Teasing Jun

Soon Marcel also measured his mana sensibility, Richter and Kingo also measured theirs now that they were there.

Marcel had the highest mana sensibility with 25.1, followed by Richter with 12 and Kingo had 18.1. Once everybody measured their mana sensibility, they glanced at Jun.

"What you also want me to measure my mana sensibility. I don't want to lower your self esteem though." Jun said with a mocking smile.

"You don't have much contributions left in your graduate ring then?" Marcel said looking a Jun who froze a second being found out.

"*Cough*Cough*, I still do have some, but I don't want to use them." Jun said with his closed hand in front of his mouth wanting to cover the point. "Also, I don´t need to measure it, my mana sensibility is 78.2."

"I see. Well I may have lost the sparing tournament but at least my mana sensibility is the highest as it should be, seeing I´m the senior." Marcel nodded.

"Big brother Jun, how does one classify having good or high mana sensibility? According to teacher Izuriel criteria I should have high mana sensibility." Xol asked seeing the results of everyone.

"Well usually someone would have mana sensibility many times lower than his level like Kingo case, we say someone has good mana sensibility when it´s up to 3 points lower than your level, having the same or more would be high, with your 10.3 points you do have high mana sensibility." Jun explained as he raised his hand.

"Mana sensibility doesn´t improve as you level up, one must keep studying and comprehending mana to keep this scale. In the past the academy called those with high mana sensibility as genius if their mana sensibility was a point higher than your level and prodigy if it was three or more. The academy dropped these two terms around 18 years ago, as it tends to get over the student head making them more arrogant, though there are some that still use the term from time to time." Jun shrugged.

"I see." Xol nodded.

"Then I definitely need to improve my mana sensibility to become a disciple of Teacher Aidan." Kingo rubbed his chin with a worried face.

"Hehe, seems I have the advantage in our bet, I need to pass some of his test though. The again I also need to get my fire attunement to tier 1 before I can take another class." Marcel tilted his head.

"How much time are you going to stay in the city big brother Jun?" Marcel glanced at Jun.

"After buying some things today I´ll be heading tomorrow to the beast tamer hall in the Tiger Maws Mountain range. I will there some days taking care of some business, after that I´ll return and stay another day or two in the academy. I may try to tame the Blue Fire Winged Lioness and after that I can recommend you to Teacher Winston." Jun rubbed his chin and then extended his hand.

"I see then do you mind if I accompany you, as a son of a merchant family I can help you in getting the best deals." Marcel punched his chest

"Sure, that be a huge help." Jun nodded

"Do you mind if I invite the dormitory leader and give us some tips for the upcoming dormitory wars in two weeks." Marcel asked with some anxiety.

Jun pondered the question and soon nodded, seeing the nod Marcel exhaled a breath of relief.

"What's your plan guys, want to join?" Marcel asked the group.

"Nah, I want to ask Teacher Aidan his opinion on some things that my mana blessing gave me." Kingo shook his head

"I want to deliver the lightning cores principal Zestari asked me." Richter also shook his head.

"Well I already hear the tips for the dormitory wars from big brother Jun, I think I prefer to keep working on the task Teacher Izuriel asked me." Xol tilted his head and then shook his head.

"I see." Marcel sight fell to the ground.

Richter and Kingo soon headed to their respective classrooms, Jun and Marcel accompanied Xol to the dormitory as Marcel wanted to call the dormitory leader. Marcel soon knocked at the door of room 1 as Jun and Xol waited seated in the stairs to the second floor. Soon Marcel returned with the dormitory leader. The dormitory leader had a light blue mage robe, black eyes, a straight nose, fuzzy black hair and dark skin.

[Ethan Magus LVL 29]

"Xol this is Ethan Jones the dormitory leader."— Marcel glanced at Ethan and gestured Xol –"Ethan, this is Xol he got assigned to my room."

"Good to meet you. If you ever need me for something you can find me in Room 1 or the ice attunement class. If you cannot find me, you can leave me a message below the door addressed to me." Ethan said with a smile as he stretched his hand.

"Good to meet you" Xol shook his hand.

"Now this is big brother Jun, Xol´s guardian and former student in the academy. He agreed to share his wisdom for the dormitory wars as we help him shopping." Marcel gestured Jun.

"Many thanks, I´ll tried to help you as best I can." Ethan bowed slightly with his head to Jun.

"Don't worry, its my way of repaying you guys seeing you are going to take care of Xol from now." Jun nodded with a smile.

Exchanging a few more words Jun´s group departed as Xol went to his room, stopping in front of his room, he glanced toward the departing group.

"Big Brother Jun, thanks!" Xol shouted as he made a farewell gesture with his whole arm.

"This guy." Jun said as he saw Xol and returned the gesture then turned around.

"Good luck finding a present for big sister Maya!" Xol shouted seeing Jun turn around, after that he quickly entered his room. Jun face quickly turned bright red


Xol sighed in relief hearing the shout.

'Hehe, I knew it. You were ashamed of saying something like that aloud." Xol giggled.

Xol went and sat on the desk and started recreating a cube with mana, once the mana wasn't so erratic nor looked as static, he tried making a sphere before moving to other things.

