
"Well, now that´s taken care of, how about I lead you to the dormitory area." Jun said as he stretched and glanced toward Xol who currently had a bright smile as he inspected his new ring that showed he was a student from the academy.

"Un" Xol nodded and started following Jun.

Arriving at the dormitory area Jun glanced at Xol "What dormitory and room you got?"

"South Azure Liger, room 27" Xol replied.

"Room 27, that means it going to be in the second floor" Jun said as he raised his hand toward his chin.

Once they arrived at the dormitory, Xol could see the dormitory was two stories building with 25 rooms on both floors.

"Now Xol, what is something you must always do before opening a door you don't know" Jun said raising an eyebrow.

"Scan the mana on the other side and see if something could jump at you as you enter." Xol replied tilting his head with his arms crossed.

"Correct" Jun replied with a smile.

"Not let's meet you roommates"

Arriving next to the door Jun gestured Xol to go forth.

Arriving next to the door with the number 27, Xol closed his eyes and raised his hand almost touching the door, sensing the mana, he could feel someone behind the door with fire mana casted. Xol glanced at Jun but before he could say something, Jun made a "shh" gesture and then signaled for him to wait behind him.

Opening the door Xol could see a flame extending almost to the ceiling.

"WAHH!" Someone shouted from inside.

"Huh, was he expecting it?" the same voice said.

"Gooood afternoon!" Jun replied as he extended his hand and a small lightning falling on it.


"Hahaha, you wanted to prank the newest guy but got pranked instead" another voice resounded inside the room.

Jun entered the room and soon Xol followed up, the room was big enough for four people and had 2 bunk beds, it included 2 desks and a sofa. There was also a door leading to the bathroom right as you enter.

"Sorry to ruining your hazing, but I couldn´t let you prank Xol and let you unscathed can I." Jun said with impish smile as he entered, in front on him there was senior sitting in the floor recovering from his shock, in the back there was another person laughing.

[Marcel Mage LVL 21]

[Kingo Samurai LVL 30]

Marcel had white skin blonde medium hair, green eyes below thick eyebrows and a button nose, he was wearing a mage robe like Jun´s but with red color scheme.

Kingo was wearing a black hakama, he had black hair combed to both side from the center of the head, he had slightly dark skin, sword like eyebrows and a pointed nose. His most defining feature wouldn´t be his pointed nose, but his black eyes, they were sharp as the katanas he had hanging on the side.

"I´m sorry please don´t get mad big brother Jun." Marcel said as he stood and bowed.

"Don´t worry, I used to be a student here, so I still remember about the hazing, sorry for pooping for you" Jun said as he gestured it was alright.

"Don´t worry he got me yesterday, so he had already done a hazing in a way" Kingo said cleaning a tear from his eyes of too much laughing.

"Ooh, Xol seems you're in luck, seems you got a Martial academy graduated as a roommate." Jun said with a smile and thumbs up toward Xol.

"Now then, seeing only two persons inside, is there a person out or are you waiting for another new student?"

"Reporting, to big brother Jun, we are waiting for another new student" Marcel replied. Seeing Jun level, he didn´t want to piss him off accidentally being disrespectful.

"Don´t worry you can drop the formalities; you all are going to be taking care of Xol for the coming year at least, so you can act casual around me." Jun replied nonchalantly as he advanced and landed on the sofa.

"Also, don´t worry you can continue the hazing, seeing there's another student coming, also we can wait for him to arrive before we do our presentation." Jun said with a smirk on his face.

Waiting for a few minutes they could hear the sound of someone coming to the room and stopping in the door.

Taking a big breath Marcel controlled a fire ball in his hand, as soon as the door opened, he made the fire ball erupt in a bonfire and shouted.



'Wait was that…'Xol thought as he heard the voice.

Trying to see past Marcel he confirmed his suspicion; Richter was seated in the ground, as he had fell from the surprise

"You rascal!" Richter shouted trying to grab Marcel but Marcel dodged

"HAHAHA, ah that reaction was good. Welcome to South Azure Liger Dormitory." Marcel said stretching his hand.

"Welcome my foot!" Richter replied as he sent turn kick toward Marcel head, this time hitting the mark.

"Don´t warry it's a normal tradition in the dormitories, apparently he also fell for it last year he entered, and apart from Xol he got everyone assigned to the dormitory" Kingo said as he stopped Richter from hitting Marcel again.

"Wait Xol?" Richter said turning to look inside the room with inquisitive look.

"Oh Xol, seems we got assigned to the same dormitory" Richter said with a smile.

"Hehe, seems like it." Xol chcucked

"I´m glad it's you, I don't want to imagine what would have happen if it´s was Henley, I still want to maintain my head on my neck." Xol smiled grabbing his neck, remembering thimage of Henley running at him.

