the pain of their attacks, Jin quickly tried to recover his balance and jumped backward to make up some distance between him and the invisible chain.

Not wanting for Jin to retreat that far, Xol stopped maintaining the invisible chain and quickly created 2 visible Mana chains to surround him when he landed, as those were easier for him to control, take less mana and less toll on his concentration.

Finally seeing what has being stopping his movement in the fight surprised Jin as the chains tried to restrain him and tried to dodge the chains. Seeing this Asteria shot Mana Bullets toward Jin, wanting to limit his escaping options at dodging the chains, and Henley waited for the moment Xol chains would restrain Jin.

Jin casted Mana Shield in front him to stop the barrage, he then refocused on the chains that quickly circled the shield after impacting on it that were still aiming to restrain him. Feeling pain in his left portion of his back, he lost the concentration at maintaining the shield, letting Asteria to land a hit on him as he tried to dodge the chains and got caught again. Glancing in the direction he felt the pain he saw Richter, who landed on his butt after his impact with formation wall, had shot the Mana Bullet while still seated.

Being the situation, he was in, Jin forced more lightning to form and break his bindings, he then accumulated the lightning in his legs and jumped to his back, not wanting to fight a sword initiated with enemies on his blind spots shooting at him. When he landed, he had managed to make 5 meters distance between him and Xol, letting him scan his surroundings. Sarah was helping Augustus back on his feet around 4 meters away from him, toward his right Richter had also managed to get onto his feet 7 meters to his left side.

Taking the opportunity of Jin scanning the area, Xol created 2 Mana Chains circling around him, once he got his attention onto the chains, Xol dispelled them.

"Mana Bom—" he saw a shadow dashed from his right side."—b him" Xol shouted as he shot a Mana Bomb.

"WAIT!" Xol shouted seeing that the shadow was Henley.

Henley ignored Xol and arrived trying to do a vertical slash toward Jin. Jin pivoting on his left dodged Henley´s sword, as he dodged, he grabbed onto Henley´s right hand as he slashed down, pulling him to block the Mana Bomb.


After the blast Jin kneed Henley with his right leg lowering his health below 25%. Henley was surrounded in a blue glow and was sent out of the formation. He then scanned again the changes in the surrounding and the HP and MP his opponents had remaining.

Everyone was shocked by the quick outcome, Richter and Asteria quickly recovered and each shot a Mana Bullet at Jin. Seeing the bullets and one hitting the mark, everyone recovered their grip. Before they could start shooting at him, Jin shot a Mana Bomb toward Augustus who had the lower HP, hitting Sarah in the blast. Augustus was sent out of the formation and Sarah was blasted to the floor, taking the opportunity he shot 2 Mana Bullets at her and also send her out.

"Xol save on mana, attack with the spear, Richter cover us." Asteria commanded as she dashed. Richter nodded and started shooting Mana Bullets while Xol dashed toward the stabbed spear and soon followed Asteria.

Asteria arrived throwing a turn kick toward Jin stomach, Jin dodged with a sidestep toward his back, he quickly impulsed toward her as the kick passed. He intended to return with kick of his own, but Richter managed to land Mana Bullet disrupting his rhythm, allowing Xol to arrive with a stab using the spear, taking away a little of his HP.

Jin quickly stabilized himself and took some space back, Asteria quickly followed with a side kick using her right leg as Xol retrieved the spear and proceeded with upward slash at Jin, dodging both attacks with a sidestep, he launched himself toward his left, advancing toward where Asteria back was unguarded intending to land a jab. As soon he took position to make the jab, he saw Richter had anticipated this and had launch a Mana Bullet directly at his face, ducking his head he saw Asteria has used her right leg as pivot as she landed to send a back kick at him, he quickly rolled toward her left side, as Xol was quickly coming through her right side with an attack of his own.

As he landed, he quickly dashed toward the back of Asteria and Xol intending for them to be in between him and Richter making it harder for Richter shooting more bullet at him. Asteria quickly saw what he intended and sent a Mana Shockwave as he took position.

Xol quickly turned around and saw Jin had adopted a defense stance against the shockwave, he lowered his upper body, raising his hands to cover the face and raised his left leg almost toward his stomach, blocking most of the damage from the shockwave, but this gave Xol an idea on how to use the remaining 195 Mana he had remaining.

"Richter get here!" Xol shouted maintaining his eyes on Jin. Richter nodded as he knew it was going to get difficult to support them as how Jin had positioned.

Hearing this Jin quickly sent a turn kick toward Asteria using his right leg as he landed his left leg, Asteria quickly sidestepped to her back barely dodging, Xol quickly covered her launching a stab before he would send another kick, taking a little more Jin HP.

"Shockwave then punch!" Xol shouted toward Richter, seeing he had arrived and was circling Asteria.