An hour later Richter returned to the room and few hours later Kingo also retuned to the room. Neither of them tried to bother Xol seeing how concentrated he was. A few minutes later Xol finally run out of mana and MP potions. Turning around he saw Richter was reading a book in his bed while Kingo was examining the materials he had gotten in the dungeons.

"Oh, you finished for the day." Richter said as he sat seeing Xol move toward his bed.

"Yeah ran out of mana. What´s your next task?" Xol asked as he sat.

"I already became a student of principal Zestari, seems she saw our battle in the second trial added with Jun recommendation she lowered her tests for entering as a student. I´m just going to be in a 3-week trial while she evaluates my martial skills to guide me once I class change into a Mana Cultivator, when that done I´ll become his disciple officially." Richter replied storing the book the he was reading.

"How did it go with you Kingo?" Richter asked seeing he also finished.

"Well Teacher Aidan said it was a good call I waited before trying to improve more my bloodline, he also say he is interested in my swordplay and recommended me to take the Sword Mana Cultivator class, apart from that I had to endure some tests of him but failed the last one so I had to improve on his feedback before trying to enter the fire class." Kingo shrugged after turning the desk chair.

"So you planning to class into the Sword Mana Cultivator class?" Richter asked.

"Well I don't really mind it, as long as I can master katana intent before I become 16 and class up. If I can manage that then my dream on entering the Kensei class could be achieved at level 100, else if I master katana intent after turning 16 would mean I need to wait until the next class up after 100 level." Kingo glanced at the roof.

"Don't worry if he recommending a class relating to swords then he could help you improve your technique to get that skill." Xol said as he stood up and walked next to Kingo.

"Beside that if you need our help, ask away." Xol extended his fist toward Kingo.

"Hehe, I guess you´re right." Kingo smiled and bumped Xol fist.

"I agree with Xol if you need our help just ask, who knows we could help you reach an enlightenment onto your technique." Richter jumped off his bed then walked toward Kingo and also extended his fist.

"I guess this time I did get some good roommates, thanks guys." Kingo also bumped Richter fist.

"I saw that guy you mentioned Henley taking teacher Aidan class, he also received the same offer for class up, but he flatly rejected it saying he would take the same path of magic swordsmen in his family. Teacher said he could still teach him some fire sword technique if he wants to follow that path, but couldn´t teach all the skills he knew as it required the Mana Sword Cultivator class he offered." Kingo said as he told the whole story.

"He was very adamant on learning right away trying to skip the tests as he wanted to challenge either of you to a ranking battle once the dormitory battle starts." Kingo said after a while.

"I see." Xol nodded.

"What´s this about dormitory wars I keep hearing, I don't remember the staff member explaining something like that." Richter said with a puzzled look.

"Oh, do you remember when the staff member said you could exchange the loot from the dungeons for contributions in the administration office and then use them in exchanging for things inside the academy." Xol said as he raised his index finger.


"Well, one can use the contributions to improve the facilities the dormitory currently has, for example we could use contributions to build a forge for Kingo´s usage." Xol said as he gestured toward Kingo

"Since this is the case many dormitories may challenge each other, betting contributions to improve the dormitory. These challenges emulate the upcoming competition with the martial academy. With that comparison any doubt?" Xol glanced toward Richter who shook his head.

"I have a doubt, in the Martial Academy the dormitory wars started three day from the first day, why does here it take 2 weeks?" Kingo asked.

"I also don���t know big brother Jun told me it started one week after the first official day and don't know why this time it´s two weeks later." Xol shook his head "I think it would be better to ask senior Marcel once he returns."

Having nothing to do the group continued talking about the dormitory wars, the Kensei class and weapon intent. Xol face illuminated once he heard one does not have to have a melee class to acquire those skills and could even acquire a Spear Intent skill. After some more time Marcel returned to the dormitory.

"Hey Xol, I didn't know Jun could put that kind of face once you shouted when we were leaving." Marcel said as he entered with a faint smile.

"Hehe, I have to repay him some of his pranks from time to time." Xol rubbed his nose.

"Well he said you better prepare once he passes by in a week." Marcel laughed as he climbed onto his bunk bed.

"Also, I´m curious who is the person you called big sister Maya?" Marcel peaked from his bunk bed.

"She is was my best customer in Caveshore city, she the strongest adventurer in the city and is currently preparing to undergo the level 100 class up." Xol smiled with a proud face knowing such a person.

"Oh, and what is her relationship with big brother Jun" Richter asked as he returned to his bed.

"None, though he is trying to get closer to her." Xol shook his head and also wen to his bed.

"Then does he have a chance with her?" Kingo asked.

"Not sure, I want to believe he has but it depends on if big sister like him." Xol replied.

"Well let's wish him good luck then." Marcel nodded and went to bed.

"Marcel why does the dormitory wars starts two week later in here?" Kingo asked his doubt.

"Well, teacher Izuriel activates a formation after his first public lecture that takes care of most of the things related to dormitory wars and ranking battles, until then no one can activate it. We use this time to prepare and big brother Jun gave us some nice tips. There is going to be a war council after his public lecture where we will decide who are going to engage in farming, battling solo and competing in teams, in that council it´s going to explain the difference we have compared to the Martial Academy." Marcel said as he leaned his head on his right-hand glancing at Kingo.