Exiting the dungeon

Xol was currently dashing in a certain direction in the rainforest, he had hunted the past hours and managed to get the skin of 25 elemental salamander, up in front he felt a lone reaction making it the best target from the recent Mana Sonar´s scan.

[Nature Elemental Salamander LVL 14]

HP: 4,250/4,250

MP: 9,200/9,200

'I wonder in which category this one would fall´ Xol thought as he watched the new breed of salamander he found.

Based on their skills, Xol had separated the different breeds in 3 categories, easy target, tricky target and difficult target.

Fire, water and wind, were easy targets, since they only have simple elemental skills.

Light, lightning and darkness, were tricky targets, as apart from their elemental skills they could camouflage.

Ice, metal and earth, were difficult target, since they could protrude bones from their sides and shoot elemental spears from there. Earth had also the camouflage skill but Xol could managed to kill them if he takes them by surprise and chained them before they could use that skill.

Taking a breath of air, Xol prepared himself and shot a Mana Bomb, after that he created some Mana Chains and bound the salamander. He then shot a Mana bullet, but as he did this, he felt the chains loosen a bit, allowing the salamander to break free.

'Tsk, my control is still not perfect to shoot and maintain the binding the 100% of the cases, plan B' Xol clicked his tongue as he created more chains and started advancing with the spear after the salamander was bound again.

As Xol arrived near the salamander and was about to stab it, the salamander broke free at the same time Xol stabbed his side. Soon Xol saw bones protruding from its side and wood starting to form out of them.

'Not good' Xol retrieved his spear and jumped to the side dodging the spears.

The salamander quickly advanced and turned around glaring at Xol. As Xol prepared himself, he quickly noticed there were vines launching at him, he tried to jump but he felt something at his feet. Glancing down he saw there were more vines binding his movements. He quickly started slashing the incoming vines, if he was fully bound and couldn´t use the spear it would mean death. He didn't know if the ring had the same function the jade had of ejecting the person after hitting 25% HP, but he wasn´t willing to take the risk.

Taking care of the vines he saw the salamander preparing to shoot a sturdier wooden spear at him from his mouth, he quickly stabbed the vines of his right foot, and ducked to the ground seeing the incoming spear. Having dodged he quickly rolled and slashed the vines in his left foot. Glancing at the salamander he saw it was starting to disappear.

Xol deployed chains in the area the salamander was before disappearing but didn't receive any reaction. He tried to feel the mana signal of the salamander but was to slow and got hit by the small wood spears the salamander was sending from his side. Focusing again he managed to bind it as it shot again, receiving the brunt he figured a safe area to advance toward it. Once he got next to the area where the chains were floating, he sent a slash to where the salamander should be. As soon as the salamander received damage his camouflage ended.

The salamander quickly tried to break free but Xol started stabbing it, no wanting to let it escape nor break the chains so easily. Soon the salamander broke free and moved away from Xol, as he tried to stab it, it camouflaged again missing the mark. Quickly scanning the area, he saw some blood falling to the ground, sending a Mana Bullet toward there he hit something, soon he saw the salamander exited his camouflaged state. He quickly followed with another bullet seeing the low HP it had remaining. Seeing the HP hitting 0, Xol dropped to the floor.

"Okay you got your own category. The nope category!" Xol shouted as he panted from the battle.

Having collected the loot he started moving around, once he could use Mana sonar again, he moved to an area clear of salamanders, once the cooldown ended, he scanned again and relocated as there were salamander near him. He repeated this strategy as he couldn´t climb a tree like the wolf trial since he had seen some elemental salamander climbing onto the trees.

Once his HP was fully recovered, he advanced to kill some salamanders focusing on using the spear to recover as much MP he could. Once he saw his inventory had the 30-total skins of elemental salamander, he advanced toward the big tree where he had felt a strong Mana signal and wanted to see what the origin of the signal was.

Circling the tree, he saw a big burrow leading toward the underground area beneath the tree. Xol peeked from the side and feared what he saw.

[Nature Elemental Salamander LVL 20 (Elite)]

HP: 10,750/10,750

MP: 23,200/23,200

[Nature Elemental Salamander LVL 18]

HP: 9,000/9,000

MP: 19,000/19,000

[Nature Elemental Salamander LVL 18]

HP: 9,000/9,000

MP: 19,000/19,000

'Big nope, I´ll return to the entrance and exit. I can return other day when I´m stronger to know if they also protecting something like the condensed wolf.' Xol thought as he sneakily tried to retreat the area.

Returning to the entrance area, he soon found the exit obelisk and left the dungeon. As soon as he was out, he went toward Izuriel office.

