Xol´s Mana Sensibility

"Well, let's hope he gets a good blessing." Jun said as he walked and sat leaning on one of the four corner altars, his arms in his head looking at the direction of the central altar. "Mana Chains was the skill you got with your first blessing?"

"Yup" Xol replied as he examined the walls of the room.

"Then did your blessing improved in the previous dungeon? Mana Chains is an advanced skill so I guess you´re going to need some time before the blessing can be upgraded again."

"I didn´t, I actually got the highest degree of mana blessing in the academy´s trial." Xol shook his head.

"Wait you got the highest degree on your first time; did you get anything else besides Mana Chains?" Jun said with shock as he pulled himself from his leaning position.

"The evolvable title "Pure Mana Blessed" which double my mana sensibility." Xol replied nonchalantly, as he examined one of the pictures of magic in the room.

"Oh, I wonder if its lead you to a secret and what kind of secret it would be? Also, Xol most of the carvings refers to either earth or metal magic." Jun said as he crossed his arms.

"What do you mean it could lead me to a secret? Isn´t it just going to make it´s skill stronger as it evolves?" Xol asked as he turned tilting his head.

"Yeah you´re not wrong, the things is there are some titles that as they evolve they could be helping you achieving the conditions to enter a hidden trial dungeon to gain an armor, weapon, a special skill, a series of skills, side job or even a hidden class."

"For example, the title you helped us get "Witness of a Storm Dragon birth" stated something like you have witness the birth of Storm Dragon and the phenomena it caused, as you understand how the phenomena´s elements played its part, the skills related with them that one have would improve its damage or effects. Eventually it allowed me to enter the hidden dungeon once I hit level 60. When I exited the dungeon I could class change into my current class.�� Jun explained.

"Then, do you think it could be a clue to a dungeon as you said" Xol eyes were brimming with excitement.

"Nah, it's more likely it would only improve the skill the title currently has." Jun replied with a smirk

"Hey, did you really have to say that?" Xol pouted hearing that.

"Ohhh look, seems like Kingo´s evaluation has finished." Jun said as he saw Kingo pull his hand.

"Don´t change the topic so suddenly!" Xol stomped his foot shaking his head and then glancing at Jun.

"Hehe, just teasing"—Jun stood up with a calm down gesture and looked at Kingo —"Well what you got? Something good?"

"Well I have mixed feelings of what it gave me, it gave me a Mana Blessing that gave me a wind-based mana skill and the wind attunement among other things. I would have preferred one of the attunements I´m interested though." Kingo sighed as he looked at the floor.

"You know normally someone would jump of happiness at the sight of getting an elemental attunement" Jun said with a raised eyebrow

"It's just I have less than seven months to achieve katana intent, so if I had gotten metal it would save me some time in learning it after learning fire." Kingo shrugged

"What´s katana intent?" Xol asked as he walked toward the central altar.

"It's a berserker skill, which would enhance all my katana´s damage for a minute, once time runs out, I would have some penalties for 3 minutes. As I improve my technique with the katanas the time, I can maintain that state could increase or it could decrease the penalty time, it depends on how I train after getting the skill" Kingo explained raising his open right hand.

"How cool. What skill you got and why isn´t it good for achieving it?" Xol said pulling his fist in emotion.

"Whirling Swords Thrust, it's not that´s is bad for achieving it. It's just I currently feel that only by forging katanas I can understand better the katanas and grasp the katana intent. Fire is the best to improve my forging skills currently, that´s why I want learn it first and then metal." Kingo closed his eyes and clasped his hand except for the index finger which he used to point at the roof.

"Okay I understand now." Xol nodded at the explanation.

"Wait, Kingo what's was the skill name again?" Jun raised his hand with a stop gesture and a furrowed look.

"Whirling Swords Thrust." Kingo said tilting his head.

"That's…weird, usually someone would get the most basic spell of the element attunement with that attunement from a Mana Blessing, like Fireball or Water Creation. If you got the wind attunement you should have gotten Wind Gust." Jun said with crossed arms and his head tilted to his right.

