Dormitory´s War Council

Xol returned to his dormitory to correct the points Izuriel had commented, having scanned again the dormitory, he entered his room and worked on the changes. An hour or so after he arrived Marcel came in and informed him that in another hour there would be the war council in the dormitory patio.

"Isn´t it dangerous to have it out in the open?" Xol asked with a perplexed face.

"Normally yes, even if each dormitory has a kilometer of free space for our use during our stay in the academy, there has being times some students would snoop in the area close to the dormitory to gain intel on rival dormitories but Jun gave us a good measure against this." Marcel nodded at Xol concern.

"He recommended us to get a silent illusion formation installed in the patio, so all he dormitory could have good knowledge of the strategy we would be taking and only those inside the formation would hear our plans." Marcel said an he walked toward the sofa.

"Oh." Xol clapped his right hand clasped with the other hand opened understanding the idea.

Some minutes later Richter arrived and was also briefed, Kingo arrived almost as the group was going to the patio and was briefed on the way. Entering the formation there were various groups and Xol could see Ethan in the front. Waiting some minutes finally everybody arrived.

"For now, let's start our first war council, as some of you may have already heard last year, we pissed some of the central sector dormitories making them to start suppressing causing our ranking to fall. From being in the 7th position we have fell to the 22nd position from the 36 dormitories, we also lost many facilities and formations." Ethan started the war council, there were some unrest in the crowd knowing they already had some enmity with other dormitories.

"Currently I´ve been discussing how to stop our decline with various of the seniors and decided to add a new type of role. As you know we have farming, solo battler and competing in teams as roles. Farming refers to gaining contributions through selling loot from the dungeons, solo battler refers to focusing solely in ranking battles betting contributions on them and lastly teams competing is based around a six man squad similar to the competition with the Martial academy."

"This new role is crafter, we would like to nurture alchemist that can make the potions we would need, tailor for repairing and making mage armor, and blacksmith that can make staves and repair them. Farmers would also require taking one these side jobs so we can help them improve in their side jobs lessening the cost for them to buy materials and boosting the amount of contributions from the extra drops." Ethan announced his plan to improving the dormitory situation.

"For the next month or two we would abstain from entering a direct duel with other dormitory, this would likely damage our ranking and affect the stats from our rings. New students please bear with us until you official participate in one of these duels your ring would not have the achievement of the dormitory rank but in the long run it would be better. I'll try to see if we can get a good opponent that isn't easily moved by the central dormitories to help you get the extra stats without harming the overall strength of the seniors. Now those that already has one of the side jobs please come forth, we would do our best to help you, those that wish to take this role also come forth." Ethan gestured all the person in front of him.

Kingo soon advance with other five persons that already had a side job. From the group only Kingo was a blacksmith. Others also advanced and stated they would like to be take some side job. In the end there were eight persons interested in blacksmith making Kingo the de facto leader of this group. The tailor group had 22 members while the alchemist had 57 members. Ethan was greatly bewildered by the numbers feeling they were losing too much manpower in the other fronts but couldn´t back off.

"Is it alright if I wish to be a solo battler and alchemist?�� Richter asked as he came closer but stopped in the ledge of the group that hadn't a specific role

"Un is all right, it would be beneficial for all crafter to also undertake in the other tasks, so they are ready for the competition. Though is up to the person I would recommend you focus around 60-70% to improving your craft and the other to other roles." Ethan nodded at the question, feeling relieved hoping the other crafters also take Richter as a role.

"The ones that wish to undertake the solo battler role gather around Richter." Ethan said nonchalantly, Richer was surprised for the comment and could feel some animosity from other seniors. The group totaled 33 members.

"Gladius, you would be the one in charge of this group." Ethan soon added seeing the situation, he didn't expect some persons to misinterpret his comment thinking Richter would be the leader. Hearing the comment, the animosity ceased but Richer still took note of it. The group positioned right beside the blacksmith group, making it so there were four groups to the right of Ethan. The student that still wasn´t assigned to a group moved a little giving more space.

"Now then I´ll announce the team leaders for the groups, as you hear your name please come forth, Emilia Braveheart, … Xol." Ethan finished and glanced at the group that their role was still undefined.

The seniors were surprised hearing a new name, most of the party leaders had some achievements in the previous competition and there were some seniors angry at this, feeling the dormitory leader was undermining them. This seniors soon scanned the group and soon found Xol, seeing his level and the fact he hadn´t joined a class, as he still normal clothes instead of one of the academy robe for each class nor he had noble clothe, the senior started glaring at him.

