Meeting Asteria Again

Xol continued working in his task of recreating the dormitory. He would also spar from time to time with Richter or Kingo depending on who was in the dormitory while waiting for the public lecture. Jun passed by as he had said and recommend Marcel as he had finished his fire attunement, he also paid back Xol for embarrassing him, shouting his hidden agenda.

The day before the lecture Xol went to bed early since he wanted to wake early and look for a good seat. The next day he took a shower to wake himself up and went to the hall where public lectures took place.

'Seems I was quite early as there seems no one is here. Let´s take a seat in the front row' Xol thought as he entered the hall.

As he walked to the front rows, he could see there was actually someone first than him seated in the middle of the front row.

[Asteria Mana Cultivator LVL 12]

"Oh Asteria, you also came early for teacher Izuriel's public lecture." Xol called a few meters before taking the right seat beside her.

Glancing to the side Asteria was a little shocked seeing Xol and tensed a little remembering the story Jun told her mom.

"Un, I don't wan to miss the first lecture of my uncle" Asteria slightly nodded looking at the stage.

"Wait, uncle?! Then doesn´t that mean you´re principal Zestari´s daughter?" Xol glanced shocked to his left.

"Un." Asteria nodded.

"I see, Richter only said you were in the same class but didn´t said you were the principal´s daughter." Xol commented.


'Weird she seems so different from the girl that jumped in celebration when we beat the senior in the second trial. I try to make her laugh else I just focus recreating the dormitory.' Xol though seeing Asteria reactions.

"Is it true you always wipe the floor with Richter when you spar." Xol commented as he crossed his arms and leaned on the chair.

"Un" Asteria nodded.

"Isn´t it more efficient using a broom instead of using him to wipe the floor" Xol said as looked to the roof.

Glancing to his left he saw his plan worked as Asteria burst out laughing.

"Phew, you do know its form of speech meaning that I beat him in our spars, right?" Asteria said as she cleaned a tear from laughing.

"I know, but you seemed a little tense, so I wanted to try making you laugh and see if you relaxed a bit." Xol nodded with a smile.

"I admit I wasn´t expecting such a dumb joke, but thanks." Asteria smiled.

"Hey that was the best I could think considering the conversation." Xol interjected as he stopped leaning on his arms.

"How is teacher Izuriel like? Is he really level 200?" Xol asked seeing Asteria relaxed.

"Well, my mom told me uncle has being unable to take level 200 class up for the last 30 years due to some injuries he got in a battle and 20 years ago he got even more injuries in incident on the school making harder for him to class up." Asteria crossed her arms. She then uncrossed them placed he over legs as he glanced at Xol.

"As my uncle he´s very caring with me and would tell me really interesting stories or take to see some amazing places with his space magic. As a teacher he is really strict, but I heard he used to be a little laxer in the past until that incident. Lastly, he can be a little shameless from time to time when dealing with people, especially with the teacher of the fire attunement class, Aidan with which he has a rivalry on who is better teacher." Asteria said as she smiled with bright smile talking about her uncle.

"Oh, what stories did he tell you? Where their stories of his adventuring days?" Xol said as he got excited over what stories he would tell.

"He would tell me of his travels as bedtime stories from time to time as I grew up. He also would tell me some of his pranks to teacher Aidan. One time he told teacher Aidan made him really angry so he made a special ink that would take a day before it could be erased, when he saw Aidan and started their usual tongue lashing. He stopped time around them, painted his left hand in the ink and slap him, he then wrote in his forehead 'I made the best teacher in the academy, teacher Izuriel mad. Don't ask!'." Asteria giggled thinking about how the scene went.

"When teacher Aidan entered his office and discovered what my uncle did, he got so angry he made a pillar of flame that rose to the sky. My uncle couldn´t stop laughing when he saw the pillar, eventually teacher Aidan came looking for him to make him erase it, but my uncle refused. Eventually as they quarreled my mom found out what happened and punished both. Also, when my mom discovered that my uncle was telling me these kinds of stories, she got angry at him and told him to stop and then told me I mustn't do those kinds of things. My uncle still tells me those stories from time to time." Asteria puffed her cheek in happiness of those funny stories, then she froze and quickly glanced at Xol.

"Don't tell my mom he still tells me those stories." Asteria said with a panicked expression

"Deal, but you must tell me some of the stories of his adventuring time." Xol nodded at her.

Hearing Xol would keep the secret Asteria exhaled a big breath and soon started telling him the stories. Xol eyes brightened hearing those stories, it was the first time he heard stories of high-leveled dungeons a level 200 person had visited. Xol also told Asteria he wanted to join teacher Izuriel class and show his progress in the task Izuriel had asked him. Currently he could make the basic shape of the dormitory but was having trouble doing the stairs and the second-floor railing nor had he added windows or doors.