Izuriel´s hypotheses

Hearing her brother explanation Zestari just sighed and then glanced at him.

"It like this. A few minutes ago, a graduate student from my class came and…" Zestari explained what Jun told her.

"Based on the story, I plan to tell all the Teachers and staff member of Xol situation so they make sure Xol doesn't get angry and will try to stop him if he starts showing signs of anger. I also plan to warn all the student with some noble status to not anger Xol nor mess with him, I´m not planning to tell them the story as if they tell their parents, they will accuse the academy of housing danger for their offspring and other nonsenses. Though I can deal with all the noble in the city, I don't want to deal with them in the first place, on the plus side this would let them believe the academy is giving face alerting them of dangerous situations in advance." Zestari explained the measures she is taking.

"Xol current character strikes me as good nature so I don't feel is correct to expel him based on some incident he incurred in the past, seeing as it hasn´t occurred again in the last three years. Using the time in which no one bother him, the teacher he chooses would have time to help him reconnect this second personality of his, reining in so it doesn't harm anyone." Zestari explained her reasoning as she slides her hand on, he drawers and advanced in the room.

Coming closer to the desk she stopped and sat on the border of a drawer.

"Before taking this plan in effect, I wanted to consult your opinion on Xol´s case. Seeing as you're the best teacher when it comes to mana, I wanted to hear your thought on this other personality as Jun said Xol MP was affected." Zestari said

"I see." Izuriel closed his eyes the as he opened he glanced toward his sister.

"From the story I can draw two hypotheses on his situation. The first one is that Xol also has a dormant constitution like Asteria, this constitution has a strong berserk skill but since his constitution is still dormant, he doesn´t have free access to the skill, making that he can only use in high stress situations. This hypothesis would also explain why Xol was unconscious for 10 days as a berserker skill from a special constitution has a pretty harsh backslash when fully awaken, now with the constitution on a dormant, backslash would be many times harsher." Izuriel explained his thoughts.

"I see, then you don't think Xol has a second personality like Jun said?" Zestari said as she raised her hand toward her chin.

"Not exactly. My second hypothesis would be the same as Jun´s, Xol has a second personality, but before I explain why I thinks these is the case a question. Little sister, do you what MP stands for in our society?" Izuriel said as raised his hand.

"Mana points isn´t that correct?" Zestari said with perplexed look.

"Correct, but when the system appeared time ago, some had other ways of calling it as they could only guess what the system meant with MP. At first those strong enough to start in upper classes and those that did nook the scholar class started calling MP as Magic Points due the fact that you use it to cast magic spells, but soon when the skills like Mana Bullet and Mana Chains where discovered it was accepted MP stands for Mana Points. Some even said he MP stands for Mana Pool but 100 years ago, once it was discovered the concepts of Mana purity and how it affect the MP displayed, we opted to call Mana Pool the total reservoir while the MP refers to Mana Points available to use from the reservoir. There was another name in the past which is the one I wanted to arrive. Mind Points."

"Mind Points, but what those this name had to do with Xol situation?" Zestari asked with a frown.

"As you know manipulating Mana is strongly associated with the mind, a clear image of what you want helps you more in casting a skill than a distorted image, this is why they named MP like that in the past but soon it was dropped in favor of Mana Points. Though the name has been dropped, it a good reminder of how the mind play its part around the MP. Taking for example Xol case his Mana Pool when born would look like this." Izuriel created an ocean representation with mana in front of Zestari.

"Most likely as he grew up without no one and suffered as an orphan, his mind started cracking under the beatings and fights he engaged to survive, giving forth to this second personality to form, once this personality was born his Mana Pool should have reflected this change." Izuriel raised his hand. As he did this the mana ocean representation was split giving forth to two Mana oceans coexisting side by side.

"As his mind is divided, his Mana Pool is also divided by his two personalities that represent his mind state. This other personality would have a different amount of the total mana pool, this part of the pool would have a different amount of mana even the purity of it could be different affecting both the HP and MP, as a purer Mana would nourish better the body giving forth a better VIT to HP ratio."

"I see, then brother which hypothesis you believe is the more valid one." Zestari closed her eyes and nodded.