"Uhm, dormitory leader though I do like being party leader and instructing in the battle, I prefer being a farmer for the dormitory wars." Xol said scratching his cheek.

"I see, I had received a recommendation and thought you would be interested in leading a team, my mistake. Then instead of Xol how about Micah von Friburg?" Ethan rubbed his chin and the raised his hand as he suggested. Hearing the new party leader, the senior nodded, some smirking at Xol before turning to look at the front. Soon the party leaders came forth in front of Ethan. They each explained their strategies and skillset so other could take note of it before joining their team.

"Now then, we need 30 persons to make each of the six teams, as you know team competition are the one that gain the most in contributions so please come forth if the number surpass this number, the team leaders would have the final say on who joins the teams, the rest would be farmers." Ethan said as he gestured the group. 40 students came forth leaving only 38 persons apart from Ethan as farmers.

"I would like 3 persons to lead the farmers, one for every crafter side job, once you decide who would this person please come here. Each of the crafters please decide also onto a leader and inform what would you be needing so we make haste in building suitable workshops for all of you." Ethan announced. Soon all the team leader got acknowledged and informed Ethan. Ethan made some arrangements for the farmers and the crafters to contact each other regularly on what they need.

Kingo debated intensely with all of them on the importance of blacksmith and in the end, he managed them to give them priority saying that they could improve the stats of the dropped armor from the dungeons. With this in mind, the dormitory could save on contributions as they get some decent materials and equipment for the tailors.

Ethan soon announced on what the dormitory would be focusing and why they start like this, he made some other announcement about how to contact each other. He then gave time to each leader to interact with their members. Taking care of this the war council was adjourned until the last day of the next month.

"Xol you should have taken the team leader position instead of chickening out due the glares." Richter burst once all of them entered the dormitory room.

"Come on man, give him some slack, even I was tense from the glares the were sending." Marcel said as he climbed onto his bunk bed.

"A man shouldn´t chicken out nor give leeway under that kind of pressure." Richter replied angrily as he sat on his bunk bed glancing toward Marcel Bunk bed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Xol tilted his head standing next to the bunk beds.

"About you picking farmer due the glares the were sending you." Richter said pointing at Xol.

"Were they glaring at me?" Xol glanced at Kingo who also was hadn't climbed onto his bunk bed.

"Un." Kingo nodded.

"Wait you dint notice it?!" Richter sand Marcel said.

"Un, I wanted to be a farmer from the start for the dormitory wars. I didn´t feel any glares so I didn't understand what you were telling." Xol replied.

"Are you real? I seriously felt anxious from the glares." Marcel said. Xol just awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head hearing the comment.

"I see, then I owe you an apology for acting like that. I jumped at a wrong conclusion thinking you said it due the glares and the smirks the seniors made after you said you wanted to be a farmer." Richter said as he clasped his hand asking forgiveness.

"It all right." Xol said as he sat.

"Then what side job you´re planning to take been in the farmer role?" Kingo said as he climbed onto his bunk bed.

"Not sure, I seriously didn't expect they would ask me to take a side job to improve the loot drop rate. They told me to pick either alchemist or blacksmith, as there to are many persons wanting the tailor side job in the farmer group and they felt we need more people to cover the other groups, they are trying to find a consensus on the ratio but tailor should already be covered. There are five like me still thinking or side jobs and they said we had until the last day of this month to report this or they assign us one." Xol said crossing his arms pondering what side job to take.

"Couldn't you take both as you in the farmer group?" Marcel said extending his hand.

"The drop rate in materials for the side job is affected from your level in it. So, focusing in one would be better in the long run." Kingo interjected.

"Un, they also told me that, apparently the only real difference between farmer and crafter is how much time you will be spending on the side job, and they explained I would have to improve in it even if I was a farmer." Xol nodded.

"Well, take your time and choose want you want, either choice could help me or Richter and we even could help you improve." Kingo nodded.

"That right, if we can help you from time to time you could focus more on farming." Richter nodded as he leaned onto his bed.

The group chatted a bit before sleeping, soon a week passed by in which Xol pondered his decision from time to time. In this week time he has added all the detail to his recreation as Izuriel had said and even added the blacksmith workshop they had built, paying the contributions for the building and facilities.