"Maybe is because I have a melee class like Samurai that it gave a skill related to swords." Kingo said extended his open hand

"Henley had the melee class Sword Initiated but he got Fireball like big brother Jun said." Xol shook his head.

"Does your Tengu bloodline or the Tengus per say has wind skills?" Jun asked tilting his head toward his head with his eyes closed.

"Un, they have wind, fire and earth skills. Now that you mention it, the system did said my bloodline density was improved and that my extra skill points by the bloodline increased from 5 to 6." Kingo said rubbing his chin with his right hand.

"That´s explains it" Jun face slapped himself.

"Most likely you got Whirling Swords Thrust as your bloodline awakened and improved its density. Can you please tell us everything you got?" Jun sighed and glanced at the floor before lifting his gaze again.

"Oh, well… I also got the Mana Slash skill, 7 INT points, and my mana sensibility improved." Kingo replied as he raised a finger for each reward.

"I see, the blessing gave you a basic Mana skill with some INT and enhancing your mana sensibility and most likely since you got a bloodline it also improved it and the skill was a byproduct of this, not a direct reward from the blessing." Jun took his left hand toward his chin.

"That´s good news for you as Mana slash can be classified as a intermediated Mana skill unlike the Mana Chains Xol got, so it would be easier to improve your bloodline as you enter more Pure Mana Halls in the Academy´s dungeons." Jun said a smile and lowering his hand.

"Then does that mean I could get a fire attunement from my bloodline." Kingo eyes lit up.

"Hold your horses, before you go to every dungeon in the academy to improve it, you should go talk with Teacher Aidan and see what would be better, improving first your bloodline or acquiring normally the fire attunement. You could also get the earth attunement so you should ask him if he has a method to secure that the fire attunement from your bloodline." Jun said raising his left hand in a stop gesture.

"Un, that a good suggestion." Kingo nodded and calmed himself a little.

"Big brother Jun if the crystal can improve Kingo´s bloodline could it improve the bloodline of the lioness we fought?" Xol said raising his hand.

"It could but I' m not really sure, to tell the truth I didn´t know the crystal could improve a bloodline. Currently I can only have one beast tamed with my side job level and rank, but I planned to pass by the Beast Tamer hall in this trip. I was planning on buying some materials that help me advance my rank now that I´m in the imperial capital." Jun nodded his head and crossed his arms.

"With the Sapphire Phoenix now being extinct and the records of its characteristics being so scarce if it could really improve the bloodline" – Jun tilted to his right – "it would be a good opportunity to discover the skills it had." – Jun tilted to the left – "The beast tamer that improved the Blue Fire Winged Lion only managed to improve it slightly if the Pure Mana Halls could improve even more may make it more worthwhile to train instead of taming a higher-level beast. The only thing is that I need to use many items so it can leave the dungeon and I don't have that many." Jun pondered with his arms crossed from side to side.

"Ahh its going to be tricky and I need the school permission so my graduated ring can allow me to enter the school dungeons solo instead of accompanying an enrolled student, plus I can only choose the state of the dungeon once the dormitory wars starts in two weeks. *Sighs. Come on guys lets exit the dungeon and meet the rest." Jun sighed and gestured Xol and Kingo to follow him.

Exiting the dungeon, the group waited for Richter and Marcel to finish their hunt. Once they exited, Marcel guided Xol to the opposite wall from the obelisks, stopping in front of a stone tablet with some crystals embedded, he turned.

"Now Xol, please place the hand which has equipped the school ring equipped in the stone." Marcel said with a icy tone and gestured the wall. Nodding his head, Xol placed his right hand on the table.

The tablet started glowing, once it stopped Xol pulled his hand and saw some information appearing on it.


Age: 12

Level: 10

Current maximum mana: 1700

Mana Sensibility: 10.3


"Phew, I would have felt really angry and cheated if you had a higher sensibility due to your first blessing degree." Marcel said brushing his forehead.

"How much mana sensibility does senior has?" Xol tilted his head.

"Let me check, I want to know ho much it improved after the Level 25 dungeon run." Marcel as he walked forward.