Xol New Tasks

Waking up the next morning, Xol recreated the dormitory to make sure all was right, having made sure, he prepared to go to Izuriel office.

"Oh, Xol going to Izuriel office?" Richter said seeing Xol heading out.

"Un, you finished your workout?" Xol asked as he put his shoes.

"Nah, teacher told me to relax starting from yesterday, as I need to be fully rested for my class up." Richter shook his head "Let me accompany you in part of the trip."

Soon both exited the dormitory and headed for the classrooms.

"So, have you already decided on your side job, if not, why not choose alchemist?" Richter said after walking a little from the dormitory.

'There it is, I knew he would ask.' Xol bummed hearing the question, both Kingo and Richter had been pestering him to pick either side job for the last week. Though both said for him to take his time, as the week advanced both of had tried to win him to their camp.

"I still haven't decided." Xol replied.

"Come on, alchemist it��s pretty good side job, not only can you make healing potion you can also make pills that help you…" Richter started numerating all the plus of the side job.

'Here we go again. I wonder how Richter is so knowledgeable about the side job considering he started 3 days ago. I never heard half of the pills he is naming as I worked in Caveshore city.' Xol thought as he advanced hearing part of Richter explanation.

"… you could also make medical baths to improve your constitution… I mean it would give you some DEF, STR or AGI points." Richter said as they arrived near the classroom area with an awkward smile. 'Arg, I did it again I messed the explanation and used terms from my old life.'

"How are you so knowledgeable about the pills? You only become an alchemist recently." Xol decide to ask.

"Ah that, it just some thing I picked reading from time to time about the side job." Richter lied glancing to the side.

"Un, I understand alchemy can be really good, but I still would think it some more. I will now head to Izuriel office." Xol replied as he left.

"Come on Xol just pick alchemy!" Richter shouted seeing Xol running away.

'Well, at least we didn't encounter Henley or other person that could piss him off' Richter thought as he went toward the principal office.

Soon Xol entered Izuriel classroom and let a big breath of air.

"I wish they both would stop with the pressure." Xol said as he walked toward the office.

*Knock, Knock

"You may enter." Izuriel voice sounded from inside.

"Good morning Izuriel teacher." Xol said as he entered and closed the door.

"Good morning. I assume you finished making the adjustment I told you?" Izuriel said as he stretched and stood up.

"Un, here is the recreation of my dormitory." Xol said as he recreated the dormitory.

"I see, you did improve them as I said, but what is this building? Last week your recreation didn't have it." Izuriel nodded at Xol improvements pointing at the blacksmith workshop.

"That the blacksmith workshop of our dormitory. Our dormitory build it recently and as I got onto the roof to see the tiles I got a good glimpse of it and add it. Did I didn't need to add it." Xol asked with some fear in his tone.

"No, it's all right, I did say all your dormitory but didn't expect a building would be built during the week." Izuriel gestured to Xol to relax.

"Now then "– Izuriel walked toward his desk and took a sheet from a drawer –" this is the list of all the things I need you to do in order for me to accept you as my disciple." Izuriel handed the sheet to Xol.

Xol was shocked to say the least, the sheet of paper was written by both side requesting large amounts of monsters drops from the level 10 and level 15 dungeons, some even were written as boss drops which would be a hassle.

"For the dungeons you need to enter solo, I already set them up to notify me if you enter in a group. If you enter with someone you are no longer permitted to continue trying to become my disciple, also until this is done you can't enter any other dungeons." Izuriel said with a stern face.

"Wait, I can´t enter in a party, nor enter the dungeon of level 20 and above even?!" Xol glanced at Izuriel with a fright.

"Un, I also need for you to recreate the whole school, become a painter and accessory tinkerer for side jobs. On the back of the sheet you would see what levels you would require and other related task." Izuriel said as he returned and sat in his desktop.

Hearing this Xol frowned and started reading all the sheet, there were 4 section: drops from the dungeon, specific drops that need to be deliver monthly, side jobs related, other.

"What a spatial ring?" Xol asked with a furrowed brown reading it in the other section.

"It's a ring that before the system came to be, acted the same as the inventory. After the system came to be the rings changed, once you bound them to you can increase your inventory space above the 30-slot limit one has." Izuriel explained as he showed Xol the ring in his index finger.

"It also allows to access quicker the inventory, though if their stolen the items above the 30 slots are also stolen." Izuriel said as a pen appeared in his hand. "You can buy one with contributions and as it's a magic item related to space; you will need one if you become my disciple."

"Un, thank you for the explanation. Do I get contributions as I hand in the drops?" Xol said as lowered the sheet of paper and glanced at Izuriel.

"None, I can give some if you find something interesting but apart from it, go to the administration office." Izuriel said as he glanced at Xol.

'If he doesn't give contributions even buying from the dining hall is hard enough, making harder to be farmer for the dormitory. I don't really like the other roles, so I need to find some ways to make extra contributions or I have to ask for a role change.' Xol thought as he walked through the office.

"Teacher Izuriel , how many side jobs can one have?" Xol asked after some time.

'Interesting' Izuriel was surprised at the question. "There isn't a limit on it though the more you have the more difficult it becomes to improve on them due how much time one would need to invest in each to level up."

"What side job can one learn inside the academy?" Xol asked with enthusiasm hearing there was no limit.

"I can teach about painting, accessory tinkering and formations; you need space attunement for the dungeon creator so you can´t learn it until you became my disciple. Teacher Dylan can teach tea making, wait do you know the names of every teacher?" Izuriel glanced at Xol.

"Apart from teacher Izuriel´s, I know the principal is named Zestari and is charge of lightning attunement and teacher Aidan is in charge of fire, apart from these none." Xol replied sheepishly.

"I see, I would just say their attunement, if you interested in a side job you can introduce yourself as you meet them." Izuriel nodded remembering Xol was a new student.

"The water attunement teacher is a tea maker so he can teach you about it, nature and earth teachers are botanist, metal and earth are appraisers, the ice teacher is a massage therapist, my sister plus the shadow and light teachers are physicians, my sister is also an alchemist, the shadow teacher is a dancer and lastly the wind teacher is a musician." Izuriel said.

"In the school staff there also persons that have side jobs like appraisers and tailoring, same with student but as I´m not acquainted with them not know how many side jobs they could teach you or who know them." Izuriel said as he shrugged.

"I see many thanks. Where could I learn more about the side jobs, I identified some but I´m not sure about the rest." Xol smiled

"Well, you could meet each teacher and ask them about the side job, but I think it would be faster reading on the school library or go to the library outside. If you go outside you could find also the blacksmith guild and other similar guilds for some side jobs." Izuriel answered

"I see many thanks. See you in a month to hand the first monthly task." Xol said as he turned around.

"You can come the last day of the next month, also don't forget you need to maintain a top ten position in your generation." Izuriel said as he ook some papers in his desk.

Hearing the comment Xol finally felt as puking blood.

'I´ll give him a month before he gives ups, though I should give him some credit as he didn't ask about ways to improve faster after I told him having various side jobs become harder due the time they need. Then two months, I don't believe he can endure the whole year.' Izuriel thought glancing at the closed door.

As Xol exited the classroom he clapped his cheeks and a strong resolution could be seen in his eyes that would make Izuriel change his opinion.