Receiving Mana Blessings

Xol quickly advanced into the cavern feeling thrilled to know if at the end was the Pure Mana Hall as teacher Izuriel had commented would be present in the dungeons, or if there was another treasure related to the lioness due fact there were five active volcanoes. Marcel and Richer were some steps behind seeing Xol almost jumping from emotion. Soon the temperature started rising as they advanced.

"Shouldn´t we start retreating, there is nothing here and the temperature must likely would keep rising as we get closer to the volcano vent?" Richer said brushing some sweat off his forehead.

"Don't worry the temperature is going stop rising in a few meters." Marcel said with a smile.

Soon as Marcel had said, the temperature stopped rising and they even felt it was lowering again.

"We should be close now, let speed up the pace." Marcel said as he sped up.

Hearing the comment Xol couldn´t control himself anymore and started running.

"Xol wait up!" Marcel and Richter shouted seeing him run.

Soon Xol was the first to found the Pure Mana Hall in the dungeon, there was a misty blue mana in the air enveloping the hall, opposite from where he entered there was an open section of the hall where one could the vent of the volcano and the lava ascending through it. The mana mist acted like a stop isolating the lava and the hall. As he entered, he felt the temperature inside was cooler than the rest of the cavern. There were many crystals rising from the ground and like the first Pure Mana Hall he had found, there was a giant Mana Crystal in the center that went to the roof of the hall. As Xol walked in and scanned the surrounding Marcel and Richer finally caught up.

"Wow, I was expecting it to be exactly like the first Pure Mana Hall, but this was one is very amazing in his own way" Xol said as he scanned the room with gleaming eyes.

"Wait how did you know the name of the hall? Did you already know about the hall before receiving your mana blessing?" Marcel said with a bewilderment tone and some worry in his eyes.

"I didn't know about it and Teacher Izuriel told me is name after finishing the first task he gave me." Xol replied as he examined the hall.

"Phew, I go worried for a second. Okay guys this is a Pure Mana Hall and is part of the foundation of the academy. The first time you enter one of them you´ll receive a blessing that help you improve your mana sensibility, after that, you can improve the blessing by finding another Pure Mana Hall. Each hall has a 1 year cooldown before it can be used again. Now come once you place your hand in the center crystal it should improve the blessing you both received in the first trial." Marcel gestured to follow him.

Soon the group placed their hand on the crystal.

[Highly Concentrated Pure Mana Crystal discovered.

User will receive a reward based on his personal evaluation.

Evaluating User…

User already received a Mana blessing.

User Mana blessing is the highest grade of blessing and cannot be improved.

User received 5 INT points]

'Well I shouldn´t be surprised as the first hall said I received the highest degree of blessing.' Xol laughed awkwardly seeing the notification.

Glancing toward the side he could Richer and Marcel still had their hand in the crystal.

'Seems they still being evaluated' Xol though. He then returned to appreciating the sight, he got close to the open area and admired the lava ascending.

"Nice, got 4 INT points apart from improving my blessing with my mana sensibility" Marcel said after been evaluated.

"Hehe, I got 5 points and even got the Mana Shockwave skill" Richter said while rubbing his nose.

"Not bad, considering you guys are really under level for this dungeon it must have compensated entering in as a party for the evaluation." Marcel nodded.

"Xol how did your haul went?" Marcel glanced toward Xol who was still seeing the lava.

"I only got 5 INT points" Xol replied as he shrugged while turning around and walking back to the group

"Wait your blessing didn��t improve, why?" Marcel asked with shock as he glanced at the crystal.

"Well, when I got my first blessing the system gave me the highest degree of the mana blessing for some reason." Xol said as he closed his eyes and scratched his left cheek.

"Wait, you got the highest degree from the start? How much did it improve your Mana sensibility?"

"It gave me an evolvable title that doubled my mana sensibility, though I don't know how much I had from the start so don't know how much it improved." Xol said as he scratched the back of neck with his left hand and unconsciously started scratching the skin next to his fingernail of the right thumb with his index finger.


"I guess we need to measure your mana sensibility once Kingo receives his blessing." Marcel said as he turned around

"Most likely he would do he level 30 dungeon solo with big brother Jun assisting him in the boss fight so his initial blessing would be stronger." Marcel as he lead them back.

"Shouldn´t he just come as we have already cleared this dungeon?" Richer asked with his hand in the back as he advanced leisurely.

"The Pure Mana Hall evaluates the user on various hidden conditions, if you know about the Pure Mana Hall and came looking for it, doing the most work in the dungeon, time taken on finding it, and level difference with the monsters." Marcel explained.

"In this run you all decreased your damage output to help me level up plus he is 5 level above the dungeon range. Even if the lioness raised her rank these two facts would harm immensely the blessing he would get, so until he get his, you must keep quiet about the hall so his would be a higher quality." Marcel said as turned with a stern face, seeing them nod they returned to the cave entrance.


"Kingo from my understanding you haven´t achieved you weapon intent skill right." Jun said once he finished bandaging his mount and ordering to enter the life ring.