"Oh you already back" Izuriel said seeing Xol entering the room. "Did you collected what I asked?"


"Good please take them out and place them in my desk"

Xol advance toward the desk and proceeded to take them out.

"!!!" Xol was shocked as he took out the first piece.

"Teacher why the is the skin so small compared to the size of the elemental salamander" Xol asked seeing the piece of skin that measured about 10 square cm.

"Where you expecting all the salamander skin? Have you not taken out any Monster drop from your inventory before nor sold it?

"I have sold the drops in Caveshore city, but it was using a exchange crystal in the shops that needed them or the one the auction house had." Xol replied

"I see. When you collect the drops luck also play its part in what you get. Also in truth though the system says you have 30 amount of skin, not all them are the same size and all of them would be below 15 square cm. If you want to get better quality drops of the monster you need some sub job to help you, I recommended you investigate this topic on your free time, also the exchange crystal is something made by someone with the appraiser subjob. They set a suitable exchange rate between the various drops the crystal can accept and the money someone would get when using the crystal." Izuriel explained seeing Xol confusion.

"Now do you understand why the skin is this size?" Izuriel glanced a Xol

"Un" Xol replied and started taking the rest out.

As Izuriel had explained, not all of them were the same size and none surpassed more than 15 cm in any size.

"Good." Izuriel smiled at the pieces placed in his desk.

"For you next task you need to recreate your dormitory with mana. Something like this." Izuriel stretched his hand and a 3d recreation of a dormitory made with mana was floating in his hand.

"Wow, how do I start making that." Xol asked fascinated at what Izuriel was showing him.

"From what I saw of you taking the academy second trial, you have the Mana chain skill, this skill is already giving Mana a specific form, first try to make sense of the sensation of giving form to mana from the skill. Once that's done, start making basic figures like a cube or a sphere, from there move to something more complex like a bottle until you recreate your dormitory"

"Two weeks from today I´m going to give my first lecture on mana for the new students. I recommend you assist it so you can improve on the task. Try to arrive early as I will not guarantee you a spot, if when you arrive all spots are taken you have to wait a month for another lecture."

"Once you achieve this task, I´ll explain fully all the requirements you need to accomplish in order to become my disciple."

"Un, I understand." Xol nodded with a resolute look on his face.

"Currently, I´m getting close on a breakthrough in my research so until then I ask for you to not come to my office." Izuriel added nonchalantly.

"Okay, until then good luck on your research Teacher" Xol said as he turned around.

"Oh, Xol before you go, I need to ask you something. What did you receive from the Pure Mana hall?" Izuriel raised his left hand calling Xol.

"Pure Mana Hall? Is teacher referring to the Highly Concentrated Pure Mana Crystal I found on the trial dungeon?" Xol asked with a confused face as he grabbed the doorknob.

"Yes, we teachers refer to the area that holds the crystal as Pure Mana Hall. Each academy dungeon has a similar hall that houses a similar crystal. Also, until you become my disciple you need to call me Teacher Izuriel, only my disciples can call me Teacher" Izuriel explained.

"I got the Mana Chain skill and the system told me I got the highest degree of pure mana blessing that gave me an evolvable title that improves my Mana sensibility." Xol gave full details hearing it was something related to the academy.

"I see that´s something new for me. Now you can leave." Izuriel smiled at the new discovery.

Xol quickly opened the door and started walking.


"Owie" Xol said as he fell on his bottom having collided as he exited.

"Oh sorry, are you alright" Xol heard a woman voice.

Looking up he saw a woman extending a hand toward him.

"Yes. I´m really sorry for bumping into you." Xol said a he took the hand and stood up.

"Don't worry about it." the lady replied.

"Oh, who would have thought the principal would be eavesdropping the talk of a teacher and student" Izuriel said with a teasing smile.

"Brother, don't said like that, you´re giving him a bad impression of me." Zestari replied with an angry pout.

"Haha, sorry sorry, did you need me for something." Izuriel said with a smile.

Xol was surprised when he heard the lady he bumped was the principal. Figuring there was reason for her to come here, he said his goodbyes to both and moved to the classroom.

"I never understand why you simply never say to them that you already began instructing them and that recreating a building with mana is a fundamental step in Mana Cultivation." Zestari said seeing Xol exit and closing the door

"I have already told you; this is the way I measure and develop their dao heart. A weak dao heart is not suitable for the time attunement nor the space attunement." Izuriel said with angry look.

"Now then, why did you need to come to find me personally, you could just summon me and I´ll be there in a second?" Izuriel said a he soften the look of his face.