"Based on Jun story, it could be either as he didn't specify how Xol name changed, if it was glowing or changed in color it´s the constitution case but if it changed to another name, it´s the second personality case. That is if we only take Jun story to determine Xol state, if we take in consideration the fact that his mana capacity broke the record of the Mana Hall, we can assume it´s due the fact his Mana pool is in a state of division, so it more likely to be the second personality case, though it´s still an assumption it can´t fully overrule the first hypothesis . But the second one present a bigger problem than you think my little sister." Izuriel said with a serious face.

"What do you mean brother?" Zestari was a little shocked to her brother remark

"Which personality is the original and which one is the byproduct, or as you said second personality? If Xol current personality is the byproduct, the academy would have a potential killer as a student." Izurel said with a stern face.

"I understand this point, but wouldn´t the current personality be the original seeing as it has been the one controlling the body for the last 3 years, furthermore, once Jun restrain him he reverted to the current personality." Zestari said as she shook her head.

"You make a fair point but I need to ask you this, which personality should have a better control of the body, No, this isn´t the correct way to point it, which personality should have more access to their Mana Pool, the original or the byproduct." Izuriel asked again. Zestari closed her eyes pondering her brother question.

"The original" Zestari said as she opened her eyes.

"Correct, now then do you think Xol could currently kill a group of levels 20-21?" Izuriel nodded and asked.

"No, if he could he would have soloed the Second trial against Jin, furthermore as I came close to the door I heard him said he obtained the Mana Chain skill from the Pure Mana Hall and this skill played a huge part in the triumph of the trial." Zestari answered.

Izuriel nodded and the answer and the continued saying.

"Based on this the second personality has to have greater control of the Mana Pool since he managed to kill the group. This points that the second personality has more control of the Mana Pool, this section would be substantially bigger allowing more mana to nourish his body improving his conversion rate of all stats. This fact added with the suppression from his strong killing intent could lead to killing the group." Izuriel explained

"But couldn´t the suppression by his killing intent made all the difference even if he had lower control of the Mana Pool" Zestari said as she raised an eyebrow.

"That is also correct as we don't how strong the killing intent was. But it just adds to the point which one is who, until we safely discover this, we can´t really act as if the current personality tries reconnecting but the other personality is stronger due his control over the Mana Pool, it could absorb Xol´s good nature part and potentially killing the good nature he has. Now do you understand what I meant with a bigger problem." Izuriel raised an eyebrow.

"Un, from what you said I think it would be better to first determine if he has a special constitution or a second personality, best case scenario he has a constitution and we will work on awakening it, but if he has a second personality we need to make sure the good nature Xol is the one with more control of the Mana Pool so the second one doesn't try erasing him, if the good natured is the strongest we can start reconnecting his personalities right away, but if it the other way around we need to take it slowly and prepare ways to preserve the good natured personality. Does purifying the good nature's mana pool help him in stopping the other personality in absorbing it."

"Good thinking, yes it should prove effective in stopping the other personality in the worst-case scenario." Izuriel nodded at her suggestion.

"Okay, since Xol wants to be your discipline, seems once he enters your class you´re going to be real busy big brother" Zestari said with a smirk on her face.

"Do you really think he would enter my class?" Izuriel raised an eyebrow

"Well I´m cheering for him." Zestari replied with a mischievous smile.

"Let's say he doesn´t quit my tests during the first month, isn´t it a risk for the academy if he enters that state in that time." Izuriel frowned.

"IF he enters that state, furthermore all the staff members and teachers can control him if he enters that state, also one of his roommates wants to enter my class. I´ll ask him to monitor him closely so as no one trigger that state." Zestari said while raising her index finger and shaking it side by side.

"I´ll say we go with this plan for he first month and if he quits and joins another class, we will tell that teacher how to treat Xol. During this month time I��ll prepare some tools to determine if he has a special constitution. If we discard this option, we can plan how to act if it really a second personality or not." Zestari said with a sweet smile


"Do what you like, either way this isn´t something to be rushed if we want the good nature personality to win." Izuriel said as he shook his head.

"I´ll enter seclusion until my public lecture, if may research develops as I hope, I may be a step closer to recovering from my injuries of 30 and 20 years ago." Izuriel said as he stood up and glanced at one of the fish tanks.

"Good luck brother, I hope you can take your bow once more" Zestari said a she jumped off the drawer and walked toward he door.