"My katanas intent? No, I think I´m close but I haven't achieved that stage yet." Kingo replied surprised at the question.

"Don't take this badly but how exactly did you graduated from the Martial Academy without achieving it, I thought that achieving that skill in your martial weapon was one of the graduation criteria." Jun said as he turned to stretch his back.

"Well the katana intent is different from the sword intent they teach at the Martial Academy; from what I understand the sword technique they teach maximize onto destructive power and strength while the katana technique I used is about swiftness and dexterity with it. I achieved level 30 last year but the academy couldn´t help me achieve that skill for the whole year, feeling that I would just stagnate myself longer if I continued staying in the Martial Academy, they allowed to graduate without it." Kingo replied as he sat in a rock.

"If you have be level 30 for a whole year does that means you current class was the one you got when you classed up in level 10 correct?" Jun asked as he tilted his head.


"Then why haven't you classed up?" Jun asked in confusion.

"I want to get the Kensei class and I need to acquire a katana intent before classing up for level 30 if I hope to get this hidden class. If I manage to achieve the katana intent before turning 16 it should help me greatly in this goal. I feel that if I can further my knowledge of the katanas through blacksmithing, I should be able to achieve. This is the reason I need to get into the Fire and Metal attunement classes as fast I can." Kingo said with a straight face, resolution on his eyes.

"I see, can you tell me more about the class and the criteria for entering it as we wait for the rest to return." Jun said with some curiosity, as a Guild Master knowing about hidden classes was a must to improve his forces.

Both of them continued chatting about the topic and Kingo was surprised Jun´s Stormbringer class was also a hidden class he had worked hard to get, soon they could see Xol´s group returning. Once they regrouped, Marcel lied about not finding anything and all of them proceeded to the starting area and exited the dungeon. Once outside Jun said it was better to divide so Marcel could help Richer collecting the lightning cores while Xol and him helped Kingo collect the metal cores. Entering the "Iron Skinned Tribes", Xol could see an immerse forest with some hills.

Jun stated that he would only help with the boss or if Kingo entered a difficult situation, Xol only helped locating enemies as his level was too low to help. Two hours later Kingo managed to get 3 metal cores and some blacksmith materials after reaching the fourth floor which was the last one in the dungeon. With the monsters he had killed till his point, Jun calculated it was the best moment to advance toward the boss so Kingo could receive his blessing soon after.

[Copper Skinned Orc Warmaster LVL 35(Captain)]

HP: 30,250/50,460

MP: 23,270/30,220]

Kingo was currently engaging the boss monster, Jun had taken care of its minions so he could focus completely in the fight. The Copper Skinned Orc Warmaster was fighting Kingo with a cleaver in the main hall of a war temple of the Copper Skinned Orc tribe. When it tried to slash Kingo he would redirect the slash with one of the katanas, dodging he damage he would take a step and slash with his free katana.

"The extra points he had got till now had played a big role in the fight, normally a elite monster of the same level as one should pose a big problem for the normal adventurers, now fighting solo a captain five levels above one is a big accomplishment. What do you think of the fight Xol?" Jun said glancing a Xol who was beside him watching the fight with enthusiasm.

"I think his technique is what plays a more important role in the fight, when I went solo hunting for what Teacher Izuriel asked, I could kill monster up to four levels above mine if the monster was alone but could barely keep them in check with my skills. I also received more damage fighting them, but he is deflecting almost all damage with his sword technique." Xol said as he watched Kingo connect his Double Slash skill on the boss.

"Don´t misunderstand, I also think his sword technique is excellent but if he hadn´t the extra skill points from his class and bloodline he couldn´t surpass the defense of the boss. If that was the case, no matter if his technique was even better, he would just be going to his death if he continued the fight." Jun commented as he watched again the fight, seeing Kingo deflect another attack.

A few minutes later Kingo managed to kill the orc stabbing its chest making it fall on its back, feeling the fatigue Kingo sat, but soon lied on his back as the fatigue was greater than he anticipated.

Xol and Jun walked toward him and gave him a thumbs up for his fight.

"Did you get closer on achieving the katanas intent skill?" Jun said as he stretched his hand to help Kingo back up.

"Not sure, but this fight did give more insights for achieving it." Kingo said taking Jun hand and standing up.

"I see, well how about we explore what's inside the door he was protecting." Jun said as he pointed toward the big door in the back of the hall.

"Un" Xol and Kingo nodded.

Kingo collect his loot and soon cached up toward the group, opening the door the group could see five altars with a crystal obelisk on top of them, one in each corner of the room with the obelisk being over 2 meters tall and in the center one was a obelisk 5 meters tall with some carvings. The walls were decorated with many pictures of magic spells and some orcs battling the other tribes.

"WOW" Kingo and Xol glanced at the room.

"Hehe, not a bad sight right." Jun said with a smile

"Come let's examine the center obelisk, it should be the most important part seeing its placement in the room." Jun pointed toward the center obelisk and turning his head to see Xol and Kingo behind him.

Placing their hands in the obelisk, Xol and Jun quickly pulled back theirs while signing. Glancing at Kingo they could see he was being examined to receive a blessing.