Recovering from the impact, Jin quickly launched himself toward Xol, launching an axe kick with his left leg toward Xol´s head, Xol managed to dodge the impact to the head but got hit in the right shoulder. He intended to finish Xol with right jab, but he received a Mana Bullet from Asteria, allowing Xol to retreat some steps pointing his spear at Jin.

Xol quickly went for a sweep toward Jin´s legs, Jin sidestep to dodge but was received by a kick of Richter as he landed, being forced to block him and he took some steps away to distance from Xol and Richter.

"Shockwave!" Xol instructed.

Hearing this Jin quickly entered his previous defensive stance, hearing Xol signal Richter started preparing as much mana he could into Mana Punch.

When Jin received the impact Xol created a Mana Chain and coiled on Jin supporting leg, he quickly pulled and made him fall, and started pulling him near Richter.

Jin was surprised, but before he could ever react, he was already in front of Richter, receiving the full blow of the Mana Punch and sent out of the formation with a faint blue glow.

Seeing this Xol leaned on his knees.

'We won' Xol thought as he took some breath

"WE WON!" Xol shouted as he stood back up with great satisfaction on his face.

"We did it!" Richter also celebrated pulling his arms in satisfaction

"We really beat a Senior!" Asteria jumped in joy.

Soon they saw the formation coming to a stop.


Xol turned around and saw Henley dashing to him with his sword full draw intending on slashing him.

Xol was shocked, he didn't expect Henley would try to attack him, he was feeling the exhaustion of the battle and had no energy to dodge let alone block.

"ENOUGH!" A Shout was heard and Henley was surrounded on Mana Chains.

Glancing toward the shout origin they saw the staff member leisurely walking toward.

"RELEASE ME! I GONNA KILL HIM!" Henley howled anger burning in eyes.

"Why would I let you knowing you want to kill someone and whyyy you want to him?" the staff member was surprised at his declaration

"Thanks to him I failed the Academy´s Exam, so he deserves death!" Henley replied glaring at Xol.

"I never said you had to win to pass the exam, just fight him furthermore you all passed." The staff member explained shaking his head.

"We all passed!" Augustus and Sarah replied shocked as they walked behind the staff member.

"Un" the staff member nodded at them.

"Now then unless you want me to turn your passing grade into a failure, you will drop the weapon." the staff member finished as he arrived in front of Henley and glared at him.

"Fine, release me and I drop the weapon." Henley said with reluctance in his face.

Releasing the chains in his upper body, he waited for Henley to fully drop/store the weapon. Seeing this he released completely Henley and walked some steps away before turning to see the whole group.

"Congratulations on your enrolling" the staff member announced with a smile.

"YAY, I passed!" Xol shouted recoverin from his shock and started to feel the overwhelming happiness he felt as he raised his arms, with a bright smile draw in his face.

"Come on Xol we had beat the senior it was obvious we passed" Richter joked.

"Yeah, but it doesn´t take away the feeling of actually hearing you passed" Xol replied still with the smile in his face.

"True, I guess" Richter nodded also smiling at his entering at the academy.

"Now then let me heal Asteria, Richter, and Xol, before I make some more announcements" the staff member continued seeing that everyone finished celebrating.

Finished healing Xol´s group, the staff member started explaining the academy rules, ways of operating and other related things for the academy's school life.

"Finally, once you go to the administration office to pay the Academy tuition fee, they will indicate your dormitory room and give you a ring. The ring is a tool of the academy, before you formally become a student of a teacher, it would absorb the experience you get while you hunt in the academy dungeons while trying to complete the teachers requirements to become their student. Once you get accepted and classeup, they will update the ring to allow you to continue gathering experience to level up" The staff member finished explaining.

"You can go now" he signaled the group.

"Xol, admit your mistake and ask for forgiveness or I will ask the academy for your expulsion, you only have this choice before me" Henley said with his arms crossed and his eyes closed trying to act formidable.

"Uhm, Henley…"Augustus said.

"What?" Henley replied.

"Xol dashed as soon as we were dismissed and didn´t hear you out." Augustus explained.

Henley face turned brightly red from anger and embarrassment that he was only talking with the wall.

"Senior Jin" Richter said as he bowed his head toward Jin.

"Yes?" Jin replied furrowing his brows not expecting for Richter to come to him.

"If I may ask, how did you obtain your class?" Richter asked as he stood straight expectation on his eyes.

"My Teacher helped me obtaining it, you wish to gain the same class?" Jin commented.

"Thanks, if I may ask, who is your Teacher?" Richter quickly asked the expectation in his eyes growing stronger.

"Principal Zestari" Jin nodded.

"Thank you senior" Richter replied and soon also left the room.

'So, if I want to cultivate in this life I first need to gather hints for the class from the principal' Richter thought as he left the room.