"Hehe, that make two of us." Richter replied with a smile.

"Oh, Xol it's not even you first day and you already made someone angry." Jun said behind Xol.

"It was an accident, I didn´t want to hit him with the Mana bomb during the trial and he also was reckless to run toward the senior without saying anything" Xol said narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms.

Glancing toward the young man Xol was talking, Richter suddenly froze seeing his stats.

[Jun Stormbringer Magus LVL 77]

"Uhm, Xol who is he?" Richter said to Xol raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, this is big brother Jun, he brought me to the academy this morning." Xol said with smile raising his hand presenting him.


"Okay seeing as everyone is here how about we start the round of introductions." Jun said after clapping "Who wants to go first?"

"I´ll go first, as I´m the senior in the academy." Marcel said after finishing rubbing his head from the kick Richter gave him.

I´m Marcel Strauss 15 years old, currently studying fire magic and I´m not far from achieving the tier 1 attunement in it. I´m being in the academy for the past year and if you have trouble in the academy or have any doubt about the dormitory, the academy or mana you can come to me." Marcel said punching his chest with his left hand.

"I´m Richter von Braun, from the Braun Family. I´m currently 13 years old soon to turn 14. I´m currently in the Scholar class and wish to bring honor back to my family. I´ll be in your care for the next years" Richter said bowing his head.

"I´m Kingo Masamune, and just graduated from the Martial academy, 15 years old. I come from the Shinto region and I also have blacksmith as one of my sub jobs. I hope to improve my skill on it with fire and metal attunements, if you guys need help improving weapons or want me to forge something you can come to me. Also… I´m a demi human" Kingo finished with a conflicted face.

Jun, Marcel and Richter were immediately shock, they weren´t expecting him to be a Demi Human. Moreover, he was not an elf, so Jun and Marcel became wary. Kingo face suddenly darken and a loneliness aura could be felt from it.

"Big brother Jun, what is a Demi human? Xol broke the silence pulling Jun´s sleeve.

"Well… how do I explain it; you know that there are cases that monsters escape the dungeon. Demi humans are related to those monsters and there are two kind of demi humans, one are intelligent monster that has human appearance or human like features and the second would be an offspring of the previous kind or other type of intelligent monster with a human, this offspring would inherit a bloodline or other racial features from the monster. "Jun explained with a complicated gaze.

"Wow, so cool—" Xol ran toward Kingo. "—Tell me, tell me, how strong are you, are an intelligent monster or do you have a bloodline of one, how many stats do you gain per level, does your bloodline also help you with your sub job?"Xol said with gleaming eyes as he hopped in front of him.

"Xol, don't be so disrespectful nor overwhelm him" Jun said as he placed both his fists on Xol´s temples and started rotating his fists.

"Ah, big brother Jun that hurts" Xol tried to take Jun hands from his head.

"Don´t mind him every time he hears something related to dungeon, he gets all jumpy and excited." Jun send an apologetic face to Kingo.

"*PFFT* Hahaha, I don´t mind, in the martial academy once everyone discovered I was a demi human they started giving the cold shoulder afraid of me. Seeing someone so excited to talk with me after knowing I´m a demi human, it's a first in this country" Kingo said laughing a little after seeing the turn of events.

"See big brother Jun I wasn´t mean, you guys were the mean ones." Xol said

"Answering your questions Xol, I have a tengu ancestor and that gives me a tengu bloodline, though it's very thin if I may say, it only give me 5 extra points per level, but my heritage does help me with my side job in various ways." Kingo replied with a smile in his face.

"I´m sorry for acting in that way, but… it's also kind your fault in the way you introduce yourself, how about this. Next time you meet someone instead of saying "I´m a demi human" say "I have a strong bloodline that give me extra skill points"." Richter said raising a finger with his suggestion.

"What do you think guys, hearing like that causes a better impression than saying he is a demi human?"

"Now that you put like that, it does give a nicer vibe. I´m also sorry for jumping to conclusions, hearing you were a demi human I thought you were a monster." Jun said as he bowed.

"Me too, with the fall of the Mirstone town due a demi human attack I got a little jumpy." Marcel also bowed.

Seeing this Kingo smiled and accepted their apologies.

"Now then, let continue the presentations Xol your turn." Jun said with an awkward smile.

"I´m Xol, I´m orphan so I don't have any surname. I am 12 years, come from Caveshore city, and have the apprentice class. I love dungeon stories, and anything related to them. I hope we can get along" Xol said with a smile.

"I´m Jun Springbow, I graduated from the academy 5 years ago and have being taking care of Xol for the last 3 years. I hope you take good care of Xol for the time you all are in the academy. Finally, I´m part of the 'Thunder Cloud' Guild in Caveshore city if you ever need for something or if you want to join the guild feel free to find me there." Jun said as he glanced at everyone.